Chapter 287 0287 Core (First Change)
Most of Li Chen's tribulation power was extracted, and he glanced at the hairy 'luck' staring at him, Li Chen didn't turn his head back, and after using his ability to leave a certain distance, he directly used the Tongtian Tower to turn it into a rainbow bridge ——At this moment, Li Chen's destination is the prehistoric world.

Even when he was leaving, Li Chen heard a few explosions of the star chess pieces he had arranged.


The sound was booming, as if the entire chaos was about to be lifted.

But these are not the issues that Li Chen wants to pay attention to. Although the "God's Crow's Mouth" spiritual skill has no direct attack ability, it has the same effect as the power of bad luck.

Sometimes, people are unlucky, even if the god of luck comes to the world, it is useless.

When 'Yun' saw Li Chen leaving, he subconsciously went after Li Chen.

But just after taking a few steps, I encountered the situation at the beginning again, and tripped over something inexplicably.

Keep an eye out in advance, 'luck' did not make a fool of himself.

But this seems to be a signal, 'luck' suddenly felt a threat oncoming.

He didn't care about chasing Li Chen any longer, and quickly resorted to all means to protect himself.

All of a sudden, in the area where I was, those 'chaos rocks' that seemed to have no problem exploded one by one like time bombs.

The entire chaotic area suddenly seemed like boiling water——

When 'yun' came out, although there were no scars on his whole body, the hand behind his back trembled involuntarily.

Obviously this explosion is not so easy for 'luck' to follow.

However, there was no other expression on 'Yun''s face at all, just like a robot, he firmly chased in the direction where Li Chen was leaving.

As if feeling out of the scope of the explosion, 'luck' immediately tore apart the chaotic space, as if preparing to hurry through this simple and crude method of space.

Otherwise, just by relying on the speed of his own flying rainbow, if he wants to catch up with Li Chen, it will take hundreds of years to say the least.

But I never thought that this method of space teleportation, which was not a problem at first, has a problem now.

Plunging headlong into the torn chaotic space crack, there was no problem at the beginning, but halfway through the journey, a major change occurred in the space torrent.

The entire torrent of subspace seems to be affected by an inexplicable force. The space channel opened up seems to cross with another space channel, the stars, for a short period of time, and "luck" is lucky to encounter this intersection point. Suddenly, The original trajectory was tampered with and fell into another unknown space channel.

Moreover, this unknown space passage is different from the space passage opened by 'Yun' himself. The space barrier is extremely strong and cannot be broken by ordinary abilities.

Even if it breaks, 'luck' can't guarantee that he can open up another space channel in the space turbulence——

It can be said that 'luck' is trapped as Li Chen said in his words.

At this moment, Li Chen had already come out of the primordial world, but Li Chen did not immediately enter the prehistoric world, but found a place in the chaos not far from the giant prehistoric world, and entered the Tongtian Pagoda alone.

The eye of the avenue captured by Li Chen was floating in the chaotic space on the top floor of Tongtian Tower without any movement.

Li Chen is in awe of Dao.

Because there are too many legends about the Dao, even his own cultivation is all towards the Dao.

It can be said to be the beginning of all things and the end of all things.

Even the legendary Pangu died after proving the Tao.

To prove the Dao is to prove the Dao.

Although Li Chen didn't know how powerful Pan Gu was, but he was able to kill three thousand Chaos Demon Gods while opening up a perfect flood, Pan Gu was undoubtedly very powerful.

Because even if I am at the peak of Dao Realm today, it is impossible for me to have the energy to kill three thousand demon gods after opening up the perfect prehistoric world.

The past cannot be traced. Li Chen didn't know what Pangu was like at the beginning, and he didn't have the ability to pursue it. The entire chaotic time was occupied by the Dao, and no one was allowed to explore the past in the chaos.

But now, this smaller Eye of the Great Dao is the spoils of his calamity.

However, the awe of the Eye of the Great Dao in my heart seems to have disappeared a lot.

Li Chen naturally knew that the Eye of the Great Dao was not the main body of the Eye of the Great Dao, and even the Eye of the Great Dao that came to chase him back then was not the main body of the Eye of the Great Dao, it was probably just a number of splits of the Eye of the Great Dao.

The power in it must not be comparable to the true body of the Eye of the Great Dao.

However, as long as he has thoroughly studied the principle of the Eye of the Great Dao, Li Chen is confident that the next time the Eye of the Great Dao comes again, he will not be as embarrassed as this time.

Li Chen doesn't think that this time the Eye of the Great Dao retreats and he will be safe and sound. You must know that the Eye of the Great Dao retreats but still leaves "luck" to continue chasing and killing him, which shows that the Eye of the Great Dao has a will of its own, and it can even be said to hold some grudges.

Yes, the Eye of the Great Dao will hold grudges, which shows that the Eye of the Great Dao is basically like a living creature, with emotions, anger, sorrow and joy.

When Dao has joy, anger, sorrow and joy, Dao is no longer Dao—it is just a higher-level life.

In Li Chen's view, this smaller Eye of the Great Dao is not only an important thing for him to study the weaknesses of the Dao, but also the key to breaking through the realm of the Great Dao.

Logically speaking, Li Chen met the requirements of breaking through the Dao realm, but it seemed that something was missing at that time, which caused Li Chen not to succeed in breaking through once.

If the Eye of the Great Dao is studied thoroughly, it is basically a certainty to break through the realm of the Great Dao.

In the Tongtian Tower, under the control of Li Chen, the huge confinement force confines the 'eye of the great way' in all directions 360 degrees without dead ends.

After doing all these, Li Chen just penetrated his spiritual consciousness into the eyes of the Dao——

The name of Dao was there, so Li Chen couldn't help but be so careful, otherwise he wouldn't know why the gutter capsized.Facing such a powerful Eye of the Great Dao, even if it is only a small part of its avatar, Li Chen needs to go all out.

Contrary to Li Chen's imagination, there is no dark hand in the eyes of the great way.

Some are just the power of ruthless and endless rules.

At this time, Li Chen realized that the legendary three thousand avenues, the avenues in the eyes of the avenues are not only three thousand, but the number is simply vast and endless.

However, the argument of the Three Thousand Ways is also reasonable, and there is indeed a law of the Three Thousand Ways that is more dazzling than the general Law of the Way.

If the laws are manifested, the general law of the great way is silver, and the law of the three thousand ways is golden.Noble and incomparably powerful!

These three thousand roads include the way of luck, the way of time, the way of space, the way of fate, the way of cause and effect, etc.——

Layers of Dao laws are like soldiers, forming a formation, and the innermost one is a phantom-like imprint of the true spirit——

Different from the normal mark of the true spirit, this mark of the true spirit gives Li Chen the feeling that it is like a virtual thing, similar in shape but not in spirit.

Seeing this thing, Li Chen knew that this was the core of the Eye of the Great Dao!

(End of this chapter)

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