Chapter 276 0276 Conversion (Second More)

Seeing the young man transformed by the Chaos Beast, he did not answer, but looked at him with crazy killing intent. After a while, Amitabha said slowly:

"It seems that the benefactor has never realized—"

With a wave of his hand, the Chaos Beast turned into ashes without any resistance.A ray of spiritual consciousness circulated in this dream world again——

In the second life, the chaotic beast in the dream world became a cabbage worm, but within a few days, the cabbage worm was trampled to death.

In the third life, Chaos Beast gave itself a name called Daheitian...

The third world...

Not to mention that this Chaos Beast is fighting wits and courage with the leader, the rest of the saints have already fought fiercely with a group of Saint-level Chaos Beasts.

Especially Lao Tzu and Atum, they were fighting against the Chaos Beast.That Yuan Shi and La almost tied with the Chaos Beast in front of them.As for Zhunti and Nuwa's attacks are slightly weaker, they can barely deal with their respective opponents.

The chaotic beasts besieging the prehistoric world are constantly decreasing under the attack of a group of powerful people, but the side of the technological universe is now sparse and full of chaotic beasts.

However, the Hall of Civilization did not amplify its moves again this time, but dispatched mecha troops and robot troops with Da Luo level attack power.

The military strength of a civilization is much higher than the combined low-level monks of all the forces in this prehistoric world.

However, there is one thing that this technological civilization is far behind the mythical civilization, and that is life span!You must know that even the average lifespan of this ninth-level or even god-level civilization is only about 3000 years, and even if life is extended by various means, it will not exceed 1 years.

Because not only the physical body has a lifespan, but the spiritual will (commonly known as the soul) also has a lifespan. When the lifespan of the soul ends, no matter how long the lifespan of the body is, it will not help.

Different from prehistoric mythological civilizations, the lifespan of those low-level immortals is often tens of thousands of years, and the ten-thousand-year life span of a slightly higher level of cultivation is only a nap. Those who did not die naturally almost all died unexpectedly.

Although they have the martial power of Da Luo, they do not have the corresponding lifespan. To be honest, the representatives of various civilizations in the Hall of Civilization are very envious of those immortal gods.

Coming to Honghuang, it is not that the Hall of Civilization has not studied Honghuang's system, and even researched spiritual weapons and other things because of it, but it has made no progress at all in terms of life span.

For the future of the Hall of Civilization, the entire Hall of Civilization took out almost all of its inventory, just to make great military exploits.

The army moved out, and the robots and mecha troops pushed all the way, densely packed, comparable to the beast tide.

As long as a robot or mecha is damaged, the engineering machinery behind it will immediately drag the damaged robot or mecha down for repairs, and then put it on the battlefield after repairs. The whole process is like an assembly line, so that the robot , The mecha army as a whole didn't seem to have lost much at all.

As the number of Chaos Beasts continues to decrease, it seems that the man behind the attack can't sit still.

I saw a crystal clear claw grabbing towards the Hall of Civilization, as if it wanted to turn the entire Hall of Civilization and the mechanical army into powder.

Countless robots resisted in front of the giant claws, but they failed to block a single attack from them, and they still steadfastly grabbed towards the palace of civilization.

Seeing this, those representatives of civilization couldn't help panicking.

Because in their minds, the opponents of these giants are not their small shrimps at all, but the behind-the-scenes hands of this chaotic beast tide are eyeing their technological civilizations that do not have high-end combat power at all.

There is no such thing as those strong men in the prehistoric world who hold their own status and don't take action against the juniors.

As the giant claws got closer and closer, the expected strong rescuer did not appear, and I suddenly felt cold in my heart——

In the line of sight, a small pagoda appeared, the top of the tower faced the giant claw, and rushed towards the direction of the giant claw. During the process, the pagoda became bigger and bigger, almost comparable to that giant claw.

The two collided, and the tip of the tower pierced into the flesh. Suddenly, a shrill cry sounded from the chaos.

The sound of the sky is bursting, golden lotuses are pouring from the sky, the avenues are singing together, and a colorful glow hangs in the starry sky.

Li Chen came to the battlefield step by step, step by step, as if he was walking on the ground.

A horse-body dog-headed monster appeared in the chaos with four goat horns and five claws on top of its head. This strange beast was a bit like a mole in the prehistoric wilderness. Li Chen didn't know if there was any relationship between the two.

Let's call it a soil mole for the time being, and I saw that the soil mole raised his right paw slightly, as if he was injured, and looked at Li Chen full of anger to destroy everything.

After a loud cry, he immediately ran towards Li Chen.

Li Chen sneered and said: "How can ants compete with the bright moon? You can't think of yourself!"

Although the other party's cultivation base has reached the Dao of Heaven Realm just like himself and Hongjun, but to be honest, this earth mole is still at a very simple and basic stage in the use of power, and he can't exert [-]% to [-]% of his strength at all.

He is stronger than ordinary saints, but he is far behind Li Chen and Hongjun, who are strong in the Dao of Heaven.

I saw Li Chen waved his right hand, and without waiting for the mole to react, he sent him to the world in the tower to suppress him.

Turning around, looking at those high-tech troops on the battlefield, Li Chen nodded and disappeared in front of everyone.

It was supposed to be a battle with countless casualties, but it ended within two rounds in Li Chen's hands. In addition to worshiping Li Chen, everyone had a desire for that strength.

Unknowingly, Li Chen has gained a group of believers, and these believers are the life of these technological universes——

But it is said that the chaotic beast that was led into the dream by Jieyin was ravaged by Jieyin time and time again in the big dream world, and turned round and round again and again.

With higher intelligence and richer emotions, the Chaos Beast who claims to be Dahetian is about to be induced to suffer from mental illness.

When I saw Jieying again, when Jieying asked that sentence again: "I don't know if the benefactor has ever enlightened?"

His head was like a chicken pecking at rice, and he replied in his mouth: "Enlightenment, enlightenment!"

"I don't know what the benefactor has realized?"

Daheitian only felt that this guide was simply the biggest demon in the chaos. You asked if you were enlightened, and you answered that you were enlightened. What else did you ask?The ghost knows what I realized——

Daheitian froze there for a moment, mouth waxy, not knowing what to answer.

Seeing the guiding hand approaching his forehead, he couldn't help but feel great pity for a moment, thinking that he was going to reincarnation again.

But seeing a touch of Da Heitian's head, suddenly three thousand black hairs slipped off, becoming a bald head.

He opened his eyes and looked at Jieying in doubt, only to see Jieying slowly opening his mouth and saying: "Although understanding is weak, but spirituality is full, from now on you will follow the poor monk to practice Buddhism and delve into Buddhism—"

(End of this chapter)

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