Chapter 286 0286 Capture the Eye of the Great Dao (Second More)

Not only the torrent of bad luck and 'luck', even the eye of the avenue that followed was frozen at this moment under the power of time stillness.

In just a second, Li Chen felt that the Eye of the Great Dao seemed to be breaking free from the influence of the stillness of time. After all, it was not only Li Chen's power to control time, but the Eye of the Great Dao also controlled the long river of time.

Li Chen didn't immediately rush to solve the 'luck', but immediately rushed towards the eye of the avenue, the time pocket watch in his hand could not be used, Li Chen could only use the power of robbery he had cultivated.

Li Chen has cultivated the power of robbery for a long time, but basically he has no chance to use it. Although he knows that his power is very strong, Li Chen has no idea how powerful the power of robbery is.

Li Chen's right hand burst into a pale fire, his palm was like a knife, and the knife in his hand immediately slashed on the eye of the avenue.

It seemed that there was no obstacle at all, and the entire Eye of the Great Dao was split in half by Li Chen.

At this moment, the frozen time around him suddenly returned to normal——

The roar sounded like a wounded demon god, resounding through the chaos.

The Eye of the Great Dao seemed to want to repair this wound, and wanted to fuse back the small half of the Eye of the Great Dao that Li Chen had cut off, but Li Chen didn't give him a chance at all, and immediately sent the small half of the Eye of the Great Dao to Tongtian Tower suppressed among.

In an instant, the time pocket watch turned into a rainbow bridge, and Li Chen crossed it in one step and walked away again.

The small half of the Dao Eye that was collected by Li Chen into the space of the Tongtian Tower seemed to be cut off from the connection with the Dao, and suddenly slowly squirmed, turning into a smaller number of the Dao Eye.

However, compared to the Eye of the Great Dao that chased and killed Li Chen, this Eye of the Great Dao seemed to have no autonomy at all, so it just stayed in the space of Li Chen's Tongtian Tower.

The Eye of the Great Dao was injured. Seeing Li Chen leave, he did not continue to pursue him. He seemed to disappear into the chaos after giving some order to that 'luck'.

But that 'luck' is to collect the rest of the torrent of bad luck and continue to pursue it in the direction of Li Chen.

However, Li Chen dropped star chess pieces derived from the Tongtian Tower in the surrounding chaos. The gray-white star chess pieces floated in the chaos, like chaotic rocks, and like stones in the prehistoric. The ancient sky was like stars, and it was not very conspicuous. After doing all this, Li Chen sat down cross-legged, absorbing the energy of chaos to restore his mana.

When I was young, that 'luck' just arrived here.

At this time, Li Chen couldn't help but be thankful for the two treasures he had obtained, the Rainbow Bridge and the Time Pocket Watch. The Time Pocket Watch cannot be used easily, and every time he uses it, it will drain almost half of his mana. Can't tolerate being weak.

And this rainbow bridge is an important reliance for him to deal with at this moment.

Seeing that the big eyes behind 'Luck' didn't follow, Li Chen knew that he had done the right thing by dealing with the Eye of the Dao first, otherwise the ghost would know if he would summon any ghosts after solving 'Luck', If the Great God Pan Gu is summoned, then there will be something to play with.

"Heterogeneous, be punished!"

Seeing Li Chen, that "luck" seemed to become irritable, but that "luck" did not rush towards Li Chen hastily, but took out the remaining third of the collected bad luck torrent.

Just when Li Chen thought that "luck" was going to repeat the old trick, he saw that luck pinched the torrent of bad luck, and the bad luck seemed to turn into substance, and was squeezed into the appearance of three sticks of incense.

Although the steps and the time spent seem to be many, it is only three breaths.

"Curse of bad luck, in the name of my 'luck', I curse you to be plagued by calamities..."

The ruthless and clear voice of 'Luck' sounded, and the original sinister and evil curse was spit out from his mouth, which gave people a sense of majesty.

Hearing the curse of 'luck', Li Chen smiled unkindly.

Cursed myself to be plagued by disaster--

Don't you know that you are the ancestor of the disaster?

Disaster robbery dared to come to Li Chen, and it was considered lucky if he didn't eat it in one bite.

It's just a supplement.

After a long time without using the power of robbery, Li Chen is a little rusty.

Thinking of his "God's Crow's Mouth" (also known as Crow's Mouth) derived from the volume of "Jinkou Yuyan" bestowed by Daoist, the look in the eyes of that 'luck' was obviously malicious.

Free opponents, useless.

In this move, he used the powerful power of calamity on his body.

Li Chen: "I said 'luck', I know you are interested in me, but you can't follow me blindly, hey, be careful where you step—"

'Luck' would not listen to Li Chen's babbling, when he was about to attack Li Chen, he suddenly felt his foot tripped by something, suddenly lost his center of gravity like an ordinary person, and almost fell to the ground, fortunately, 'Luck' It's not an ordinary person, who immediately regained his upright position.

Li Chen silently calculated, and he used the power of this calamity, but he used it for less than a billionth. The power consumption depends on the situation, and there is no fixed value.

For example, making a person wrestle and letting a person be struck by lightning, the power consumed is definitely different.Li Chen estimated that the force used in the wrestling was less than one percent of the force used to get someone struck by lightning.

After all, being struck by lightning involves a very wide range.This power of catastrophe is basically based on the existing environment to expand the probability of catastrophe.All in all, all in all, events with higher probability consume less power, and conversely, events with lower probability consume more power.

"Heterogeneous, be punished!"

The 'luck' tone was indifferent, and he spoke again.

Li Chen couldn't help sneering: "Except: you are a different kind, you should be punished! Didn't your mother teach you to say other words? I think you are a different kind, and your whole family is a different kind..."

With this opening, some past life words were spit out from Li Chen's mouth, like a machine gun, rattling.

"Shuzi is rude!"

"You want to kill me, but I still have to talk to you. Is it because you have a brain problem or am I stupid?..."

Although Li Chen was swearing, his heart was very calm, secretly observing the flaws of 'luck'.

But it seems that all other emotions of 'Lucky' have been deprived, and there is no other expression on his face except the dead face.

Even when he was angry, his face was expressionless, looking extremely weird.

Seeing that his verbal attack didn't work, Li Chen immediately turned around and took a step forward to leave. At the same time, he didn't care about saving his strength, so he opened up the power of "Shenwuzui" with full firepower.

"You will fall again. If you catch up, you will encounter a crack in the chaotic space and get into trouble—"

After uttering several words in succession, nearly two-thirds of Li Chen's tribulation power was directly drawn.

Suddenly his face turned pale——

(End of this chapter)

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