Chapter 256 0256 Suppression of Baiqi (Second More)

"What, is there no one in the Heavenly Court? Why are you yellow-haired children sent here to die?"

When I saw the people coming, apart from those celestial soldiers and generals who were not useful, the leaders were actually a few yellow-haired children. Yang Jian was okay, he looked more mature, and Tu Xingsun and Nezha looked like two children. , it's no wonder those soldiers of Daqin couldn't see it.

It was not Bai Qi who called out, but a fierce general under his command.

At the beginning, Bai Qi was a little angry when he saw that it was only Yang Jian and his ilk who came here. He felt that Tianting didn't take himself seriously, and only sent these shrimp soldiers and crabs to fool him in the future, but did not stop the provocation of his soldiers.

But then he seemed to think of something, and when he saw that fierce general was about to continue speaking, Bai Qi raised his arm, stopped his next words, and said: "If you guessed correctly, you are the legendary master of conferring the gods." Yang Jian, Nezha, and Tu Xingsun, the vanguard in the battle, right?"

"It's just that I remember that you were working under Cangtian, but when did you come to Heaven to work for Haotian?"

After a pause, Bai Qi asked with a little doubt.

A man with the appearance of a military adviser stood up, bowed to Bai Qi and said, "Return to the general, but I can guess a thing or two about this matter."

"Oh? Say it!"

"It is rumored that Yang Jian's mother is Haotian's younger sister. Although Haotian and his family have some filth, they are still a family after all..."

Bai Qi didn't expect Yang Jian to answer him. After hearing the answer he wanted, Bai Qi waved his hand and nodded to express his understanding.Regarding the twists and turns, Bai Qi was not interested in listening. After getting his own news, he opened his mouth and said: "You go, I think that most of you and others are only Taiyi cultivation bases, and the strongest Yang Jian is only a newcomer to Daluo. I miss you." I won't care about it when it's not easy to practice and leave quickly. If not, then Gou Chen will be a role model for you!"

But Yang Jian shook his head and said:
"I have long wanted to learn General Bai Qi's clever moves, but now I can't return without success? If you and I fight for three hundred rounds, let's see if you can kill immortals and gods, or my three-headed dragon (three-pointed and two-headed dragon) Bladed knife) is more powerful!"

"Okay, but there are a lot of people in Xianyang City, it is not suitable to fight here, you and I will fight to the death thousands of miles away"

Said that Bai Qi turned into a stream of light and left, Yang Jian transformed into a Kunpeng, spreading his wings and flying high. Although the start was a bit slower, Bai Qi's speed was more than one or two points faster.

The two left, but Tu Xingsun, who was originally in the cloud, fell to the ground under Nezha's gesture, and disappeared as soon as he touched the ground, especially as he was holding a scroll of landscape paintings in his hand.

It was the map of the mountains and rivers, and before coming here, Yang Jian had discussed with everyone that he would take two steps. If he could not win and capture him back to heaven, he would ask Tu Xingsun to set a trap with the map of the mountains and rivers, and Yang Jian would take it with him. It stepped into this trap.

Tu Xingsun's departure did not attract the attention of all the generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, and everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them.

Yang Jian and Na Bai Qi went to the place where Bai Qi fought Na Gou Chen last time, and Yang Jian immediately sensed the killing intent in the air like ice.

The two stood each for a while, Bai Qi took the lead in an instant, but the long sword in his hand seemed to come alive, attacking Yang Jian amidst the endless afterimages.

"Okay!" Yang Jian yelled, and his figure suddenly retreated a few feet, leaving the range of Bai Qi's attack.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of the name of God of Killing, but remember that you used a dagger to kill Emperor Gouchen, why? Look down on me now?"

"If you are strong enough, you will have a chance to see it"

Bai Qi licked his dry lips, muttering to himself as if missing a certain taste.

The figure attacking Yang Jian was more fierce than before, and his moves were fatal.

But Yang Jian is not Gou Chen. Even if Yang Jian has just entered the realm of Da Luo, after the battle of Conferred God, he has experienced hundreds of battles, and has a strong sense of fighting. Yang Jian feels that he can fight even the peak of Da Luo.

Coupled with the assistance of the sky eye on his forehead, Yang Jian's combat effectiveness has been improved to a higher level.

Seemingly resisting Bai Qi's continuous attacks in a panic, the fact is that he is able to do a job with ease.

The aftermath of the battle directly razed dozens of miles to the ground. If there was a battle in Xianyang City, the city would be slaughtered in minutes.

The prehistoric Da Neng, who watched the two fight, now pays more attention to the two.

Although Yang Jian is not a quasi-sage, but with his combat power alone, even ordinary quasi-sages cannot take down Yang Jian for a while.

That Bai Qi who fought with Yang Jian evenly was even more extraordinary. From the looks of everyone, this Bai Qi possessed a supernatural power in space.

If they don't fight, but just dodge and escape, it is estimated that the average quasi-sage powerhouse can only stare blankly.

"I don't know if I'm strong enough? Can you use that dagger trick?"

Yang Jian smiled lightly.

Obviously very confident in himself.

"Really? I'm afraid you won't be able to stop it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the long sword in Bai Qi's hand disappeared, and at some point in his right hand he was holding a dagger as black as ink.

Although Yang Jian sensed a threat above the dagger, he didn't feel fatal.

But after a while, Bai Qi teleported behind Yang Jian, Yang Jian suddenly felt bad, the whole tall voice turned into a bee, buzzing out of the range of the attack.

After all, the area of ​​personal attack is relatively large, and only by transforming into these small things can one dodge the attack by surprise.

The way of change is wonderful, the moment he turned into a bee and attacked in vain, Yang Jian obviously felt that his own time seemed to be infinitely stagnated by the magic power of this dagger.

The dagger narrowly passed Yang Jian's side, and in just a split second, Yang Jian escaped from the killing blow.Flying into the air, it turned into a three-legged Golden Crow, which turned into a rainbow and flew away.

Bai Qi couldn't help being surprised when he saw that Yang Jian had escaped his killing blow. You must know that since he got this dagger, every locked person could not escape the fate of being killed.

But Yang Jian broke this fate, how could Bai Qi let Yang Jian leave alive.

When the secret is not a secret, then it will become the object of research by everyone, and no matter how strong the dagger is, it will not help.

After all, there are so many immortals and gods in the prehistoric world, which one does not have one or two exclusive secret techniques, and who knows if there will be a secret technique to restrain this dagger.

The two chased after each other, and after a while, they came to a mountain peak.Seeing that the mountain is full of spiritual fruits and peaches, countless monkeys are playing in the peach forest, and they are really happy.

However, the moment the golden crow transformed by Yang Jian fell on the mountain peak, it turned into a spirit monkey and mixed into the group of monkeys.

Seeing this, Bai Qi couldn't help but smile, it's ridiculous to think of avoiding his own pursuit in this way.

The moment the dagger locks onto the opponent, the opponent will be marked with a hidden kill mark by the dagger.

Except for the person holding the dagger who can sense it, it is almost difficult for others to sense it.

Even if Yang Jian hid among the monkeys, Bai Qi found Yang Jian's real body at the first time.

As soon as Bai Qi fell into the peach forest, before he got close to Yang Jian, he found Yang Jian soaring into the sky. Before he could react, he lost his sense of Yang Jian. It seemed that Yang Jian was dead, or he was too far away from this world ..., suddenly I couldn't help being surprised.

Bai Qi doesn't think that Yang Jian just died without warning——

Then there is only one option that is not in this world.

After Yang Jian soared into the sky and left this world, the surrounding world trembled, and a picture scroll seemed to be peeled off from the space, and the young general dressed in white on the unnamed mountain peak on it was not who Bai Qi would be——

Yang Jian laughed, and summoned Tu Xingsun, who was standing by the side, and said, "This Bai Qi is really well-deserved of his reputation, we've done this, it's time to return to heaven—"

But at this moment, a magic talisman fell in front of Yang Jian——

(End of this chapter)

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