Chapter 261 0261
As the days passed, two loud bell-like voices suddenly came from the west:

"Today there is a reception (Zhunti) who breaks away from the Taoist Taoism and establishes a Buddhist gate of Buddhism in the scenic spot of Lingshan in the west, and the Buddhist gate is established!!!"

In the Immortal Dao, the luck belonging to the two of them separated immediately, and even the Primordial Purple Qi originally entrusted to the Immortal Dao immediately flowed into the Buddhist Dao along with the luck.It directly caused the luck of the entire Immortal Dao to drop by one or two levels. You must know that the two not only represent the two saints, but also represent all living beings in the West.

Receive and guide: "From then on, there will be no Taoist guides in the prehistoric world, only the mother of the Buddha. I am Amitabha of Buddhism, and there is no Amitabha in the south..."

Zhunti's voice then continued: "From then on, there is no Zhunti Taoist in Honghuang, only Zhunti Buddha's mother, Nanmo Amitabha..."

I saw that the long hair on the head of Jieyin and Zhunti fell off immediately under the sound of the Buddha's name, and lumps quickly appeared on the whole head. This is nothing else, but the topknot of the 32 Buddhist faces .The Taoist robes that the two of them were originally wearing flashed brilliantly and turned into a strand of monk's robes. The image of the whole person changed drastically, appearing dignified.

"Namo Amitabha……"

The sound of the Buddha's chant sounded, and the entire Western Buddhist disciples turned into this appearance, and at the same time sang the Buddha's chant.

An angry shout came from Kunlun Mountain: "Zhuzi dare..."

I saw Yuan Shi walking out of Kunlun Mountain slowly, his face was gloomy, and even Lao Tzu on Shouyang Mountain was as sinking as water.

The two broke away from the Taoist Taoism, which greatly reduced the luck of the entire Immortal Dao. The Immortal Dao Qingtian, which was faintly equal to Li Chen's Divine Dao, was suddenly suppressed by the Divine Dao Cangtian. The monks at the lower level clearly sensed that they comprehended the immortal way, and the comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth became much more obscure.It's not that one's own comprehension has been reduced, but that the blessing of immortality to cultivators has become weaker. Among them, Sanqing, Nuwa, Zhenyuanzi and other advanced immortals have been most affected.Although Hongjun was slightly affected, Hongjun was no longer as in harmony with the sky as before. With the help of the good luck jade plate, he realized the Dao, and there was no major influence at all.

Therefore, Hongjun didn't bother to take action against those juniors himself, after all, it would be a shame to spread the word, wouldn't it?But Hongjun's refusal to act does not mean that the saints under his sect and monks who practice immortality will not act.

A group of people joined hands from east to west, heading towards the scenic spot of Lingshan Mountain in the west, like a crucian carp crossing a river.

Even Tongtian, who was not on good terms with Yuanshi, had no choice but to come with everyone for his own benefit.

But Yuan Shi came to Lingshan and shouted angrily: "Jieyin, Zhunti, you two shameless villains who deceived your master and destroyed your ancestors, come out and give us an explanation, or we will destroy your wonderful scenery of Lingshan. Let you know the fate of deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors!"

"Amitabha——" a trombone sounded, causing all the powerful eyes to focus on Jieying.

The Jieying at this time is very different from the past in the impression of everyone. Although the Jieying in the past had a painful face, there was no other unique temperament. It also carries the meaning of compassion, compassion for all living beings, compassion for all things, and it means that all living beings are suffering.

"Amitabha, all benefactors, please stay safe..."

Yuan Shi: "Who will come with you? I, Yuan Shi, am very ill now—"

After receiving the introduction, I didn't know what to say, so I had to whisper "Amitabha..." But there was a wry smile on my face.

At this time, Zhunti hurriedly pulled Yingying behind him, and said to Yuanshi and others vigilantly: "Whether you are healthy or not, my Buddhist gate has been established, but it is a fixed number and cannot be changed!!!"

Yuan Shi: "Hmph, whether it's a fixed number or a variable, we saints enforce the law on behalf of the heavens, with the holy will of the heavens. If you think that you are unreasonable, then it cannot exist."

Zhunti took this sentence and said mockingly: "Which day of the generation, what law does it hold? We have been in the mountains for a long time and don't know the world. Why don't you trouble this sage of Yuanshi to tell you..."

Lao Tzu was at the side, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but frowned, and said: "Okay, everyone, please don't say a few words, Yuan Shi, it's useless to talk too much!"

Hearing Lao Tzu's words, Yuan Shifang backed away unwillingly, and responded with his mouth: "Okay, senior brother."

Seeing Yuanshi receding, Laozi turned to Jieyin behind Zhunti and said, "Brother Dao, what do you think about the cause and effect between your Buddhism and my Xuanmen?"

Jieyin clasped his hands together, and whispered a word of Amitabha: "It's all according to the intention of Lao Tzu's benefactor——"

Lao Tzu: "If you don't want to live a few tricks in the chaos, I will also see how much you have grown after you established this Lao Shizi's Buddhist gate..."

Everything in and out of the words reflects Lao Tzu's majesty as a senior brother, and now it's Jie Yin Zhun mentioning that it's wrong to mention the two first, but he didn't say much in this language, and Jie Yin spread his hands and said: "Please! !!"

Then he and Zhunti stepped out of the scenic spot of Lingshan Mountain and came to the chaos.

The Buddha's light illuminated the two of them all over their bodies, and all the chaotic energy that approached was transformed into a part of the Buddha's light under the assimilation power of the powerful Buddha's light. This simple move made many powerful eyes shrink back.

I have gained a better understanding of the abilities of the two of Yinzhunti. You must know that when the two became saints before, they had to defend against the energy of chaos, and they were able to protect their bodies with mana. Now there is no fluctuation in the mana in their bodies. Being able to resist the invasion of chaos, how can everyone not be surprised.

But Lao Tzu didn't care about it at all when he saw this, he smiled slightly, and there was a sense of immortality lingering in his body, just like the two of them, he didn't use any magic weapon at all, and he didn't even move the magic power in his body, so he turned the chaos The air is repelled.

Different from the assimilation of Buddha's light, Lao Tzu's Taiqing Xianqi is like Tai Chi, releasing all the energy or matter that invades the body, which seems to be a combination of yin and yang and using softness to overcome rigidity.

"Fellow Daoist, I've made a move, you have to be careful—"

This time, Lao Tzu was not polite. As soon as he finished speaking, the Taiji diagram in his hand shook suddenly, turned into a golden bridge, and rushed straight towards Jieyin.

There is quite a posture of suppressing Jieyin under the golden bridge.

However, Jieyin uttered the Buddha's name in a low voice, and lightly flicked the divine pestle in his hand. Although he didn't move the golden bridge transformed by the Taiji diagram, he was far away from the suppression of the golden bridge under this power.

"Brother——" Zhunti was a little anxious, and couldn't help shouting out. Looking at the posture, it seemed that he was about to go up and fight with the guide.

With a smile on his face, Yuan Shi stretched out the long banner in his hand, and immediately stopped Zhunti.

"Brother Dao, you and I have already started, let's start too—"

Obviously, Zhunti was regarded as the target of bullying, and there was no time for Zhunti to recover, so he shot directly, and a chaotic sword energy flew towards Zhunti——

(End of this chapter)

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