Chapter 294 Lord of Great Luck (Second Change)

One world after another merged into the prehistoric world, or became a member of Zhou Tiandou in the sky, or became part of the prehistoric continent, or became a subsidiary world of the prehistoric world.

The whole process was very smooth, and there was no particularly large force resistance at all, or those who thought that they were the strongest in the boss world.

Until the completion of the second wave of fusion, the group of strong men guarding the world barrier did not encounter disasters like the beast horde back then.

But just when everyone was about to return to the prehistoric world, a man dressed in white, who was too powerful to hold his head up, walked step by step from the depths of the chaos.

This person was the 'luck' who went mad and left at the beginning. At that time, I didn't know whether he came to Honghuang this time for Li Chen, or for what...

The cultivation of 'Luck' is at the peak of the Dao Realm, and he is only one step away from achieving the Dao.

Compared with Hongjun, "Luck" is two levels higher than Hongjun.

For a strong person in this realm, the difference of one step is like the distance between heaven and earth, not to mention the difference between two levels.

Even if Hongjun wanted to fight, he was powerless to resist.

At this moment, the monks under the quasi-sage were almost crushed to the ground by its coercion, and even several saints could not even lift their heads under this coercion, as if they were extremely heavy.

Although Hongjun is much better, he still feels that as long as he moves, he will die.

"Who are you?"

Hongjun tried to remain calm and asked.

Searching through the memories in his mind, Hongjun found no information about the person in front of him at all. The person in front of him was not one of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons, nor was he a member of the prehistoric innate gods and demons, nor was he The acquired soul of -

Hongjun couldn't figure out where this person came from.

Could it be from these worlds that are moving closer to the prehistoric?
Hongjun wasn't sure.

But Hongjun recognized his aura, it was the master who left the palm print in the God Realm.

Although the palm print has been erased by Li Chen now, it has become a paradox over time.

But in terms of time, it is only admitted that the palm print was blocked by Li Chen, which does not mean that it did not attack at the beginning.

Hearing Hongjun's question, the man immediately sneered.

"Hey——, who am I? Haha, has time passed so long? Everything from the beginning has disappeared, disappeared, gone...

Just remember, I am the Lord of Great Luck! "

That 'luck' looked at Hongjun seriously, and said word by word.

After speaking, the Lord of Universiade resumed his marching route and walked straight towards the Daoist Palace of the Primordial God Realm.

Li Chen was still brewing tea in Wendao Palace unhurriedly, as if nothing could disturb him.

I saw the Lord of Universiade coming in from the door.Li Chen couldn't help but raised his head, looked at the Lord of Universiade and said, "You're here, should I call you 'Luck'? Or the Lord of Universiade? Lord of Universiade!"

"The name is just a title, besides, fellow daoist, haven't you already confirmed my title..."

The Lord of Universiade found a seat, sat down and looked at Li Chen and said.

"Then why did you come here today?"

Li Chen flicked his sleeves, and a cup of brewed tea flew onto the table in front of the Lord of Great Fortune. He picked up a cup of tea and sipped it slowly, and said.

"One is to come here for that treasure, and the other is to hope to form an alliance with you."

The Lord of Universiade didn't know that Li Chen had been promoted to the realm of Dao. He thought that Li Chen's cultivation was as good as he remembered, not much different from his own. He drank the tea made by Li Chen in one gulp before opening his mouth slowly. road.

"Hehe" Li Chen sneered, even now, the Lord of Great Fortune still couldn't see the situation clearly.Still daydreaming.

However, Li Chen didn't turn his face on the spot, but asked a seemingly irrelevant question: "You might as well tell me about your bargaining chips—for example, your origin—"

"My origin -, hehe, I'm afraid that if I tell you, you won't believe it at all -"

The Lord of Great Luck laughed at himself, his face was full of sadness, it was no longer the same as before - expressionless, emotionless and desireless.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, just treat it as listening to a story." Li Chen said indifferently.

Hearing this, the Lord of Great Luck stared at Li Chen for a while, as if he wanted to see something from Li Chen's expression or eyes.

After a while, he opened his mouth slowly, showing a magnificent world in front of Li Chen.

After some narration by the Lord of Universiade, Li Chen probably understood the hidden story behind this chaos.

According to the self-report of the Lord of Universiade, the world at that time was very big, and the strength of the world was not comparable to the current prehistoric world even if it was thousands of times stronger.That world was ruled by a group called the Orcs. With their powerful physical bodies, this group was not afraid of any challenges at all. With the addition of wisdom and a huge group, the whole world was almost in their pocket.Countless ethnic groups, life has become their ration.

Even the once powerful Wa clan, Pan clan, Celestial clan, Immortal clan, etc., could only hide in the corner of the mainland and linger under the constant encirclement and suppression of the beast clan.

This continent is called Hongmeng Continent.

Later, the emperor of the beast clan, under the crown of the beast emperor, disappeared for some reason, and may have escaped, and may have gone to other realms and could not return.The orc clan has no master, and the powers rose up to fight. After a long struggle, the mountains and rivers were shattered, and the sun and the moon were swayed. Only then did the powers occupy a place in the world.I thought I could recuperate, but unexpectedly, the Beast Emperor appeared again...

The Beast Emperor really deserved to be the Beast Emperor, and his power could not be resisted at all. All of a sudden, the rebel army suffered heavy casualties.

It was a bloody era, and the dead warriors became the rations of the orcs, which was extremely miserable.

At this moment, the Pan Clan made a suggestion that all the clans jointly create a thing called Dao.

With the efforts of everyone, Dao merged the Dao of all ethnic groups and became a huge existence that surpassed everything. His power was so powerful that it could almost rival the Beast Emperor, and a battle of greatness began.

The Lord of Great Luck is not very clear about how the war is going to be, but from the mouth of the older generation of strong men, he has learned about the horror of the Beast Emperor. The ability of the Beast Emperor is very terrifying. ability.

After the victory of the war, the orcs were cursed by the powers, and became a race with no wisdom but great strength and no wisdom.

The Beast Emperor was dismembered, his body and blood were divided among the powers, and he became the loser of the era.

Later, the orc clan fell, and the former strongmen disappeared one by one, and some powerful people such as myself and the Lord of Merit, the Lord of Destiny, the Lord of Time, the Lord of Space, the Lord of Five Elements, and the Lord of Life rose up on the Hongmeng Continent. The presence.

But even so, the Dao is still high, because no one knows how to control this artifact.

Yes, in the cognition of the strong at that time, the Dao was just an artifact that could defeat the Beast Emperor.

At the end of the Hongmeng Era, Dao produced wisdom, and war came again...

In the last memory of the Lord of Great Luck, he saw his partner, the Lord of Destiny, dying under this magic square.

The Lord of Universiade said that if this scene hadn't reappeared on Li Chen back then, he might still be under the control of Dao and be unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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