Chapter 260 0260 Haotian Yingjie (Second Change)

But for Ying Zheng, Haotian really doesn't know where he is.

The owner of that hand is too mysterious, and the giant hand is entwined with the power of incense. The way of incense in the prehistoric world belongs to Shinto, but even Shinto only cultivates the law, and the power of incense is only for auxiliary purposes. Haotian I have never seen anyone who has fully cultivated the power of incense.

But for Xingtian, Haotian didn't want to tell him the truth. Not only did Xingtian dislike Haotian, but Haotian himself also disliked Xingtian. When Xingtian's head was beheaded, Haotian did it for a while In the nightmare, I dreamed that I was beheaded by Xing Tian. Later, this dream never came true. With Haotian's cultivation base breaking through to the quasi-sage, this matter was ignored.

After a pause, Haotian said directly: "I said that damn Yingzheng didn't agree with my request, and I killed him in chaos..."

Although Xing Tian has no head, he is still smart, and said in a low voice, "Do you dare to be an enemy of the human race?"

The subconscious meaning is not to believe what it says.

However, Haotian asked back, directly shutting down Xingtian: "Otherwise, why did Yingzheng not come back when I came back?"

Yes, why did Haotian come back, but Ying Zheng (Chi You) didn't come back?A lie that seems to be true.

Xing Tian couldn't help asking himself, but the only answer was that Ying Zheng had already encountered misfortune...

Seeing that Xing Tian was lost in thought, Hao Tian laughed out loud, feeling that it would be meaningless to fight any longer, and wanted to turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, Xing Tian, ​​who was in deep thought, made a sudden move.

"I want you to die..."

Haotian didn't react at all, so he was slashed by Xingtian with an axe, and his body immediately fell to Honghuang like a rag.

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as the dream..." Before the consciousness disappeared, Haotian seemed to recall the dream he had back then, so he couldn't help murmuring.At that time, Haotian was a strong man in the realm of Da Luo, but how could a strong Da Luo have a dream? This is not just a dream, it is a strong man's response to his own misfortunes and blessings!
With the fall of the Heavenly Emperor, the displacement of the Emperor's Star, the heaven and the earth will be in chaos, and the secrets of the heavens in the entire prehistoric world become blurred at this moment, like a puddle of muddy water.

Li Chen, who was far away in the God Realm, saw Haotian fall, smiled slightly, tapped the void with his fingers, and a brilliant light shot out from Li Chen's fingertips and flew to an inexplicable place.

Although the fall of Haotian was not written by Li Chen, Li Chen had already seen today's ending from the line of cause and effect between Haotian and the Wu Clan. Bureau.

It's really impossible not to make a move, but Li Chen, who has reached the realm of heaven at this time, senses a threat that is constantly approaching.

Even the Dao Realm of Heaven feels threatened, so it is conceivable that this calamity is the power of some other creature.

After Haotian turned into a catastrophe, the heavenly court did not become chaotic. After the queen mother of the heavenly court brought Haotian's real body back to the heavenly court, she quickly quelled the turmoil in the heavenly court by means of thunder.The fairy gods who have dug out the immortal roots and picked out the bones of wisdom can be said to be everywhere. They are all casual cultivators who saw Haotian fall and wanted to gain benefits in the heavenly court and left.However, any of the casual cultivators wanted to break their heads, but they didn't expect that the queen mother's cultivation level was so high, it was not even comparable to that Haotian.

After everything was calmed down, the queen mother handed over everything in the heavenly court to Haotian's most trusted Taibai Jinxing, and then retreated to separate a trace of her soul out of her body, and entered the samsara to follow Haotian.

As the saying goes, gods also have true feelings, and they reincarnate into the mortal world.

Haotian Zhuanjie not only affects the heavenly court, but even the laws in the prehistoric world fluctuate faintly.Although it is very faint, in the eyes of a strong person above the saint level, it is almost the same as the pattern on the palm, and the horizontal and vertical stripes are clearly visible.

Not only Hongjun and other saints of the original heavenly way were waiting for the opportunity, but even Li Chen was waiting quietly.

Haotian was the Great Desolate Heavenly Emperor established by Hongjun under the Dao of Heaven at the beginning. Now that the Dao of Heaven has changed, naturally the position of the Lord of the Three Realms, the Great Desolate Heavenly Emperor, has to be tested.

It can be said that this calamity of Haotian is the test of heaven and earth for him. If he survives it, he will continue to be the ruler of the prehistoric world in name, the emperor of heaven, and even a saint cannot deprive him of this identity.If you can't make it through, then you will really have to answer the joke that the emperor of heaven will take turns to do it, and come to my house next year.

In the endless chaos, the worlds suddenly reversed their direction of travel and accelerated towards the place where the prehistoric worlds were located.

The world farthest from the prehistoric world is the Great Shrouding World beyond the Twelve Realms of Chaos. The Great Shrouding World looks devastated, but its level is not much weaker than that of Honghuang, and it is not clear whether it is from a higher level. Those who fell from the world still ascended from the low-level world, and are heading towards the prehistoric direction at a constant speed. It can be seen that from time to time, there are strong people flying out of the world to push the front of the world in this world that covers the sky. Okay, if Li Chen saw this scene, he would probably sigh that the little guys back then have now become strong men who can dominate one by one.The world closest to the prehistoric world, apart from the ancient prehistoric world, the Heavenly Mountain world, and the small world opened up by the saints outside the prehistoric world, there are only three great worlds, one of which is similar to the Egyptian civilization that Li Chen knows The world named Nine Pillars God Realm, this world is like a world that has experienced the end of the disaster. The land is golden, and some are just endless deserts and Gobi. The creatures called gods are all the images of beast heads and human bodies. , like a monster race that has not yet fully transformed.The other world is similar to the world of India in Li Chen's memory. The world is called Borneo. The level of the world is not very high. It has just exceeded the limit of the Great Thousand World and reached the level of the elementary perfect world.As for the only world among the three worlds that is not very high-level, it is not even appropriate to call it a world. It is more appropriate to call it the universe. This world is just like the world where the earth is. The universe at the level of the Great Thousand Worlds.Among them, the power of the most powerful technology can only reach the level of Da Luo, but compared to those mythical worlds, although the technology of this world cannot produce powerful power, it can benefit the whole people. As long as the resources are sufficient, even the whole people Da Luo It can be achieved, it can be called terrifying.Even the prehistoric world is not as good in this respect.However, the upper limit of this world so far is Da Luo. You must know that other great worlds can produce quasi-sage-level existences——

These worlds are all accelerating towards the prehistoric world under a mysterious force. It seems that the prehistoric world is the center of all worlds. Li Chen even sometimes wonders whether this situation was considered when Pangu created the world, but No one in the wild can answer Li Chen's question unless Pan Gu is resurrected.But is Pangu really dead?This is a question worth pondering.

(End of this chapter)

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