Chapter 264 0264 The Golden Body of Relic (Second More)

"Where is this?" Lao Tzu asked, looking at the giant Buddha who seemed to be leading and guiding Rahu.

The attendant seemed to be about to say something, but the big Buddha who called himself Amitabha raised his right hand and stopped him from continuing to speak.

"This is the Whirling Realm..." The Buddha replied with a merciful face.

Lao Tzu has no impression of this so-called whirling world at all, and it is not the world that has appeared around the prehistoric world at all.

"I don't know how to get out of this world?" The attendant next to the Buddha came out and replied at this time: "Accept my Buddhism, take refuge in my Buddha, cut off the desires of the six senses, and then you can leave the world of five turbidities and go to the ultimate bliss." The world, enjoy the fruit!"

The big Buddha didn't say anything about it, but gave a long trombone, looked at the old man and shook his head.

Lao Tzu: "Fellow Daoist, what do you mean by this?"

This Amitabha's every move is naturally under the attention of Lao Tzu. Although the movement of shaking his head is small, it was noticed by Lao Tzu, so he couldn't help asking aloud.

"Without him, the ability of the benefactor is beyond my power. I feel emotional at the moment, and I can't help shaking my head and sighing..."

Amitabha was honest and spoke out what was in his heart.

"Oh, fellow daoist, if you don't try it, how do you know it won't work?" Lao Tzu asked curiously.

"I know from Suzhutong (also known as Fatetong), it must be known that this supernatural power can know the fate and things of millions of lives of oneself and the sentient beings of the six realms, but this supernatural power has no effect on the donor. It can be seen that the donor Almighty..."

"Hehe..." Lao Tzu put on an unknown smile, although it seemed to be smiling, it gave off a very fake feeling.

"Since you can't save me, can I use my ability to go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss?"

Hearing what Lao Tzu said, Na Amitabha just smiled and said nothing.

The world is so peaceful, and the guide disappears, Lao Tzu and this Amitabha can't help but start to sit and talk with each other.

Lao Tzu stayed in this whirling world for several months, but only a few hours passed in the prehistoric world.

Not only Laozi and Jieyin were angry, but even Zhunti was angry when he was suppressed and beaten by Yuanshi.

Facing Yuanshi's continuous attacks, Zhunti yelled angrily: "Today, I will definitely not do anything with you, just look at my golden body of relic..."

I saw a so-called golden body that was similar to a Dharma image but not a Dharma image. It was like casting gold and silver. The so-called golden body appeared behind Zhunti. The golden body had six hands and three heads. The treasure looks mighty and extraordinary.

Pangu Banner's chaotic sword energy hit the golden body, but it only caused a white and slightly shallow wound. Under the powerful repairing power of the golden body, it recovered in a short time.

Seeing Yuanshi's Pangu Banner unable to deal with his golden body for a while, Zhunti felt relieved, and finally raised his eyebrows. In the prehistoric world, no one ever said that he was the existence of the crane tail among the saints it's -

Nuwa and Tongtian at the side were even more surprised when they saw Zhunti show this hand, than when they were being beaten by Lao Tzu just now. It is unbelievable that Zhunti at the end of the crane will also rise up one day.

The six hands on the golden body of the relic each hold a magic weapon, and when they wave it vigorously, it stirs up the chaos, evolution and evolution of all things and returns to chaos, so that the chaos sword energy emitted by the Pangu banner of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty has no effect for a while. It was also the first time Yuanshi encountered such a situation, and for a while, he could only wave the Pangu flag continuously in order to restore the gradually disadvantaged situation.Although these magic weapons are not very powerful because of their ranks, as the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands, and Yuan Shi was inevitably a little flustered when dealing with them.

"Om (ang) ma (ni) (bei) mi (mei) hum (hong)..."

The six-character mantra widely circulated in later generations was spit out from Zhunti's mouth, and combined with the six magic weapons in six hands, the power was almost as powerful as Zhunti's strongest blow in history.This attack was so powerful that even Yuanshi's magic weapon Qingyun Golden Lantern couldn't stop all the attacks. Many attacks fell on Yuanshi. Although they couldn't do much damage, they made Yuanshi incomparable Embarrassed.

When Nuwa, Tongtian, Doumu Yuanjun, Zhen Yuanzi and others heard Zhunti recite the six-character mantra, their faces could not help becoming serious, and they really felt the threat to this Buddhist sect.

This six-character mantra is obviously aimed at the nine-character mantra of the Taoist school of Taoism, which is "all those who are facing the battle, go forward in array". You must know that in the Taoist Taoism, many spells are derived from this nine-character mantra. derived from.

With these six-character mantras in Buddhism, it can be said that the foundation of Buddhism has been solid.

Yuan Shi felt that he had never been so embarrassed in his life. This embarrassment was caused by the fact that he didn't think much of it.Thinking of this, Yuanshi gritted his teeth, and immediately stopped holding back, and used the trick he had prepared to press the bottom of the box.

After resisting Zhunti's attacks several times, Yuanshi jumped out of Zhunti's attack range when he found the opportunity.But in the blink of an eye, a top-grade innate spirit treasure was taken out by him.

This spirit treasure is called the Hunyuan Treasure Box. Although it is only a top-grade innate spirit treasure, its power is comparable to that of Pangu Banner, and even slightly better because of its weirdness.

Unlike the Pangu Banner, which can be used as long as it has mana, this Hunyuan Treasure Box can only be opened once in a lifetime, and every time it is opened, the strange power contained in it will be exhausted.

Not only can it release the unknown to attack the enemy like the legendary Pandora's box, but it can also absorb the enemy into it. It can be said to be infinitely powerful and magical.

Ever since Yuanshi got this magic weapon, he kept it on. No one knew that Yuanshi still had such a big killer in his hands.

Taking it out so suddenly attracted everyone's attention to the Hunyuan treasure box.

But Yuan Shi slowly opened the Hunyuan treasure box to Zhunti——

A series of black shadows floated out of it, making a sound like a magic howl, forming a black torrent, sweeping towards the golden body of Zhun Ti Na's relic.

Although Zhunti didn't know what these black torrents were, he instinctively felt something was wrong, and quickly used various magic weapons to protect himself.

A drop of black water-like substance passed through Zhunti's defense and dripped on Zhunti's golden body. It seemed to be alive when it was stained with this ominous piece, and it was constantly devouring the normal part, spreading rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. with.

At this time, Zhunti didn't care about fighting with Yuanshi, and quickly sat down cross-legged on the spot, urging the Buddha's power to resist this unknown ominous.

Yuan Shi closed the Hunyuan Treasure Box with some pain, and if he uses it next time, he will have to live another catastrophe.

Although this Hunyuan Treasure Box is only a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, it feels more difficult for Yuanshi to grasp than the Pangu Banner. It seems that there is a huge secret hidden in it. I always feel that this Hunyuan Treasure Box is not that simple. .

However, with Yuanshi's ability, he simply used this innate spirit treasure, and it was difficult to probe into its interior, and Yuanshi did not continue to attack Zhunti. Once the Hunyuan treasure box was released, there was no suspense about the outcome.

(End of this chapter)

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