Chapter 257 0257 The appointment of immortals? (first update)
Yang Jian searched for the magic talisman with his spiritual sense, but it was a message from Nuwa, asking him to go to Zhao State to suppress the mass grave with the map of Shanhe Sheji.

These mass graves are exactly the deep pits where Bai Qi killed Zhao Jun and buried countless Zhao Jun soldiers.

Although it was buried, Zhao Jun was full of resentment, and even the souls of the soldiers turned into military souls under this resentment.By the way, this military soul is a category of ghosts. As the name suggests, military souls are a kind of soul body formed after the death of soldiers in the army. Even after death, they still maintain the discipline of the army before they were alive. They exist in groups, rarely alone.Because of its huge number and its more persistent characteristics than ordinary ghosts, generally speaking, military spirits are more difficult to convert.

These countless army souls, even in the underworld, are a huge force, and even the ghosts of the nether world have to stay away from their warning range, otherwise they will be endlessly chased and killed by the army souls.

And in the battle of Changping, if the army souls generated by the Zhao army that were killed were not suppressed or cured, the land tens of thousands of miles above Changping would almost be reduced to a ghost land. It is even more difficult for the people to escape, which is why Nuwa asked Yang Jian to take the map of the mountains and rivers to suppress it.

Anyway, occupying the title of the Holy Mother of the Human Race, she can't do nothing, even if the Human Race doesn't say anything, Nuwa herself feels uncomfortable.

When he came to Changping, Yang Jian frowned.

Although he had heard about the tragic battle of Changping as early as in Tianting, and Bai Qikeng killed countless Zhao soldiers, but it was only when he arrived at the scene that he understood what is tragic.

There is a bare piece of land above, and the original yellow land has become a little reddish black, which is the color left after blood coagulates.

Through the eyes of the sky, Yang Jian could see the pile of corpses underneath and the army souls infected by the strong resentment.

It is densely packed, looking at the black and dense one, it is daunting.

'No wonder Empress Nuwa just asked for suppression, instead of allowing herself to be saved by others. ' Yang Jian thought in his heart.

There are so many army souls, it is not possible for ordinary people to save them. Even Nuwa, it is very easy to destroy them, but if they want to save them, it is not much easier than that of the Asura clan who received and guided the guide.

"I think Empress Nuwa wants to use time to wash away the power of these army souls, and wait until the time is right before doing anything else." 'Yang Jian felt that even if Nuwa's thoughts were not like this, it was not much different.

Facing the direction of the original mass grave, Yang Jian clasped his hands together, and after saying the sound of immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, he respectfully took out the most precious treasure bestowed by the Nuwa Empress—the Map of Mountains and Rivers Sheji from the space.

Throwing it over the mass grave, I saw the Shanhe Sheji map rising in the wind, there was no need for Yang Jian to do anything, Nuwa's distraction in the Shanhe Sheji map naturally took over everything in the Shanhe Sheji map.

The treasure is worthy of being a treasure, and the picture scroll seems to cover the entire sky, which makes Yang Jian quickly fly away from the coverage area with Nezha and others.

After the entire mass grave and the surrounding battlefields were covered by the Shanhe Sheji map, the Shanhe Sheji map was slowly but firmly falling down.

After a while, it disappeared into the ground under the attention of everyone.

The Changping battlefield, which was originally full of resentment and barren of grass, seemed to be a little bit alive because of the suppression of the army spirit in this mass grave.

Seeing this, Yang Jian knew that the suppression of Changping's army soul had come to an end, and immediately bowed in the direction of Nawa Palace, put away the three-pointed two-edged sword, and returned to the place surrounded by heavenly soldiers and generals together with Nezha and others. over the city of Xianyang.

Yang Jian appeared again, but Ying Zheng didn't know that Bai Qi was already game over.

But looking at the twelve bronze men, they only gathered a small number of ancestral shaman spirits, which was not enough to revive the ancestral shaman at all.

At this moment, the Heavenly Court's army is approaching the city, and there is little hope if they want to use the Twelve Ancestral Witches to summon Pangu's real body.

Even the strength of these twelve bronze men is no more than the quasi-sage realm at most, and has not reached the saint realm at all.

It's okay to deal with Yang Jian, Nezha and others, but if Haotian takes action himself, Daqin has no hope at all.

Standing in the sky above Xianyang City, Yang Jian faintly sensed a hidden force in Xianyang City, and even Yang Jian felt that even his current Da Luo Jinxian level power was faintly threatened, and if he really wanted to explode, he and Nezha and others Can escape, but the heavenly soldiers and generals brought by him are almost impossible to escape alone.

Yang Jian gestured to the Giant Spirit God, and saw the Giant Spirit God stepping forward, and said loudly: "The Battle of Changping, Bai Qi was very murderous, and his demonic nature was already deep. Now the first sufferer is Bai Qi, but he has already been put to death. However, the heaven and the earth are benevolent, in order to avoid the recurrence of the disaster, I want to sign a covenant with the co-lord of the human race, where is the co-lord?"

The mighty voice of the giant spirit god spread throughout Xianyang City.

The secret decree about Haotian in his hand is posted in the sky, with countless golden Taoist texts, so that people can know the meaning when they see it.

But all the human races who saw this secret decree showed anger.

What kind of covenant is this? It is simply a covenant of surrender that humiliates the country. As long as it is signed, the human race will never be able to shake the position of Haotian, and the human race will always be lower than that of the fairy world.

At that time, the strong people of the human race will not remember the strength of the human race, they will only know about Ascension to Heaven and Ascension to Immortal Realm.

This is simply to curb the development of the human race at the source.

Although the sages of the human race in Huoyun Cave were angry, after another thought, this Yingzheng was a pawn placed by the Wu Clan on the Human Race, and absorbed a lot of luck from the Human Race. When both sides were hurt, I was doing the oriole in Huoyun Cave, and I didn't need a single soldier to warn the Heavenly Court, and even cleared the inside of the human race, wouldn't it be happy.

Before the battle of Baiqi Changping slaughtered so many human races, the ancestors of all the races were not allowed to do so under the warning of the empress Youming Pingxin. With so many dead sons of the human race, everyone's heart had already begun to bleed. In a dead end, everyone will never be soft.

Therefore, even regarding Nether, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors who suppressed in Huoyun Cave inevitably kept a small book in their hearts.

In the future, there will be a series of rumors about human and ghost legends. Every time there is a problem with the book of life and death in the underworld, it is more or less related to this incident.

These are all later stories.

But Ying Zheng walked out of Xianyang Palace with a pale face.

If you ignore the huge momentum behind him, this Yingzheng looks like a [-]-year-old (not writing a history book! Please take the initiative to ignore the time relationship in history, thank you)

"What kind of covenant between immortals and mortals, it's just bullshit. My human race should stand upright and enjoy the world." Although Yingzheng is the reincarnation of the thirteen ancestor witches, he has the blood of human witches and is even more powerful.But at this time, it is impossible to sell the human race easily, otherwise Haotian will not be facing only one person, but many sages of the entire human race Huoyun Cave.

Although the human race temporarily turned off the dialogue because of peace of mind before, it was because of the face of the Houtu ancestor witch who helped the human race when the human race was weak. , even I have to retreat three points.What's more, she is just a flat-hearted empress who has the power of a saint in the underworld.

Ying Zheng could tell which was more important and which was less important.

(End of this chapter)

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