CH 283 CH 0283
As soon as Li Chen returned to Chaos, he felt a threat enveloping him, and even at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, he felt a little breath of death.

Looking up, at the place where the chaos was shattered just now, a huge eye stared at him. Human beings are much stronger, the difference between the two is like the gap between a child and a giant.

This giant eye is the eye of the avenue.

At this time, Li Chen didn't know at all whether he attracted the Eye of the Great Dao because he broke the chaos, or he attracted the Eye of the Great Dao because he discovered the dilapidated world hidden under the chaos.

But facing the Eye of the Great Dao, Li Chen put up [-]% of his energy. Li Chen didn't think that the Eye of the Great Dao came here for tourism.

Sure enough, without waiting for Li Chen's preparations, a chaotic thunderbolt split out from the eyes of the Dao, and came straight for Li Chen's face.

The Chaos Thunder turned into a tumbling Chaos Dragon, roaring and shooting towards Li Chen. The scales and armor of the thunder-changing dragon glowed coldly as if they were real.


It was deafening like a cow but more powerful and majestic than a cow, as if crossing the spatial and geographical constraints. In the blink of an eye, the Chaos Dragon rushed to Li Chen.

Li Chen had a serious face, and with a wave of his right hand, the Tongtian Pagoda, which was originally sacrificed, kept getting taller and bigger, and it was directly in front of him like a giant mountain.

Under the impact of the giant dragon, Tongtian Tower moved back slightly.

It can be seen that the majestic power of this giant dragon is worthy of the hand of Dao Dao. You must know that ordinary people in Tongtian Tower like yourself can't make it move half a step, even Hongjun who is the closest to him in cultivation.

But Li Chen is not someone who won't fight back after being beaten, blocking this blow, Tongtian Tower quickly turned into a dusty stick.It was the magic weapon that turned into the fourth layer - the Sky Shaking Stick.

The Sky Shaker has no other abilities, only a very basic but very practical ability, and this ability is breaking spells.

The Chaos Dragon is derived from the Chaos Thunder and belongs to the category of law.For this chaotic dragon, the Sky Shaking Stick can display [-]% of its power.

Holding the sky-shaking stick in his hand, Li Chen swept towards the giant dragon, and an artistic conception of breaking all spells spread immediately.

The Chaos Dragon also seemed to know that the Sky Shaker was not easy to mess with, and quickly avoided its edge.But for Li Chen, since he came, how could he avoid it? With a backhand slash with the sky-shaking stick in his hand, he hit the Chaos dragon, and the magic-breaking power immediately spread. It turned into its own chaotic thunder.

Compared to the Chaos Dragon, this Chaos Thunder is not easy to mess with. Fortunately, the Sky Shaker is not conductive, otherwise Li Chen probably would not be able to hold the Sky Shaker steadily.

Finding a gap, Li Chen struck the gray chaotic thunder with a stick, and the chaotic thunder suddenly bang, turned into a little bit of starlight, and dissipated invisible.

It took a little time to solve the first attack of the Eye of the Great Dao. Although there were no casualties, it was not good news for Li Chen.

Even the first attack took so much time, but he didn't know how to deal with the subsequent attacks. The power of this great punishment must be progressive, and each one is stronger than the other.

Before Li Chen practiced for a while, the second attack had already begun to condense when the first chaotic thunder dissipated.

In the chaos, because of the second attack of Dao, a storm of chaos was set off. A long river that existed in the past, present and future emerged in the chaos, and it was the long river of time that belonged to the chaos.

The time in the long river of time begins with 3000 golden giant eggs. These 3000 huge golden eggs are the original bodies of the legendary 3000 Chaos Demon Gods.

The Chaos River of Time summoned by the Eye of the Great Dao is not for Li Chen to watch the history of this chaotic world, but the five Chaos Demon Gods seem to be under control, jumping out of the illusory River of Time and entering the chaos.

At that time, the long river suddenly collapsed and dissipated, as if all the power was used to breed these five Chaos Demon Gods.

When Li Chen thought that these five Chaos Demon Gods were just puppets of the Great Dao, he heard one of them say: "!@#¥%..."

It was not the current language, but Li Chen could understand the specific meaning.The translation is: "Your death in exchange for our resurrection, this is the final judgment of Tao!"

Li Chen sneered and said, "They're already dead, so die happily. What are you doing jumping out to scare people? Are you going to be judged and resurrected? You think you're playing a game..."

Those five people did not answer Li Chen's words, but directly started to ask for a fight:

"I am the Demon God of Gold, Ruo Shou!"

"I am the demon god of wood, Jumang!"

"I am the demon god of water, Gong Gong!"

"I am the Demon God of Fire, Zhu Rong!"

"I am the Demon God of Earth, Houtu!"

"We Five Elements Chaos Demon God, please fight!"


Immediately, Li Chen was a little confused. When did this descendant of Pangu's witch clan become the Chaos Demon God.

However, the five of them didn't give Li Chen time to think about it, and they suddenly changed, and the real body of the demon god appeared in the chaos.

The demon god of gold has a human face and a tiger body, with golden scales on his body, two wings on his blade, a snake in his left ear, and two dragons on his feet.

The wood demon god Jumang, as green as green bamboo, has the body of a bird and the face of a human, and rides on two dragons.

Gonggong, the demon god of water, has a python head and a human body, covered with black scales, with a black dragon on his feet and a green python wrapped around his hands.


Don't look too much like the Great Desolate Witch Clan. If it wasn't for Hou Tu's transformation into peace, but because he had seen it himself, Li Chen would have thought that they were the five members of the Great Desolate Witch Clan.

As soon as the five people made a move, they directly surrounded Li Chen in the middle, and stood in the position where the five elements interact with each other. In an instant, they formed a large array of five elements with people as the formation.

The invisible force is like a bond, connecting the five people.

The five elements here are not the innate or acquired five elements in the prehistoric period, but the chaotic five elements that existed before the prehistoric period.

There is simply not much difference in strength.

The huge power made Li Chen feel as if the surrounding time and space were trapped in a swamp, making it difficult to move.

But relatively speaking, Zheng Wuxing is not mainly about harm, but about suppressing, so even if Li Chen felt suppressed, he didn't suffer much harm.

But Li Chen wouldn't just be so stupid and wait to be suppressed.

The Tongtian Tower took root, and quickly soared in the chaos.

The moment the Tongtian Tower came out, Li Chen entered the Tongtian Tower.

As the Tongtian Tower continued to grow taller, the space between the Five Elements Chaos Demon Gods was squeezed.

"Reverse the five elements, and the world will be destroyed!"

Five people drinking——

(End of this chapter)

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