Chapter 262 0262 People Who Eat Melons (Second More)

Yuanshi Tianzun slashed at Zhunti with a chaotic sword energy, and Zhunti could only hold up the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand to resist for a while.

Although the Qibao Miaoshu is miraculous and far superior to ordinary innate spirit treasures, it is still weaker than this chaotic treasure.What's more, the Seven Treasure Tree is not a defensive treasure, but an offensive treasure.

Immediately, the wonderful tree of the seven treasures was in tragedy. After being hit by the chaotic sword energy, the seven treasures on it, such as gold, silver, colored glaze, water essence, giant clam, red beads, and manao, were clanging into a mess, and some of them even fell into a mess. Qibao' was blown away by the sudden attack.

It made Zhunti very heartbroken. Although the seven treasures on it were added the day after tomorrow, they are also innate things that Zhunti found through hard work, and they have a powerful auxiliary force.When Yuan Shi came to him so suddenly, he didn't know how much time it would take to repair it.

Putting away the wonderful tree of seven treasures, a nine-ring Zen stick appeared in Zhunti's hand, and he slammed the space node, and immediately the circles of air waves swept towards Yuanshi.

This nine-ring Zen stick is just a middle-grade innate spiritual treasure, which has the ability to subdue demons and frighten the soul. Although it is not as powerful as the Qibao Miaoshu, it can barely deal with Yuanshi's attack.

The blow was not complete, Yuanshi laughed when he saw Zhunti's counterattack, followed the attack of the nine-ringed Zen staff, and drifted towards the chaos in the distance.

Seeing this, Zhunti is also chasing after Yuanshi.

Zhen Yuanzi: "Fellow Tongtian, who do you think can win among the four?"

Tong Tian: "If the two fellow Taoists in the west don't have any trump cards, my senior brother who counts everything and the second senior brother who must repay you will definitely win..."

How can it be possible for my two elder brothers to be unclear after so many years of virtue.

The two guys who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles are basically demons who cannibalize people and don't spit out bones. Cutting off teaching by themselves is the best example.

But now the Jujiao is almost falling apart, and the three of them ate the Meteor Sacred Pill given by Hongjun. Although they can't attack each other, they can still be a melon-eating crowd watching from the sidelines.

Seeing that the fight could not end as soon as possible, Tongtian directly took out a formation diagram from his storage space, which was exactly the formation diagram of the Jade Immortal Sword, but the four Jade Immortal Swords were all suppressed by the Four Saints, and they were not returned to Tongtian at all. At this time, the only thing on Tongtian that has something to do with the Zhuxian sword formation is this formation diagram.However, Tongtian took out this map not to prepare to join the battle group, but to spread it out as a magic weapon to defend against the invasion of chaos.

He came to the map very naturally, and took out a long table from the space again.

When Nuwa, Zhen Yuanzi and even Doumu Yuanjun who came after him saw Tongtian's appearance, they couldn't help being a little stunned.

This is not here to ask for an explanation, it is simply here for an outing, and there are even people performing martial arts during this outing.

Even Lao Tzu, who was in the middle of the battle, couldn't help shaking his beard with anger when he caught a glimpse of Tong Tian's appearance outside of the battle.

If it wasn't for fighting with Jieying, and having Hongjun's Meteor Sacred Pill in his body, I guess I would have stepped up to give Tongtian a little color at this moment.

Not long after, the table was filled with spirit fruit, fairy fruit, fairy wine, and fairy food produced by Sanxian Island.

After finishing all this, Tongtian shouted to the crowd:

"Nuwa, Zhenyuanzi, Doumuyuanjun..., what are you doing standing, come here! Sit down! Let me tell you, the immortal food in Sanxian Island is really amazing..." Crackling, Tongtian chatterbox If you open it, you can't take it back, which made all the masters of immortality smile wryly.

This Tongtian really doesn't pay attention to Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi and others. It's easy to use them at this time.

Nuwa didn't care, seeing the fairy food from Penglai Immortal Island on the table, she didn't treat herself as a guest, and started to eat as soon as she sat down.Anyway, if he wanted to offend the four saints, he would only be the culprit of Tongtian, and he would be an accomplice at most. Besides, as a saint, Nuwa might not be afraid of many people.

Everyone knows that Nuwa is a pure and holy saint, but no one has ever asked what special things this first saint after Hongjun will bring to her.And to treasure, Nuwa has the Qiankun Ding, and to influence, although Nuwa has not established a religion, she is in charge of the monster race and the human race to a certain extent, and the indirect and direct benefits are simply immeasurable.

Nuwa looked at Doumu Yuanjun, and saw that the gloom of the pain of bereavement was no longer on his face at this moment, and she couldn't help shouting: "Sister Ziguang, come on, let's go together, this is the fairy from Sanxian Island I told you about before." Food……"

Doumu Yuanjun couldn't help but smile, he was full of charm and colorful in an instant, which made some newly promoted male strongmen inevitably feel a little dry.

With two people taking the lead, a group of familiar powers gathered at a table, not like watching a battle at all, but more like having a tea party——

Fighting and fighting, I also made a real fire.

Immediately, he sacrificed the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to protect himself, and the Taiji diagram in his hand turned into the most powerful attacking treasure, and moved towards it to receive the attack.

The twelfth-grade virtuous golden lotus under the receiving seat bloomed layer by layer, and all attacks were resisted by it, but it was not without price. The virtuous golden lotus overflowing with precious light suddenly seemed to be wilted and dimmed.

Jieyin snorted coldly and said: "It's not an option to go on like this, how about you and me winning in one about it?"

After all, the golden lotus of merit is not comparable to the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, and it is definitely not comparable to Lao Tzu in terms of durability. For the current plan, I came up with a method that is not a solution: one move determines the outcome. It is good to win, but it is necessary to lose. 'Ceded land compensation'.

Since the two dared to establish themselves in Buddhism, if they hadn't prepared their backs, they wouldn't be so ostentatious at all, and they would definitely take it step by step. At least in this way, the backlash from the immortal way would be milder and weaker.

However, effort is directly proportional to gain. In this way, even if the Buddhism is flourishing, it is only the prosperity under the immortal way, which is not what Jieyin Zhunti and the two hoped for.

Therefore, the two chose the most radical option, which is to face the immortal way head-to-head. If they win the Buddhism, they may really step on the head of the immortal way.

Lao Tzu was silent for a moment after listening to what he said: "Yes!"

I saw that under the protection of the twelfth-grade meritorious golden lotus, the guide was just lying in the chaos, like a sleeping Buddha.

The expression on Lao Tzu's face suddenly became serious.

An illusory shadow rose from behind Jiyin, as if the entire prehistoric world was shrouded in this unknown shadow, and the voice of heaven was faint:

"When I became a Buddha, all living beings in the ten directions, hearing my name, rejoiced and believed in me, worshiped and returned to my fate, and practiced the Bodhisattva behavior with a pure heart. All the heavens and the world pay homage..."

"When I become a Buddha, all sentient beings who are born in our country will eventually go to the rest of their lives..."


 Thank you~ Love ↑ Passing Water, Tears and Dreams Ruthless,..., Wuming, Hometown, Don't Miss, Xu Hu, Happy Dream, Yang Shengqi, Absolute Zero, Warm You, ╭GrayのAvatar╯, Gu Ao and others' monthly tickets, I typed it purely by hand, your names are too difficult to type, but thanks anyway! ! !

  Similarly, I would also like to thank those handsome men and beauties who silently supported me...

(End of this chapter)

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