Chapter 266 0266 Recovering Heaven (Second Change)

Transferring the power of "death calamity" in Zhunti's body to his own body to suppress it, Jieyin got up a little staggeringly and said goodbye to Lao Tzu and others:
"If you benefactors have nothing important to do, my junior brother and I will go ahead, Amitabha—"

After speaking, with Zhunti's support, he tore open the space in one step and returned to the scenic spot of Lingshan.

Lao Tzu and the others also left in twos shortly thereafter.

Before Lao Tzu left, he glanced at Tong Tian expressionlessly, while Yuan Shi didn't hide his emotions at all, looking at Tong Tian with vicious eyes.

Obviously, the two were very dissatisfied with Tongtian's attitude of being a melon-eating crowd.

Regarding this, Tong Tian waved his sleeves, put away the equipment, and sneered, as if he didn't pay attention to the two of them at all.

The three brothers broke up unhappy this time.

As the crowd left, tranquility was restored in the chaos.

But it is said that time in the world is like water, and the sea is full of vicissitudes. In the blink of an eye, Daqin was diverted from his luck and used for other purposes, making Daqin's foundation unstable, and he died since Qin II.At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the world was in chaos. Liu Bang and Xiang Yu overthrew the rule of the Great Qin Dynasty. Since the end of the dispute between Chu and Han, Liu Bang proclaimed himself emperor and established the Han Dynasty with Chang'an as his capital.

It seems that the human race has returned to the unification period, and everything looks so beautiful and peaceful.

However, during the period of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, there was an official named Zhang Bairen. He was a fair and honest official, and managed hundreds of miles in an orderly manner. He was not only loved by the people, but also trusted by the court.

This Bairen was transformed by one of the sub-souls after Haotian's reincarnation. Although the time of its fall is not very far away, all the sub-souls of Haotian have experienced a total of 14 kalpas. Every kalpa is a reincarnation, whether it is flowers and birds, or vegetation, or flying fish, or insects and beasts. Zhang Bairen in this world is just an ordinary human race, the parent official of the people of the Han Dynasty.

One son and seven daughters, the son is not his own son, but was picked up in the grass on the way to take office, and his parents could not be found later, Zhang Bairen recognized them as adopted sons and adopted them, and the seven daughters were adopted by Zhang Bairen and his wife Jin Although he has always wanted a son, it seems that God does not favor him very much. The seven consecutive births are all daughters. After giving birth to seven daughters, the couple are no longer planning to have children.

If there were no changes, the family would have spent their lives in such a mediocre way until they entered reincarnation again.

Li Chen opened his eyes that had been closed for a long time, and summoned Houtu to the main hall.

But it was the change of his Divine Dao Qi Luck Supreme Treasure Conferred God List that woke Li Chen up.

"Shinto...the time for Daxing...has come!!!"

Li Chen muttered to himself, if he didn't listen carefully, he wouldn't even be able to hear what Li Chen said.

Houtu: "Disciple Houtu, I have seen the master, but I don't know what orders the master has?"

As soon as Houtu came in, he worshiped Li Chen when he saw him.

"Get up..." A soft mana lifted up the thick soil.

Li Chen: "I have something for you. This matter is related to the great prosperity of the divine way. You should supervise it yourself, and there must be no mistakes!"

As he spoke, Li Chen condensed a scarlet tissue paper and a ball of light and handed it to Houtu.On the silk paper is a letter of decree made by him as the most wonderful sage, the supreme supreme, the Wanyan true law, the aboriginal Changming Zhiyuan, and the light ball contains all the arrangements for this divine way.

Houtu solemnly put away the decree, and pressed the unusually colorful ball of light to the center of his brow, and suddenly a lot of information appeared in his head. Chen Yi bowed and said: "I understand that if the master has no other important orders, I will go to the heaven with all the brothers and sisters..."

What Li Chen has to do is very simple. First, bring the Heavenly Court under the divine way. Those who are not included in the list of gods in the heavenly court must either leave the heavenly court and leave the heavenly realm, or they can only separate a trace of true spirits to enter the list of gods.After bringing the Heavenly Court under the Shinto, he handed over this will to Taibai Jinxing, who went to find the Bairen, awakened his will in the previous life, and brought it into the Shinto.

Make it the Heavenly Emperor of Shinto instead of the Heavenly Emperor of Heaven.

Hearing Houtu's words, Li Chen shook his hand: "Go, go..."

When Wendao Palace closed the gate again, Li Chen was immersed in that cultivation again.

When the God Realm moved, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and everyone's eyes were focused on the group of God Realm Houtu.

Seeing a crowd of people marching towards the heavenly court, they couldn't help but look at the heavenly court with sympathy, and even some little monks and little people were very excited - watching it again, if there is a big battle, maybe they can come to the heavenly court to pick up the leak..., But these are all wishful thinking of those little monks, casual cultivators, etc.

Houtu and the others did not cover up their whereabouts when they went to the Heavenly Court, so Taibai Jinxing had already waited at the Nantianmen with a group of people.

"I don't know what the fellow Taoists are talking about when they come to the Heavenly Court? The Queen Mother and the Heavenly Emperor turned around and ordered me to guard the Heavenly Court. If there is an order, I Taibai will definitely not refuse!"

Taibai Jinxing still has a warm smile on his face, and an affinity with him, which makes people let down their guard unconsciously.

But for Hou Tu and others, they were not affected at all.

"I won't go around the corner anymore. My master sent us and my brothers here to regain the Heavenly Court, so that all the immortals and gods in the Heavenly Court will be returned to the list of gods, and all the gods in the world will be enshrined to welcome the return of the Haotian God! Prime Minister Hong Huang Wan Dao, Reconcile Yin and Yang—”

After a pause, Houtu continued: "If you don't want to be included in the list of gods, you can explain in advance that we will not do that forced thing, you can rest assured..."

Taibai Jinxing: "Fellow Daoist, do you mean that both the Queen Mother and the God of Haotian will be included in this list of gods? But the Queen Mother and the God of Haotian have never talked about this matter with the old man before they turned into catastrophes. How about..." According to what Taibai Jinxing meant, he was going to wait until Haotian Let's talk about this after returning from the robbery.

But in this way, what was delayed was Li Chen's arrangement, and Houtu and the others would never allow such a thing to happen.

Immediately stopped Taibai Jinxing from continuing: "The Queen Mother and the Haotian God Taibai Jinxing, but you don't need to ask too much, my teacher has made his own arrangements, and the purpose of this trip is mainly for you, I wonder what you think about it?"

Taibai Jinxing: "Since the Queen Mother and Haotian God have entered the list of gods, we are no exception."

"That's right, we casual cultivators, in the heavenly court, in the immortal way, in the divine way, it's the same whatever you choose—"

Some casual cultivators talked to each other.

However, some monks who belonged to the three religions bowed to Houtu and the others and said: "We have our own sect masters, and there is no teacher who agrees, but it is inconvenient to be on the list. I hope you understand."

Houtu: "Is anyone else leaving?"

Not long after, a few more people walked out——

(End of this chapter)

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