Chapter 277 0277 Ending (First Change)
After subduing Daheitian, Jieyin naturally stopped trapping him. After taking him into his real body, the whole dream world collapsed like a broken mirror.

In the rippling void, Daheitian returned to reality, and Jieying, who had been sleeping, also woke up.

Jieying still had that look of pity for all beings, when Daheitian saw Jieying, he shuddered unconsciously.

The huge beast body is like plasticine, constantly changing its shape, and finally becomes an innate Taoist body.

Seeing that Jieyin had subdued the Chaos Beast, Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi and others stepped up their attacks.

I saw the Taiji Diagram in Lao Tzu's hand turned into a golden bridge, and suddenly suppressed the Chaos Beast in front of him. For a while, the Chaos Beast couldn't break free from the suppression of the Golden Bridge transformed from the Tai Chi Diagram, and roared endlessly there.

I saw Lao Tzu slapping the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda floating above his head, and saw that pagoda was like the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda owned by Tota King Li Jing. There was a huge suction force from under the pagoda, and the Chaos Beast that was fighting with Lao Tzu immediately had no resistance was included in it.

There was a rumbling sound in the pagoda, but this Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda was transformed by nearly one-third of Pangu's kaitian merit, and it is a treasure of innate merit and virtue. Its defense power can be regarded as unique in the wild. Its functions, such as suppression and trapping, although I don't use them often, are extremely powerful, and it's no problem to trap a saint-level powerhouse.

Seeing that Lao Tzu and Jie Yin had subdued their respective opponents, the chaotic beast in front of Yuan Shi was fighting Yuan Shi, his eyes rolled continuously, and he found an opportunity to break away from Yuan Shi's entanglement at the price of cutting off a tail .Suddenly he fled without a trace.

But the one in front of Zhunti was not so lucky. When he was about to run away, he saw the guide and escort on the way to leave, and he wanted to cry without tears.

However, although the cultivation base of the saint level cannot beat the two together, it is still no problem to run, but the price is a bit high, half of the blood disappeared, but it used one of the three major escape techniques, the blood escape. Law.

There are three types of evasion techniques, the most common one is the five elements evasion technique, which can be cast without any mana consumption, and belongs to the simplest escapism techniques, such as the technique of turning into a rainbow is almost all included in the five elements evasion technique .The second is the blood escape. The blood escape is an escape technique activated by one's own blood essence. Every time you use this kind of escape technique, you will be severely injured. Therefore, apart from the magic way, other monks rarely use blood escape. If the monks lose their essence and blood, they can devour the life force of the living beings to replenish it. If the other monks are damaged, they can only recover slowly over a long period of time. Eight hundred ways to lose.The strongest escape method, and also the only high-end escape method, is the space teleportation technique. So close to the sky is the predecessor of this space teleportation technique. This high-end escape method is currently in the wild except for Hongjun, Li Chen and Yang. Apart from Mei and others, even saints are rarely involved.

Those places that involve tearing the space to reach the target in an instant, seem to be space teleportation, but they are just shifting positions with powerful force, which is not a space teleportation technique at all.

A red light flashed, and the Chaos Beast in front of Yuanshi disappeared immediately, leaving Yuanshi with a gloomy face.

However, Tongtian's attack turned out to be sharper, and it fell on the Chaos Beast in front of it one after another, leaving behind scars, and each scar was attached with the power of Tongtian's will. The Chaos Beast just couldn't give full play to its physical strength.

Seeing that Lao Tzu took the Chaos Beast, Yuan Shi and Zhun Ti's Chaos Beast cut off its tail and ran away to survive. Now, only myself, Nu Wa and the three new saints who have just entered the prehistoric world are still dealing with it.

Immediately, Tongtian's hands were ruthless, and infinite power was poured into the long sword in his hand. His energy and spirit reached the peak in history, but he wanted to determine the outcome with one move and one sword.Under the unbelievable eyes of the Chaos Beast, the sword glow hesitated and slashed down.Immediately, the chaotic beast in front of him was divided into two by Tongtian.A flash of spiritual light quickly flew out of his corpse, shooting into the depths of the chaos, and disappeared.

Seeing that Tongtian was so powerful, Yuan Shi couldn't help but shrink his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

As soon as the Chaos Beast in front of Tongtian died, Nuwa, Atum, and the Chaos Beast in front of La suddenly panicked. Regardless of the opponent's attack, each of them used their own tricks to escape. Chaos beasts all ran for their lives.

The Chaos Beast's attack this time can be described as a complete defeat, but Honghuang didn't get much benefit. The high-level monks didn't sacrifice much, but the monks of Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian almost lost three points One more.

During the war, the corpses of those dead Chaos Beasts were allowed to float in the chaos, in the outskirts of the wild, and there was no time to deal with them.

At the end of the war, countless monks continued to search for everything on the battlefield, and some monks even envied the spoils of the civilization palace in the technological universe and prepared to snatch them.Just as he was about to implement it, he was stunned by a thunderbolt from Li Chen. He didn't dare to think about it at all, which made the whole process of cleaning up the battlefield extremely harmonious.

The origins of countless Chaos Beasts were swallowed up by the Great Desolation. Although it did not make the Great Desolation much bigger, those great powers that existed since ancient times can be found. .

After tidying up the battlefield, when everyone stepped into the prehistoric world, the sound of the sky was faint, flowers were falling from the sky, and golden lotuses were pouring from the ground, which was even more lively than when the saints were sanctified and Hongjun was sanctified.

In the sky, there was a vast glow, and almost the entire prehistoric world was shrouded in this cloud of merit.

The huge cloud of merit is almost the most numerous existence since Pangu created the world, enough for several saints to become holy.

The merits and virtues are like rain, falling on everyone's head, falling into the wild land, and the endless wild land suddenly seems to start to breed a different kind of vitality.

At the same time, a golden list spanned the entire prehistoric sky, and the names on it were so dense that it seemed to be beating every second.

The radiance of conferring the gods flew out of it and fell in front of their respective masters. As long as they agreed, they could refine the radiance and become a member of the gods.Shinto insiders named this radiance divine radiance.

This time the conferring of gods does not have anyone's subjective consciousness, as long as they meet the conditions for conferring gods on the list of gods, they will get this divine brilliance.

Make a good choice within a hundred years, and after a hundred years, the divine brilliance that has not been refined will lose the power of conferring the gods and turn into an ordinary crystal, known as the crystal of the godhead.

Although the person who refines the godhead is also a god, he does not have the immortality of the gods named in the list of gods, and is just a false god.

These are all things to talk about later. At this moment, Li Chen is sitting in the God Realm, and Hong Jun is at the side. I don’t know what he is talking to Li Chen——

(End of this chapter)

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