Chapter 282 0282 Tower Wreckage (Second More)

After some beatings, those disciples suddenly repented, and they all agreed with Li Chen's words, and dared not disobey.

After beating a group of disciples, taking this opportunity, he began to preach directly to solve doubts, but it was a waste of time to slap a sweet date.

A hundred years later, Li Chen sent all his disciples back to retreat, but he got up and left Wendao Palace.

One step closer in cultivation, Li Chen did not find any trace of the main temple in the chaos of the heavens, it seemed that the main temple just disappeared, and there was nowhere to be found.

If he couldn't find it for a day, Li Chen's heart became a little irritable.

When I first entered the Heavenly Dao Realm, I was already able to faintly sense the upper limit of the main temple, but now my cultivation base is at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm. There is no trace of the existence of this main temple, as if everything at the beginning was a dream.For a while, Li Chen looked forward to this main temple inexplicably. Could this be an opportunity for him to achieve the true way?Or do you mean that your chance is something else?

Thinking about it, Li Chen found an imitation from his collection that he imitated the main temple. After activating all the rules and other things in it, Li Chen threw it into the chaos and void at will, and let others develop.

Little did they know that today's main shrine is the main shrine of that day, but because of the result, the main shrine played very well.

In the chaos, somewhere in the unknown land, Li Chen went to the ancient world that seemed to exist in the future when he was looking for the ancient world, which seemed to exist in the future. It was like a balloon bursting, making a bang sound.Like a phantom, it dissipated into nothingness, Li Chen didn't know these things.

At this time, Li Chen sensed an inexplicable call in the chaos, the sense was very weak, and if Li Chen hadn't advanced, he wouldn't have sensed it.

Leaving Wendao Palace and throwing out the false master's temple that he made at the beginning, Li Chen went in the direction of the induction.

Cultivated at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, the speed of progress in the chaos is very fast, even the time and space in the chaos can't resist Li Chen's power, directly relying on the huge power to tear open the time and space of the chaos to make his way.

As time passed, Li Chen was getting closer and closer to the place of induction, but he could tell that the unknown call was actually his own pagoda, and this Tongtian Pagoda was his own treasure, so he was to a certain extent It can also sense the induction between the various parts of the magic weapon itself.

My Tongtian Pagoda was derived from the base of the pagoda. Although I don't know its original grade, but his potential now surpasses all magic treasures, even the Pangu ax used by Pangu, the 36th grade good luck blue In Li Chen's opinion, Lian is not as good as this Tongtian Pagoda.Because Tongtian Pagoda is a growth treasure, even if the conditions for his growth are extremely harsh, it is more precious than ordinary treasures and spirit treasures, and it can even be said that there is only one in the world!
In the process of advancing, Li Chen also encountered many middle-thousand worlds, great-thousand worlds, and even a perfect world, but for Li Chen, the world will merge with the prehistoric world at that time, so he basically doesn't have to worry about it.But there may be only one chance to retrieve the parts of his magic weapon, and the ghost knows whether his position has moved.

Not long after, Li Chen came to the place where the induction came from.

But it's not like what Li Chen imagined, when he saw the part of the magic weapon directly, there was nothing in the chaos in front of him, as if the induction was just a joke with himself.

If he hadn't experienced the weird and dilapidated ancient world back then, Li Chen would have suspected that what he felt now was just an illusion.

But at this moment, Li Chen directly used his great mana, and with a sudden tear, the entire chaotic space was torn apart like a piece of rag.

The true face buried under the chaos appeared in Li Chen's eyes.

It seems that this world does not belong to chaos. The moment it appeared, a violent storm of chaos blew up in the chaos. The chaotic space torn apart by Li Chen was constantly repaired by a mysterious force. Gathering in the middle is like soldiers who are ordered and prohibited, and they are arranged under a mysterious force——

Li Chen couldn't care so much at this time, and jumped into this unknown world directly.

Unlike falling into the inexplicably dilapidated ancient world before, Li Chen's cultivation at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm at this time is enough to ensure his sobriety and safety.

The crack in the chaotic space that was torn open on the back slowly disappeared, but the feeling about the prehistoric was almost faded, and it seemed to be reversed from the previous feeling.

The perception of the original tower body of the Tongtian Tower has become extremely clear.

As far as he could see, the surroundings were almost pitch black, like a night, if it weren't for the light like starlight in this darkness, even Li Chen thought that there was no light in this world.Those 'starlights' seem to be very close, but in Li Chen's induction, there is nothingness, it seems that this space does not exist.

When he was young, it seemed that Li Chen had passed through a barrier, and Li Chen came to a world that was about to collapse.

In the center of the world is a broken tower body, without a tower top, without a tower base, just a lonely piece.

If you sense its breath, it is even a level higher than the level of the Tongtian Tower in your hand.

This is my purpose.Li Chen looked at the broken tower body and thought.

There is a continuous overflow of power in the tower body, and it is precisely these overflowing power that this world has not completely collapsed just now.

In Li Chen's view, this world is just a corner of an unknown world.

I really don't know what kind of battle it is that will cause such a big world to collapse, and even this treasure of unknown level in my hand will fall apart.

Li Chen grabbed the wreckage of the pagoda with his big hand, as if he sensed the aura belonging to the Tongtian Pagoda on Li Chen, and the wreckage of the pagoda was successfully collected by Li Chen without any resistance.

The moment the wreckage disappeared, the world supported by the wreckage could not avoid the fate of death, and the crackling sound like a broken mirror sounded everywhere.

Seeing this, Li Chen violently tore where it came from——

Unexpectedly, there was no passage to Chaos——

Seeing the aura of great destruction in the world becoming more and more violent, Li Chen sacrificed the Tongtian Tower, paying attention to almost all of his mana, and slammed into it, a tunnel was suddenly smashed open under the power of the Tongtian Tower, A chaotic air flow washed down this passage.

Under the protection of Tongtian Tower, this arduous task was completed.

Li Chen couldn't imagine that if he didn't have this treasure, he would have to be destroyed together with that world.

The power generated by the shattering of the world is simply unreasonable.

But before getting out of the chaos, Li Chen felt something was wrong, a huge eye was staring at him in the chaos——

(End of this chapter)

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