Chapter 278 0278 All Ways Converge (Second More)

Since the Chaos Beast Calamity passed, Li Chen invited Hongjun to his Wendao Palace to talk about the world and the future trend of Honghuang.

Li Chen is planning to focus on the Dao of God, bringing the Dao of Immortals, the Dao of Buddhism, etc. under his command, just like the Dao of Heaven before. The way to make all Taos harmonious and inseparable.

At that time, the gods, gods and Buddhas, demon gods, ghost gods, demon gods and the like mentioned by later generations will really appear.

This time, he was preparing to persuade Hongjun. After all, Hongjun was almost the only existence in the prehistoric world who could fight against him, and he was holding such a precious weapon as the fortune jade plate.Of course, Yang Mei is not counted, after all, Yang Mei was not in the prehistoric world at all.

"Fellow Daoist, what do you think?"

Li Chen looked at Hongjun, as if he wanted to see something from his face.

But Hongjun was sitting cross-legged on his seat with his eyes closed, as if he was thinking about something.

The most important problem was that Hongjun didn't know what Li Chen was planning, so Hongjun didn't dare to agree to Li Chen's request easily.

After all, the pros and cons are very obvious, and Hongjun doesn't believe that Li Chen didn't see it.If the Taos are united again, then Li Chen's divine way will no longer dominate the wilderness like it is now, and will even insert uncertain factors into the divine way.Hongjun was also able to take this opportunity to intervene in the struggle for power in the Shinto. No matter how you look at it, it was Li Chen's loss, but Li Chen did the opposite.

Although Hongjun doesn't know much about Li Chen, Hongjun also knows that people in the prehistoric world are generally unprofitable, and Hongjun doesn't think Li Chen is an exception.

The facts are indeed as Hong Jun thought, Li Chen does have a purpose.

At this moment, Li Chen is already a strong man in the realm of heaven, and the next step is the realm of Dao, but Li Chen has no clue about this realm of Dao.

According to the legend, Pan Gu proved the Dao and did the things of creating the world, but Li Chen didn't know whether Pan Gu proved the Dao or the existence after the Dao.

Pangu failed to prove the Tao and died of exhaustion, but he also left behind this vast prehistoric world, which became the first realm of the heavens and myriad realms.

Even with Li Chen's current cultivation, he dare not say that he has opened up a vast world like the Great Desolation, because this is not only a matter of strength, but also his understanding of the Dao.

Li Chen's current power development can only open up a middle-to-high-level Great Thousand World. As for the perfect world, there is no need to even think about it.

Li Chen's proposal to focus on the divine way and merge all the ways is precisely to be able to get a glimpse of the essence of the ways.

Hongjun opened his eyes, his eyes flashed brightly, he looked at Li Chen and said, "Daoist friend, Shinto dominates the prehistoric world, why did you do such a thing that hurts yourself? This really puzzles the poor Taoist, I don't know if you can explain it One or two?"

"Hehe, don't fellow Taoists want to see what kind of demeanor is above the realm of the Dao of Heaven?" If Li Chen pointed out something, his voice changed, and with inexplicable confidence, he said sonorously and forcefully: "Besides, although I propose that all Daoes merge , naturally has the ability to place Shinto on top of other Taos—”

"Fellow Daoist is already at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm?" Hong Jun was surprised.

You must know that the time when I entered the realm of the Dao of Heaven was about the same as that of Li Chen. With the help of the fortune jade plate, I can only reach the middle stage of the Dao of Heaven now.You must know that the higher the level of cultivation, the energy and time required for every step of refinement are multiplied.

"Although it hasn't arrived yet, it won't be long!" Li Chen replied.

In other words, Li Chen's cultivation at this time is at least in the late stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and he is only one chance away from being promoted to the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm and hitting the next stage.

Hearing Li Chen's answer, Hongjun fell silent.

Because promise it, when Li Chen gets the essence of the fusion of all Taos, one step closer, he will be farther away from it, and in the end he can only hold his own.Don't agree, firstly, Li Chen's force is here, and secondly, wouldn't it be obvious that he is afraid, afraid that Li Chen will go further.The word fear is a shame to Hongjun. When Pangu opened the sky, Hongjun, who was a demon god, hadn't even shown a timid face because of it. Now it is even less likely that he will intentionally hold back because he is afraid that Li Chen will take a step closer.

Besides, Hongjun still knows one thing, if Li Chen breaks through, then the divine way will almost fall into his own hands.

After all, compared with the prehistoric Taos, the Great Dao Realm is simply out of reach.

Although the Dao is fifty days and four nines, but the difference of one step is the difference between heaven and earth.

If you want to break through the Dao, you have to go through a catastrophe.Hongjun couldn't even imagine what it would be like the catastrophe in which the realm of heaven broke through the realm of Dao.

Maybe it was an invasion from another place, or it was derived from an inner demon, or maybe it was a variety of disasters——

After contemplating for a long time, the infinite thinking aura in his head was extinguished, and Hongjun just looked at Li Chen and said solemnly:

"I agree with the merging of immortality into Shinto, but I have two requirements!"

"Fellow Daoist, please say—"

"Regardless of whether you have successfully broken through the Great Realm, Fellow Daoist, please promise to leave us with a way forward. How about friendship?"

Hearing Hongjun's request, Li Chen agreed without thinking: "Then there is another request?"

"Fellow Daoists should treat my disciples of the Immortal Dao equally in terms of divine positions and positions..."

"It's easy to say! It's easy to say..."

This question was not a problem at all, and Li Chen agreed without thinking too much about it.

Seeing that Li Chen agreed, Hongjun sighed and summoned the good fortune jade plate.

Good Fortune Jade Butterfly is Hongjun's treasure of chaos, and also a treasure of heaven, and now it is the place where the origin of immortality resides.

It can be said that the good luck jade plate is the real body of immortality.

"Friends, please..."

As he said that, Hongjun slapped the good fortune jade butterfly suddenly, and Hongjun took out a cloud of immortal power from the good fortune jade butterfly, and pushed it towards Li Chen.

Under Li Chen's will, the origin of the divine way suddenly devoured towards the origin of the immortal way.

All of a sudden, the prehistoric sky turned red.

"Today, Immortal Dao is willing to condescend to God—"


The power of countless godly authority and the power of immortal rule are handed over and intertwined. Suddenly, countless monks in the prehistoric world break through the realm because of this. After all, the opportunity to face the rules is not always available.

Most of the powers of immortality heard Hongjun's voice, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Especially Jieyin and Zhunti who controlled the Buddhist way, Nuwa who controlled the demon way, and Houtu who controlled the ghost way (tunnel), so they couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Although I don't know what happened to Hongjun and Li Chen, but Hongjun, who is the ancestor of the immortal way, is willing to live under the divine way temporarily. .

Thinking of this, the lords of all ways headed towards the God Realm one after another, preparing to find out the truth——

(End of this chapter)

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