Chapter 288 0288 Returning (Second Change)
Facing this illusory imprint of the true spirit, Li Chen immediately crushed it into fly ash.

Although he didn't find out that Dao had any other methods or backhands, secret doors, etc., Li Chen was also worried about replacing the previous true spirit mark with his own.

Instead, it directly infects the eyes of the avenue with the majestic power of calamity.

A trace of the power of calamity infects the laws of the great way, as if the laws of the great way are demonized. Under the infection of the power of the robbery, the original golden and silver chains of the laws of the great way emerge one by one transformed by the power of the robbery. the oracle.

This made the world of laws that were originally either golden or silver suddenly become more gray with bits and pieces.

This is a grind and takes countless hours.

However, Li Chen got a time pocket watch, and the problem of time is not a problem for Li Chen.

Directly transferring the location of his retreat to the space opened up by the time pocket watch, Li Chen was directly consumed with the Eye of the Great Dao.

In one day of the prehistoric period, tens of thousands of years passed in the tower, and during the three days of the prehistoric period, Li Chen's calamity power was completely exhausted.

Although the infestation of the Eye of the Great Dao has not been completed completely, it is not a big problem to use the Eye of the Great Dao initially.

Li Chen grabbed the Eye of the Great Dao with his right hand and pressed it between his eyebrows, the Eye of the Great Dao immediately turned into a blood-red rhomboid-shaped brow tassel, adding a bit of heroism, and the invisible charm value rose by half a level.

Immediately, the aura on Li Chen's body rose to another level. Although his cultivation had not yet reached the Great Dao Realm, he still possessed some of the power of the Great Dao Realm.

As soon as he got out of Tongtian Tower, Li Chen sensed a force of catastrophe coming towards him from all directions.

But the "Curse of Misfortune" of the previous "Luck" came into effect.

However, for Li Chen, before these catastrophes were formed, his power of catastrophe was completely absorbed by him, which became the best supplement for Li Chen to restore his power of catastrophe.

After tidying up his clothes, Li Chen crossed the chaotic space and the boundary wall of the primordial world in one step, and came to the Daoist Palace of the Primordial God Realm.

The god's luck was like a living creature, and when Li Chen arrived, he kept wandering around it, as if he wanted to establish a connection with Li Chen again.

Having experienced 'luck''s unique method of manipulating luck, Li Chen didn't want to leave any hidden dangers for himself. With the "help" of 'luck', he finally got out of the shackles of luck, and Li Chen didn't want to repeat the same mistakes again.

However, for Shinto, there is a lot of use of luck. In order not to leave hidden dangers for himself, Li Chen is going to perform an operation on Shinto——

Shinto's way of speeding up cultivation is formally formed through the combination of faith, luck and some other means, among which the list of gods bestowed by Dao and the whipping of the gods take the main credit.

The surgery Li Chen was going to perform was to remodel the list of gods and the whip of the gods, and use his own eyes of the avenue to check whether there were any backhands in them.

Hitting the God Whip and Conferring the Gods List belong to the treasures of luck, so it may not necessarily have the ability to restrain 'luck'.

But Li Chen didn't have much hope for this.

No matter how you say it, you have to leave a hand to contain the power of luck, otherwise you will be really controlled by then, and you won't even have the power to backhand——

Only Li Chen's disciples knew about Li Chen's appearance in the God Realm.

After sending away all the disciples, Li Chen summoned the God Whip and the Conferred God List from the sea of ​​merit and luck that belonged to the Shinto.

The sea of ​​merit and good luck is what Shinto did in the prehistoric times to promote the movement of the heaven and the earth. Part of the merits obtained by the gods and the gathering of the luck of all people come from the gathering of the luck of all people. The sea of ​​merit and luck.

The eyes of the Dao between the eyebrows are exposed from the tinn between the eyebrows, and a ray of light shines on the two treasures from the eyes of the Dao.But I saw that the two treasures seemed to be seen through, and the law stripes in them were clearly visible, just like the patterns on the palm.Law stripes and chains are densely distributed, layer upon layer, so spectacular.

Layers of laws are peeled off by the eye of the avenue, reaching the core of the treasure.

An illusory and transparent imprint of the true spirit appeared in Li Chen's induction, protected in the middle by the power of countless rules and laws.This true spirit imprint is exactly the same as the one found in Li Chen's Dao Eye.

Under the power of the Eye of the Great Dao, Li Chen's hand was like an illusion, piercing through the obstacles of layers of laws, and reaching the core of the list of gods.

In this list of gods, the protection against this illusory true spirit is even stricter than that in the Eye of the Great Dao. I think the people behind this scene may think that no one in the world can cause harm to the Eye of the Great Dao, or there may be other reasons.

All in all, without the help of the Eye of the Great Dao, Li Chen would not be able to see this illusory mark of the true spirit in the core of the Conferred God List.

As soon as he pinched the imaginary mark of the true spirit, Li Chen quickly withdrew his hand and brought it out.

With a light pinch, the imprint of the true spirit without any protection was crushed to pieces under the power of the peak of Heavenly Dao, and turned into a little bit of fluorescence and dissipated.

He also took out the true spirit from the magic whip and crushed it. Li Chen patted his sleeves and scanned again. No other problems were found, so he nodded in satisfaction.

Suddenly, a sense of crisis rose.

A giant palm as white as jade descended from the sky, aiming at the direction of Li Chen on Buzhou Mountain in the God Realm.

"Tower of Babel!!!"

I saw the Tongtian Pagoda suddenly blocking the front of Buzhou Mountain, the top of the tower pointed at the giant palm, as if to repeat the previous scene.

However, he saw that giant palm tilted suddenly, heading towards the land of the God Realm.

A huge palm print appeared in the God Realm. Thousands of living beings died under the power of this giant palm. Countless gods of the Shinto way died, and countless gods were reborn from the list of gods.

"court death!!!"

Li Chen's face was covered with frost, and that face was as solid as ice.

Obviously, the angrier he is, the more rational he is, and it is Li Chen who is talking about it.

One step across, came to the sky, saw that 'lucky' standing there expressionless.

"It's impossible for you to get out of the predicament so quickly!" Li Chen himself knew how much power these words had expended, but he didn't expect that "luck" not only got out of the predicament, but also rushed out of the predicament in such a short time. Here in Honghuang.

Seeing the ring in Yun's hand made Li Chen's eyes shrink.

It exudes a strong aura of the ultimate chaotic treasure.

This treasure was obtained after 'Luck' was trapped!It seems that not only I have a chance, but even the guy summoned by the Eye of the Great Dao also has a chance.

'Luck' is already so powerful without the treasure, but with the treasure, it will be even more difficult.

However, Li Chen claims that he is not behind others, not to mention that he has gained the eyes of the great way, so he has more confidence.

'Yun' didn't answer Li Chen's words, and directly attacked Li Chen with the ring in his hand.

Li Chen didn't show any signs of fear, and he didn't even back away.

A white jade-colored idol with thousands of hands and eyes rose from behind Li Chen, and the eyes of the avenue between the eyebrows of the idol emerged.

It is the Shinto moves created by Li Chen based on the Eye of the Great Dao, and it is just a good time to test it out now.

(End of this chapter)

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