Chapter 280 0280 Swallow (Second More)
Prehistoric—God Realm—Worship Palace
Li Chen was nodding his head on the main seat, waiting for the arrival of the masters of Taoism. Hongjun was sitting on the lower left, just like Li Chen, he was adjusting his breath with his eyes closed, as if everything just now was not enough.

Nuwa and Houtu met outside the God Realm. Houtu's real body needed to suppress the Underworld, so he couldn't come to the God Realm. What came was only a clone of Houtu.Or maybe it's just a clone of Empress Pingxin...

It should be known that once reincarnation comes out, there will be no witches in the land.

Although Nuwa and Houtu didn't belong to the same faction at the beginning, and they were even hostile to each other, but the family of Goddess Honghuang, the private relationship between the two is extraordinary, very good.

"Sister Nuwa, you..." The two of them haven't seen each other since the reincarnation of Houtuhua. At this time, when they meet, they have thousands of words in their hearts, and they don't know what to say.

Nuwa smiled like a flower, seemed very happy to see Houtu, grabbed Houtu's hand and said, "Sister Houtu, how have you been all these years?"

"Once reincarnated, Houtu will no longer be a witch. Houtu without the blood of the witch clan is no longer Houtu. Sister Nuwa, please tell me to calm down..." With infinite emotion and loneliness in his tone, he sighed faintly road.

"In my eyes, you will always be that sister of Houtu... Okay, let's not talk about it, let's not talk about these unhappy things when we get together today. The purpose of my sister must be the same as that of my younger sister, right?"

The tone is full of affirmation, Ming Dao, also known as Samsara Dao, Ghost Dao, etc., belongs to the authentic way among the three ways of heaven, earth and man.It stands to reason that they are the same as the Dao of Heaven, but it is very deformed in the prehistoric world. Because the Dao of Heaven was born first, it is the most powerful. It seems that all the nutrients are plundered by the Dao of Heaven, causing the Dao of Humanity and the Dao of Earth to be like immature children, which cannot be the same as the Dao of Heaven. And language.

Now that the divine way is powerful, the immortal way has been attached to the divine way, and it is supposed to be like the heavenly way in the past, integrating all kinds of ways into one.At that time, this divine way will almost become the second heavenly way again, but unlike the original day way, this divine way will become unprecedentedly powerful.Some might even speculate that Shinto might transform into a Dao-like existence by then...

After all, the Three Ways of Heaven, Earth and Man were determined by Dao at the beginning. Even if the Way of Heaven is stronger than the Dao of Earth and the Way of Humanity, it is impossible to swallow them. Rules are rules, and they cannot be disobeyed.

Nowadays, Shinto is almost free from shackles, and there is no restriction of the Dao. If the gods replace the sky, and the method of the Dao may be successful.

Hearing Nuwa's words, Houtu didn't say anything, but smiled slightly, which was regarded as acquiescing.

While the two were talking, the young girl was ordered by Li Chen to come out to greet her.

"Two honored guests, Master knows that you are coming, and ordered me to come and greet you..."

I saw the young girl bowed slightly to Nuwa and Houtu before speaking.

"Since that's the case, sister Houtu, we can't keep the gods waiting for a long time. Let's go to Wendao Palace first. What do you think?"

Seeing Houtu nodding, Nuwa turned her head and said to Qingnv: "In this way, there will be laborious Qingnv..."

Asking about the whole palace, Nuwa has also been in contact with her several times, and several of Li Chen's disciples can still recognize them clearly.

While speaking, he followed Qing Nu to Wendao Palace.

Entering Wenwen Palace, Nuwa saw Hongjun and Li Chen with their eyes closed and recuperating, and they pulled Houtu to the futon behind Hongjun, imitating the two of them to sit quietly and wait.

After a while, the guides from Buddhism and Dao Dao and the Da Zi Zai Heavenly King from the Dao of Demons also arrived one after another.

Everyone's eyes fell on Hongjun and Li Chen. It was a little strange to see that the two were still resting with their eyes closed. Almost all the masters of the Tao that everyone was familiar with had come, and they seemed to be waiting for someone.

If not, Li Chen saw everyone's doubts, and explained: "There is still a master on the way, you and I will wait for a while."

When everyone heard this, they all frowned, because they couldn't think of any other controller who hadn't arrived.

When he was young, Houtu led a group of people to Wendao Palace.

It was the representatives of the nine-level civilization in the Hall of Civilization and the leader of the god-level team.

These people don't have any profound power, and even their lifespan is only about a thousand years, but they can represent a group to come to the Palace of Inquiring, which immediately made all the great experts curious.

His eyes kept sizing up the crowd, trying to see what they saw. Fortunately, this was the Daoist Palace, otherwise, everyone would have blatantly and directly shot.

"Entropy, the representative of the god-level civilization in the Hall of Civilization, has met the gods and all the strong men!"

Facing the crowd of great powers, the man named Entropy of the god-level civilization still worshiped respectfully without changing his face.

"Well, excuse me, the visitor is a guest, please sit down!" Li Chen said.

The technological civilization headed by Entropy found a seat on the right hand side and sat down.

"The union of immortals and gods is the beginning of the prosperity of the Dao. You must come here for this reason..." Li Chen talked about everything, telling the whole story.

"As the gods said, we have been in charge of the Tao for a while. Although the various ways are scattered, they are not very powerful. It is not as good as when the gods and gods merged in the time of the heavenly way. The victory?" After listening to what Li Chen said, Jieyin opened his mouth to express his thoughts.

Although Buddhism is booming, the blessings of Buddhism and Taoism are far less powerful than Shinto, even less than a quarter of it.

So when they heard the confluence of immortals and gods, they hurriedly came to meet and guide them in order to achieve their goals.

Although the goals of the people present were different, they were basically the same. Some led the way, and they all waited for Li Chen's answer.

However, Li Chen did not answer the question of introduction for the time being, but looked at the technological and civilized people aside.

"Is this why you waited to come?"

Li Chen also had a sense of the condensed heart of science and technology in the way of science and technology of technological civilization, and probably guessed the reason why everyone came, but he still asked.

"Returning to God Venerable, that's exactly the case, but we, the Alliance of Science and Technology Civilization, don't know that our way of science and technology is like the way of Buddhism, immortality, demon and magic that you practice in this big world..."

Entropy stood up and replied.

"Oh..., you don't need to think too much, the road is unified, and the end of all roads is for detachment. There is a way for all dharmas, and technology is no exception!"

Li Chen looked at Entropy and the others as if they were sitting on pins and needles, and he rarely explained to appease everyone.

Then he turned to Nuwa and the others, and asked, "I don't know if you have any questions?"

"We have no doubts, and obey the arrangements of the gods!"

The crowd answered.

I saw Li Chen nodded slightly, summoning the origin of the divine way.

I saw that the origin of the divine way turned into the list of gods for a while, turned into a whip for a while, turned into a sky eye for a while, and turned into Li Chen's Tongtian Pagoda for a while, which seemed to contain infinite changes.

Seeing this, everyone, like Li Chen, summoned the origin of each way.

I saw that the origin of the divine way was like a curtain, wrapping the origin of all the ways, and seemed to completely swallow it.

As time goes by, Shinto seems to become more grand, and people who have experienced the era of Tiandao's rule feel almost the same as Tiandao.

I don't know how long it took, but I saw a hole in the light ball that the divine way source swallowed up all the sources of dao, and all the sources of dao flew back to their hands again, even the immortal way was no exception.

Seeing this, everyone even thought that the confluence of all ways had failed.

However, after careful sensing, it was found that the original talisman seals in the origins of the Dao seemed to have been pulled away, and now only the power of the original source was left, which was almost exactly the same as the original Dao...

(End of this chapter)

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