Chapter 263 Chapter 0263
The huge shadow looked impressively, who could it be if it wasn't a welcoming face.

I saw the guiding giant shadow shouting at Lao Tzu: "Amitabha, take refuge in my Buddha, and you will be pure, immeasurable, and at ease. If you haven't taken refuge, fellow Taoists, when will you wait? Take refuge, take refuge, take refuge..."

Countless converts caused a spiritual storm, comparable to the most powerful chaos storm in chaos.

Even Tongtian, Nuwa and others who were watching from a distance couldn't help standing up when they saw this scene.

After a while, he sighed and said: "It's a step ahead of us to receive and guide fellow Taoists..."

This move alone is enough to wait for someone to eat a pot.

This is not just a mental storm, but also has the bewitching supernatural power of Buddhism. If you change it to someone with a weaker will, it is estimated that under this trick, you will directly become a loyal little fan.

But it was not enough for Lao Tzu. With the protection of the mysterious and exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth, Lao Tzu still stood upright in the spiritual storm, like a mountain, safe and sound.

Jieyin didn't seem to want to defeat Lao Tzu by relying on this move. Seeing that this move hardly worked, he couldn't help changing his move.

I saw a [-]-character seal appearing on the right hand of the huge Buddha seal, and an inverted [-]-character seal appeared on the right hand. Before the mental storm passed, I suddenly folded my hands together. grind.

Even the protection of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda could not help but make a clicking sound under this grinding, just like that old machine, the sound is harsh.

Even the old man in it was uncomfortable, the feeling of being beaten passively was really heart-wrenching.

Especially Xiang Laozi, who claimed to be the authentic Pangu, suddenly felt ashamed.

The Tai Chi Diagram in his hand suddenly turned into a golden bridge, stretching the front and back swastikas that were about to be closed, gaining a bit of breathing time, and Lao Tzu quickly jumped out of the attack range with the Linglong Pagoda on his head.

Seeing that Yingying who was still in a dream, my face couldn't help but twitched.In the beginning, it wasn't that Lao Tzu didn't want to break through the defense of receiving and leading, and directly broke his spell.But Lao Tzu's methods are all biased towards suppression and defense. It takes a certain amount of time to break through the defense of receiving and leading, and who knows that after breaking the defense of leading and leading, he can win?Maybe this is just a maze set up by the lead?
What Jieyin used against him at this time was undoubtedly the method of proving Taoism in a dream that made him sanctified at the beginning, but unexpectedly, this method allowed Jieying to evolve into an attack method, and the great wisdom of Jieying should not be underestimated.

After weighing it over and over again, in the end, Lao Tzu decided to use violence to break the spell of receiving and leading. As long as he wakes up, his spell will naturally be broken by itself.

Otherwise, if I keep fighting with the giant evolved from this dream, I will be exhausted and I will not be able to win the lead.After all, you won't be tired at all in your dreams, but in reality you can't avoid it.


Lao Tzu stepped on the Tai Chi map, with the heaven and earth, the black and yellow exquisite pagoda above his head, he was armed to the teeth.

Suddenly, a lot of magic weapons appeared in his hand, the first ones were the eight-view palace lantern, wind and fire futon, Lidi flame flag, Tai Chi symbol and other high-grade innate spiritual treasures.

Among other things, I have a lot of top-grade magic weapons, so I even created a move that is comparable to a unique move.

This move is based on infinite magic weapons, the more magic weapons, the higher the level, the greater the power.

"Wanbao floods, Wanbao opens the sky!!!"

Although not as exaggerated as Wanbao, these congenital and acquired magic weapons and spirit treasures gathered together into a torrent seemed really shocking.

However, after Lao Tzu used Wanbao Torrent, the guide quickly changed his move, and the huge golden palm with the swastika seal pushed towards Lao Tzu flatly, as if it wanted to fan Lao Tzu away.


The torrent of myriad treasures collided with the giant palm, and the huge sound seemed to shake even the chaos.

At the place of the collision, worlds are uncertain. In an instant, the world is created, and in another instant, it is destroyed invisibly.

But in the end, the baby is a baby after all, and he directly broke the bergamot that was guiding the giant shadow.

The torrent of myriad treasures bombarded fiercely on the protective cover of the twelve karma golden lotus.

"Crack - click - click -"

A series of cracks appeared on the protective cover, and in just one breath, the twelve golden lotuses of merit were shattered under the torrent of myriad treasures.

However, when the attack was on Jieying's body, that body was like an abyss, and all the magic weapons that touched Jieying immediately lost contact with Lao Tzu.

The old man thumped in his heart——

This reception is really not that easy to deal with.

I thought to myself.

The means used at this time immediately reminded Lao Tzu of the technique of space. Hong Jun once said that Yang Mei had recruited him to remove all the magic weapons at the beginning, so that the two had to fight to a tie.

Now that this trick is reappearing, I can't help but wonder if Yang Mei is behind the two of them.

But no matter who is behind it, today is going to be a winner.

Without the protection of the golden lotus of the twelfth grade of merit, I dare not be careless at all, otherwise it will be really hard to capsize in the gutter and I can't tell.

The Tai Chi Diagram was held in Lao Tzu's hand again, wrapping Lao Tzu's arm like a glove, and suddenly Lao Tzu punched the sleeping reception——

The stars and rivers are turning, and all things are vicissitudes. It seems that a century has passed, and it seems that only a short moment has passed.

Laozi didn't attack Jieying, as if Jieying's lying body was just an illusion. In a blink of an eye, Laozi found himself back in the prehistoric world.

I didn't feel the slightest spatial fluctuation at all, and I was terrified when I thought about it carefully.

In an instant, Lao Tzu's huge spiritual consciousness swept across the surroundings. After observing everything, Lao Tzu frowned slightly.

Because in Lao Tzu's perception, this is not the prehistoric world that I am familiar with.

This is a prehistoric world that belongs to the Buddha. There is no cultivating immortals, gods, demons, demons, etc., but only cultivating Buddhas!

Could this be a prehistoric world that Jieyin found?Because Li Chen's desolate ancient world has turned into the god realm in the prehistoric, everyone is also fortunate to know that there are many worlds outside the prehistoric that have almost the same structure and layout as the prehistoric.At this moment, I can only think in this direction.

Thinking, thinking, Lao Tzu's spiritual consciousness seemed to have scanned an unknown powerful existence, and the eyes of that existence immediately turned to Lao Tzu's side.

Lao Tzu smiled slightly, and immediately appeared in front of this unknown and powerful existence.

Six points of his face are similar to Yingying, but the other four points make Lao Tzu's eyes shrink: Luo... Luo Hu?
When did Jieying have anything to do with this Rahu?

Lao Tzu couldn't help but think of it.

But I was awakened by a loud shout: "My Buddha is here, why don't you come forward and kneel down and take refuge?"

Lao Tzu sneered: "Hehe, he's the only one to lead me? You want me to convert to Nalaoshizi Buddha? You don't even look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue you have!"

"Crazy talk, I don't know what it means, even my Buddha's name is wrong, especially I don't know it..."

As he spoke, he looked at Lao Tzu sympathetically, as if looking at a mentally handicapped child. He seemed to be popularizing Lao Tzu for a while, and then continued: "My Buddha name is Amitabha!"

Lao Tzu was stunned. At the beginning, he was talking about his feelings, and even called himself Amitabha. At first, he thought it was just a title code or something, but he didn't expect that there really was this Amitabha.

Could it be that there was a mistake in the practice?
I couldn't help but think in my heart——

(End of this chapter)

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