Chapter 267 0267 Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen (First Change)
After reconfirming the monks who are willing to belong to the divine way, Houtu bowed in the direction of the gods and said: "Today, my disciple is generous and obedient to the heavens, and I have all the immortals in the heavens surrender to my divine way. I would like to report to the teacher, and hope that the master will express it... ..."

I saw a golden light flying towards him, and a list fell into Hou Tu's hands. The list was very similar to the list of gods, but upon closer inspection, it was blank, not even a single word.Although this list is not the list of gods, it is transformed by a trace of divine power. If the true spirit stays on it, it will leave a mark on the list of gods through this mysterious induction. It can be said to be extremely miraculous.

After Hou Tu respectfully took the list and bowed in the direction of the God Realm, he turned around and said to the crowd: "For the remaining fairy families, each take out a trace of true spirit and leave it in it..."

Every time a new imprint of the true spirit of a fairy god is received, a dark voice will resound in the hearts of all living beings.

"Confer Taibai Jinxing as the God of Enlightenment (Angel God)..."

"Conferring the Barefoot Immortal as the Barefoot Wandering God..."

"seal up……"

It is impossible to say that Hongjun doesn't care about each fairy family turning into a god of Shinto. Li Chen personally made a move, and the saints dare not jump out to challenge Li Chen at this time.

Therefore, when the gods were entrusted again, Hongjun came to the Wendao Palace on Buzhou Mountain in the God Realm.

"Fellow Daoist has done this. I don't know if you can show the face of the old Daoist. How about stopping here?" Seeing that Li Chen saw him coming, Hongjun sat there silently making tea and drinking tea. opened the mouth.

If Li Chen is allowed to go on like this, Immortal Dao will probably become the next Buddha Dao and Demon Dao in a short time.

At that time, even Hongjun's own strength will be affected.

Li Chen didn't answer Hongjun's words, but said a seemingly irrelevant sentence: "Friend Hongjun, do you think our Honghuang looks like a piece of meat at this time? A piece fell on a tree and was surrounded by wolves. The meat served?"

As he spoke and waved his hand, a huge image filled the entire main hall of Wendao Palace.

In the center of the image is a small and exquisite world with a round sky and a round sky. If you look closely, you can find that this world is made in a ratio of almost one to one with the prehistoric mountains and rivers.

The closest to this prehistoric world is the merged God Realm, Heavenly Mountain, and the underworld created by post-terraforming reincarnation, as well as a shadow-like world and various small thousand worlds created by the saints. Together, at this time, it can almost be regarded as an existence that is one with the prehistoric.

Beyond this prehistoric world, three great thousand worlds are drifting towards the prehistoric world, and beyond the three great thousand worlds there are eight great thousand worlds, and farther away there are 24 great thousand worlds, and 140 four great thousand worlds...

"These dots of light represent a world?" Hongjun felt his heart tremble, and couldn't help asking a little parched.

"That's right, the Great Thousand World is where the light is strong, the Middle Thousand World is where the light is dim, and the Small Thousand World is where there is almost no light. These are all I have collected for countless years. Fellow Daoist, do you think our prehistoric world is very attractive? people?"

As he spoke, Xiang Hongjun smiled, with an inexplicable meaning in his smile, as if he was mocking Hongjun, Zhu Sheng and other great powers who were too small and only knew how to fight in the nest.

For Li Chen's smile, Hong Jun pretended not to see it at all.

By this time, Hongjun probably understood the reason for Li Chen's frequent movements recently.

"What are you going to do, Fellow Daoist?" Hong Jun stared at Li Chen, as if he wanted to see flowers on his face.

"Without him, concentrate your strength and support your war with war!"

Li Chen opened his mouth lightly, seemingly so lightly, but there seemed to be blood and rain in it.

After speaking, Li Chen waved his sleeves again, but the images in the hall suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

The entire main hall of Wendao Palace was suddenly silent——

After a while, Hongjun's voice sounded faintly:

"Fellow Daoist, why did you choose the divine way instead of the immortal way?"

If Li Chen chooses the immortal way, maybe who owns the position of the master of the immortal way.At best, Hongjun is the ancestor of the immortal way, not the master of the immortal way.

You must know that before the Battle of the Conferred Gods, almost the entire Great Desolation, under my guidance, was almost all immortal monks.The ways of magic, Buddhism, demons, shamanism, Gu, etc. have almost no possibility of becoming the mainstream in the prehistoric world, and even the divine way back then was so weak that it could almost be ignored.

Choose the immortal way, use Li Chen's strength and wrist to compete for the master of the immortal way to become the Emperor of Heaven, commanding the immortals, it can be said that even Hongjun himself is hard to stop.

Hongjun really couldn't figure out why Li Chen would give up the Dao of Reaching Heaven and choose the thorny and bumpy road of Shinto instead.

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, have you ever heard of a saying? ——In the beginning there was Tao, God and Tao are the same!!!"

"In the beginning, there was Tao, and God and Tao are the same?..." Hong Jun muttered to himself.

"Yes, in the beginning there was Tao, and gods are the same as Tao! You and I are all innate gods regardless of others! All saints are, Zhenyuanzi is, Minghe is also..., even the Western Buddha is also a god. !!!”

In Li Chen's thinking, as long as the sky is opened, all the innate gods are born.

This god is not the god that was enshrined in the list of gods, but a real god.

If all the prehistoric powers follow the way of gods and promote the evolution of the prehistoric world, maybe the prehistoric world at this time is not just a perfect world.

You know, the immortal way is slim, and you are free.The divine way is precious, and the majesty is self-generated.One of the two focuses on self-generation and detachment, while the other focuses on guiding sentient beings to detachment. You can tell which is more important at a glance.

Hearing Li Chen's answer, Hongjun couldn't help but wryly smiled, feeling that he was indeed inferior to Li Chen in terms of structure.

Shaking his head, he said to Li Chen: "Fellow Daoist's ability is not as good as that of a poor Daoist. The poor Daoist will not participate in this matter of the heavenly court, and the Daoist Daoist can decide for himself." After a pause, Hongjun continued: " If Fellow Daoist has an order, I will cooperate, and the poor Taoist has important matters, so I won't stay any longer..."

With that said, Hongjun bid farewell to Li Chen.

After Hongjun left, the Wendao Palace returned to silence, except for Li Chen's inaudible breathing.

However, after everyone in the heavenly court entered the list of gods, Houtu, according to Li Chen's instructions, handed over that will to Taibai Jinxing, and ordered him to go to the Han Dynasty in the world to welcome the Zhang Bairen couple and his family to heaven.

At this time, Zhang Bairen and his wife, who are the reincarnations of Haotian and the Queen Mother, have not yet recovered the memory of their previous lives. They have repeatedly shirked what Taibai Jinxing said about God being the emperor of heaven, and even the reason that their own family property is hard to give up. moved out.

In the end, Taibai Jinxing made a decision and directly moved her house and all her poultry servants to the heaven, leaving behind the legend that one person attained Taoism and ascended to heaven.

"Here is Zhang Bairen, a virtuous man in the world, now, by the order of the most wonderful sage, the supreme supreme, the Wanyan true law, the primordial Changming Zhiyuan, the great god, conferring on you as the supreme supreme of Haotian Jinque God, named Jade Emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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