Chapter 289 0289
Because of the eyes of the Dao and his cultivation, Li Chen even has the ability to control the laws like the Dao, but of course it is not as powerful as the Dao.

But the Shinto moves combined with the Eye of the Great Dao mobilized thousands of laws.

Each hand of the golden body of divine power is entwined with unused laws, and the magic eyes in the palms are like the eyes of the Tao, full of powerful power.

"Shake the world!!!"

Thousands of hands or fists, or palms, or fingers, or claws, or knot seals behind the back, thousands of various moves related to hands, hit the unknown ring almost at the same time.

Like a meteor shower, the entire chaotic time and space was rippled by this huge force.

Under the attack of this move, the air of chaos immediately turned into nothingness, causing a void to appear in the chaos.

This area of ​​nothingness flashed by, giving Li Chen the feeling a bit like the nothingness where the world that covers the sky is located.

I saw that "luck" threw the ring, and the ring was like a bottomless black hole. All the attacks fell on it and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Li Chen couldn't help but twitched his mouth. Tongtian Tower had turned into a time pocket watch at some point. When he took out the time pocket watch, the entire chaotic space came to a standstill under the force of time stillness.

Sensing this familiar force of time stillness, if 'Luck' hadn't been emotionless, he probably wanted to die.

I saw Li Chen stepping over the distance between the two, and suddenly grabbed the ring that was frozen in the air. After grabbing the ring, Li Chen directly tore through the chaotic space and plunged into it.

The whole process takes only three seconds.

When the static power of the time pocket watch disappeared, the ring held by Li Chen immediately began to struggle in Li Chen's hands.

Li Chen's hand holding the ring not only contains huge mana, but also contains the laws of space, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, which cannot be broken free by a magic weapon that leaves its master.

But it's not a problem to hold it in your hand.

After the time pocket watch was restored to Tongtian Tower, Li Chen directly threw the ring into it, and instantly felt that the world was quiet.

The killing intent on 'Yun' was about to condense into substance, just as Li Chen finished handling the ring, 'Yun' stuck to it like a dog's skin plaster.

"Heretics, you should be killed!!!"

Without the unknown ring, another treasure appeared in the hands of 'Luck'.

This treasure looks like a Rubik's cube, but instead of the usual three horizontal and vertical grids, it has nine horizontal and vertical grids.

The aura of this Rubik's Cube is a bit higher than the aura of the ring just now, and it seems that it is no longer in the category of Chaos Supreme Treasure, and has reached another level.

The vigilance in Li Chen's heart suddenly rose to the extreme.

The appearance of this Rubik's Cube made it impossible for Li Chen to be as casual as before.

As for this Rubik's Cube, Li Chen didn't know its specific effect, the level of Wordless Heavenly Book was not as good as this Rubik's Cube, even if he searched, he couldn't find any useful information.

At this moment, Li Chen is ready to go all out in the face of "luck".

What Li Chen didn't know was that this Rubik's cube-like treasure was at the level of a grandmist spirit treasure, and it was also a full-attribute grandmist spirit treasure.

But as soon as 'Luck' got this treasure, he came to chase Li Chen without refining it at all, and simply imprinted a mark on it.

Most of the abilities cannot be used, and the only special ability that can be used is One Hit Sure Hit.

Even so, the quality of this treasure itself can smash all the treasures under the primordial spirit treasure.

Simply not too strong.

When the magic weapon came out, Li Chen felt bad.

Sure enough, a sense of threat surfaced in Li Chen's heart, and he saw the Rubik's Cube flying directly towards him.

Li Chen couldn't dodge it at all, because no matter how he dodged, Li Chen found that the Rubik's Cube seemed to hit him, as if he was not in the same dimension as him.


"Shake the sky!!!"

Tongtian Pagoda immediately turned into a sky-shaking stick, and Li Chen was like a monkey of a spirit monkey, hitting the flying Rubik's Cube with one stick.

But the result is not ideal——

Hitting the Rubik's Cube with the Sky-Shaking Stick did not stop the Rubik's Cube for even half a point. Instead, it bounced back with huge force, making Li Chen retreat tens of thousands of miles involuntarily.

"A blow from the sky!!!"

The Sky Shaking Stick didn't play its due role, Li Chen directly restored it to the Tongtian Tower, and directly attacked with the original body of the Tongtian Tower.

Even though so many treasures have been fused in the Tongtian Pagoda, it has become extremely mysterious, but the difference in quality cannot be made up by the number of treasures.

Same as the result of the Sky Shaking Stick, it didn't stop the Rubik's Cube at all.


The Rubik's Cube's attack fell on Li Chen——

There is no resistance at all, from the soul to the body, the whole person is smashed by the impact of this treasure.

Li Chen only felt a white light in his mind, as if his entire consciousness had transcended the existence of soul, consciousness, true spirit, body, etc. in the traditional sense.

At this moment, looking at the eye of the great way again, I saw that the eye of the great way was smashed into powder like Li Chen's body and soul.

The difference is that Li Chen saw that every grain of powder and dust is the eye of the great way. Although the eye of the great way has been disintegrated, it is still no different from the eye of the great way before.

Li Chen seems to have realized something from the gathering and parting of the Eye of the Great Dao, but it seems that he has not realized anything.

But that 'luck' walked towards this side step by step. When he saw Li Chen who was knocked into flying ash, he frowned, as if some memory had been touched, he didn't even collect the two treasures, and ran away like crazy .

In the chaos, grains of crystallization of will emerged out of thin air.

If someone looks at it from a microcosmic level, these grains of will crystallization are like the eyes of the Dao that were smashed apart, just like the eyes of the Dao.Different from the eyes of the great way, the eyes formed by the crystallization of will are full of the power of calamity, and they are not as round and full of edges and corners as the eyes of the great way.

Not long after, a crystal-like human figure appeared in the chaos.

Li Chen's transformation is not over yet. Bones gradually appeared in the crystal human form, forming a skeleton of a human figure. Counting carefully, there are a total of [-] bones.

The skeleton appeared, and a trace of muscle seemed to be transformed from the crystal, and the entire skeleton was covered with that muscle in the blink of an eye.

Muscles alone are not enough, blood vessels are born out of thin air, connecting the muscles of the whole body together.

The inside of the figure is also constantly changing, and the internal organs appear one after another inside the body.

The whole process feels like a jigsaw puzzle, which is incredible.

Finally, a piece of skin is formed to cover the surface of the muscle.

But in the blink of an eye, that piece of skin quickly covered the whole body.

This body completely belongs to Li Chen's body, and even the eyes full of the power of calamity, like the eyes of the avenue, were transformed by Li Chen's huge source of will.

Although the eyes transformed by Li Chen's will power look like the eyes of the great way, they are not the eyes of the great way, or it is more appropriate to call them the eyes of the robbery.

Li Chen also knows the existence form of this Dao at this moment, maybe this Dao in the chaos is just a part of the body of a powerful creature.

Li Chen narrowly escaped death and unexpectedly broke through to become a Dao realm. There was no abnormal phenomenon in the chaos at all, it was just so ordinary.

With a wave of his hand, Li Chen received the two treasures that were still in place into the space, and Li Chen looked gloomy in the direction of 'Yun' leaving——

(End of this chapter)

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