Chapter 281 0281 Promotion!promotion! (first update)
As the original talismans of all Taos merged into Shinto, the power of Shinto was promoted to a terrifying state in an instant, and the cultivation level of Li Chen, the ancestor (lord) of Shinto, was also promoted.

In the late stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm—when the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm is only one step away from the Great Dao Realm, it seems that the stamina is insufficient, and it stops as if something is missing.This thing is a chance, or a vital treasure, or a certain authority...

Even Li Chen himself felt confused, unable to tell what was wrong.

Asking about the palace, Hongjun sensed that the aura on Li Chen's body suddenly rose, like a mountain, which made it impossible to see the top.Since he had never personally entered the realm of the Great Dao Realm, he had no concept of this realm at all, so he couldn't help thinking that Li Chen had already achieved the Great Dao Realm, so Fang congratulated him.

"Congratulations fellow daoist, congratulations fellow daoist..."

I saw Li Chen wryly smiled and shook his head: "It's too early to talk about happiness at this time? I haven't broken through the Dao Realm, I just reached the peak of the Dao Realm and the realm between the Dao Realm, similar to the false saint realm between a quasi-sage and a saint... "

Even so, Li Chen's powerful aura made everyone in Wendao Palace unable to resist at all, as if Li Chen's single thought would crush him to pieces.

Even some members of the Hall of Civilization couldn't sit still, and were directly crushed by this momentum.

This aura is just a breath leaked by Li Chen who just broke through this realm and failed to control it perfectly.

After completing the breakthrough, Li Chen quickly closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. After running the exercises for several weeks, the majestic aura on his body disappeared immediately.

At the same time, the prehistoric gods who belonged to the Shinto, at the moment when the Shinto was promoted, felt that the previously obscure Shinto suddenly became clear. As the understanding of the Shinto deepened, the Shinto talismans in the body also became It's getting more and more complicated.

Without Li Chen's conferment, almost all the gods of Shinto were automatically promoted to the first rank.

At this moment, the Shinto, which originally had few high-end combat powers, has added hundreds, thousands, and quasi-sages.Although they are all in the early stages, the scale alone is the largest in the prehistoric times.

Not only that, but the entire prehistoric world shined brightly when the Shinto was promoted, and under the influence of the Shinto, it also started the journey of advancement.

Countless law chains are derived out of thin air, and every inch of land and every void is densely covered with law chains.In the past, the special Da Luo Jinxian could make the space vibrate, and the quasi-sage could directly tear the space. At this time, even the quasi-sage strong can't tear the space in the wild, unless the cultivation base reaches the realm of saints... …

The prehistoric space gives people the feeling that the original loess wall has directly changed into the current reinforced concrete wall. This change is not too big.

Moreover, Shinto seems to still retain the original ability to interconnect all things. As long as there are creatures with spiritual power, they can be connected to the virtual world of Shinto, which is simply the second prehistoric world.

Even the members of the House of Representatives in the Hall of Civilization sensed the convenience brought by the divine way, and their eyes couldn't help but shine brightly, as if they were summing up the pros and cons of it and looking for the benefits of it.

After all, when it comes to the Internet, the technological civilization has the most say. If you want to make profits in the Internet, it is the strength of the technological civilization.

But for the strong, no matter where they go, they are at the top of the food chain, even in the Internet.

A preaching by a strong man or a refining tool, a pill, a talisman, whatever it is can be sold for a sky-high price here.

Of course, these are the grand sights of the future, but at this moment, Li Chen sensed that the many worlds that were originally heading towards the prehistoric world were speeding up their progress.

It seems that because the prehistoric world has become stronger, the ability to capture those worlds has also become stronger.

For those worlds, Li Chen is not very concerned about those worlds at this time, whether it is devoured or destroyed, if the strong in those worlds resist, it will only take more time at best.But if the world evolves after devouring the world and causes catastrophe, Li Chen will be a little uncertain.

You must know that the leader of this beast tide is the existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm.Next time, there may not be several Chaos Beasts in the Dao Realm joining forces, or even higher-level Chaos Beasts.

For Li Chen, for all sentient beings, everything is still unknown.


Li Chen's promotion, Shinto promotion, and Hong Huang's promotion have caused a wave of Shinto tide. If not for all Daos have become vassals of Shinto, it is not likely that many great powers will directly change to Shinto.

After everyone in Wendao Palace had left, Li Chen summoned his disciples to Wendao Palace——

"We pay homage to Master, and respectfully wish Master to attain the Dao and enjoy eternity." A group of disciples bowed.

The eternity here is not the kind of eternity of the sages of the heavenly way and the gods of the divine way. The sages of the heavenly way are the immortality of the heavens, the immortality of the saints, and the immortality of the divine way.These are relatively low, and they are all based on other things.And the real eternity is self-contained Dao, all things perish and I survive alone, ten thousand ways die but I am immortal, eternity is free and self-contained.

Hearing the compliments from the disciples, Li Chen didn't want to explain too much, presumably they must have the same idea as Hongjun just now.The main purpose of summoning a group of disciples this time is to beat them up. It may be because their cultivation base is getting higher and higher, which makes some disciples become a little drifting in front of others.

"Do you know why I summoned you?"

"Reporting to Master, this disciple doesn't know. I still hope that Master will clarify!" A group of disciples looked at Li Chen and bowed with puzzled expressions.

"The so-called impermanence of all dharmas is difficult for those who seek the Tao, difficult for those who learn the Tao, and few who know it. Which level do you think you belong to?"

Although they didn't know the reason and purpose of Li Chen's question, everyone was still in deep thought.

After a while, Chen Long opened his mouth and said: "I would like to inform Master, this disciple believes that seekers of the Tao seek famous teachers everywhere in order to pass on the Tao, but the teaching of the Tao is not light, so it is difficult. A student of the Tao has all the understanding, roots, and opportunities. , such as disciples are among the ranks of learning the Tao, so it is difficult. Those who know know it and know it, and they know it. Just like the master, he has already obtained the Dao. It's not as good as the prehistoric ones, but they are few. My disciples are dull, and there may be mistakes or omissions in their trivial insights, so I ask the master to point out—"

Hearing Chen Long's words, Li Chen couldn't help but nodded.

But today Li Chen's main purpose is not to explain this.

"Is there anyone who disagrees?"

Li Chen scanned for a week, saw his disciples shaking their heads, paused before continuing:

"That is, there is no difference, so have you put cultivation in your heart recently? Except for Chenlong, Houtu and others, no one else has broken through the Daluo Jinxian and become a quasi-sage—"

Only now did everyone know that Li Chen didn't come for preaching, but came for beating.

(End of this chapter)

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