Chapter 265 0265 "Death Tribulation" (first update)
Zhunti was here to decide the winner, and there was a light and shadow rippling at the place where the receiving and guiding board was lying in the distance, like a shattered mirror.

Two of the figures appear and disappear from time to time, sometimes sitting and talking, and sometimes fighting, just like the dream.Not long after, Jieyin and Laozi both fell out of it.

The aura of the two of them fluctuated greatly. Obviously, the two of them were really angry. Their faces were slightly pale, which did not take advantage of it. Moreover, they both suffered serious internal injuries during the fight.

In terms of cultivation alone, the Jieyin at this time has faintly surpassed Lao Tzu's first-line, but Lao Tzu has the two big killers of Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and Taiji Diagram, which directly wiped out the advantages brought by Jieyin's cultivation. Even counter-pressed and led.

For the reception, the aggrievedness is indescribable.

It also shows that it is good to have great wisdom and perseverance in the wild, but it is not as good as someone with a good birth.

The descendants of Pangu, Pangu is authentic!Talking about it is not just a matter of face, but more of real benefits, such as the merits of opening the sky, such as the mysterious and exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth, and the treasure of opening the sky..., and even the luck left by Pangu. The three of them are like the protagonists in the legend, and they are all invincible.

"I lost……"

Jieyin was obviously uncomfortable. For him, if he failed to suppress Lao Tzu's sharpness, even if he had lost, it meant that the spread of Buddhism would be greatly hindered.

However, Jieyin is a rather stubborn person, once he is certain of one thing, he will unswervingly do it.To put it nicely, it is great wisdom and perseverance, but to put it badly, it is elm-headed and paranoid.It is precisely because of this paranoia that Jieyin has a cultivation level that can compete with Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu has a deep understanding of the paranoia of Jieyin, especially when he is in the dream world of Jieying, he can see one or two things in it.Lao Tzu even read a calm and benevolent madness from his eyes.

Yuan Shi couldn't help but be happy when he heard the words of receiving and admitting defeat.Before Yuanshi could speak, Lao Tzu shook his head and said:

"No, you and I are just tied! It seems that Taoist friends have made great progress in establishing Buddhism, but I can't lag behind you—"

Jieying itself is like a fanatic, except for the Buddha, there is nothing else in his eyes.

If there is no hope, maybe you have to learn the idea of ​​re-opening like the sky, the birth of the heart and the death of the world.At that time, I am afraid that it will be difficult for even myself to stop it. I am afraid that the incident of the Falling Saint Pill will be staged among everyone again. After all, no one knows what Hongjun and Li Chen are thinking in their hearts. By this time, I felt that I really had the urge to want to die.

To become a saint is to keep one's own destiny, life and death are not controlled by others. If you can't do this, then what's the difference between living and those muddle-headed mortal beings?

Seeing what Lao Tzu said, he didn't refute it. The sage can't get up early, but Lao Tzu is willing to let go, and he must have a plan.After being silent for a while, Jieyin said, "Buddhism should flourish, I wonder if Lao Tzu's fellow Taoists have any insights?"

As the senior brother of Xuanmen, Lao Tzu naturally has the right to represent Xuanmen.

"I have no objection, it's just..." After speaking, Lao Tzu paused, as if he was trying to whet everyone's appetite.

"It's just to guide fellow Taoists, you need to know that at this time, Honghuang, Xiandao Xuanmen are no longer the only masters, you still have to go to the God Realm..."

The meaning is concise and clear, and it's short of directly telling the Buddhist sect that it's not up to us saints to decide whether it's appropriate or not, and it only counts if the Shinto Supreme Changming Great God nods in agreement.Buddhism and Taoism are independent of Immortal Dao. Although Immortal Dao will not be pursued for the time being, there is still a mountain of Shinto in front of it!
Changing his thinking, I feel that there is no need for me to fight with the Jieyin Zhunti at all, but fortunately, today's trip is not without fruit, if I hadn't had a fight with Jieying, maybe Jieyin overtook me. I'm still behind here slowly and don't know it yet.

In this way, the crowd of celestial powers who were onlookers didn't want to trouble the two of them. In the subconscious of everyone, it was almost impossible to lead the two of them. You must know that after this divine way grows stronger, With the entry of a group of rookies like Fengshen, there were signs of great prosperity at the beginning.Using oneself to judge others, everyone felt that the Changming Great God would not give up this great opportunity at all, and gave up the opportunity of Daxing.

However, everyone underestimated Li Chen. The revival of the divine way that Li Chen wants is not the superficial revival, but the revival in the form of being the master of heaven and earth. If the power of the gods wants to prosper, they can only prosper within the rules they set, and they will never be able to get around the hurdle of the divine court.This is the Daxing that Li Chen imagined.

"This...don't worry about me as a fellow Taoist, I have my own arrangements... and I hope the Immortal Dao will give me convenience at that time!" Jieyin didn't think much at all, but said to Laozi solemnly.

But when he opened his mouth to answer, Li Chen's voice came from next to his ear, but he did not make any noise in the reception, on the contrary, he settled down very happily and took advantage of the situation.

"Hehe, I should be like this, I should be like this, you should know that I and the second junior brother owe you a cause and effect..." Inadvertently, I bit the word cause and effect very hard in my mouth, but my thoughts drifted to nowhere.

Could it be that there is really a way to make the Shinto Eternal God let go of this guide?
I thought so in my heart.

Seeing that he Zhunti still came out of the treasure box that suppressed the Hunyuan Treasure Box, Jieyin turned his head to look at Yuanshi and said, "Fellow Daoist, the victory and defeat have been decided, and please take away the unknown from my junior brother! "

Hearing this, Lao Tzu looked at Zhunti who was still struggling to suppress the unknown, with a strange look on his face, looked at Yuan Shi and said, "Junior brother, take this unknown power back into the treasure."

Yuan Shi couldn't help showing a wry smile. He couldn't control the things in the Hunyuan Treasure Box, but he could barely control the direction of his attack when using the Hunyuan Treasure Box. Now it's called retracting the attack, and Yuan Shi couldn't do it at all.Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Yuan Shi just said: "It's not that the younger brother is unwilling, but once this attack is launched, it will not be controlled by my Hunyuan treasure box, and I don't know how to get rid of it..."

Everyone would not think that what Yuan Shi said was a lie. After all, he had reached the realm of a saint, and it would be good if his lies were not discovered. If they were discovered and publicized, it would not only lose face.

Everyone looked at each other, Jieyin sighed, and stepped forward to help Zhunti suppress the unknown.

A series of experiments analyzed this ominous force, and Jieyin found that this force could not be eliminated at all, and he wanted to force it out of the body, unless it was transferred to another creature that could bear its existence.That is to say, this can only be transferred into the body of the saint, otherwise this force will be consumed by Zhunti until it falls, just like a maggot on the tarsus bone.

"Is this the five declines of heaven and man? No, no, the five declines of heaven and man can only be experienced by monks under Da Luo. This power contains a strong death energy and another unknown mysterious power, um... "Jieyin said to himself, but for a while he couldn't see what this ominous force was.If Li Chen were here, he might have discovered that this ominous force was a combination of death energy and disaster energy. If he had to give it a name, only "death robbery" could describe it.

He couldn't find a way to deal with it for a while, so he had to extradite him from Zhunti to his own body to suppress him. After all, in terms of mana, Jieyin is now the crown of all saints!

 This chapter has been stuck for a long time, hey...

(End of this chapter)

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