Chapter 295 0295 Show Muscles (First Change)
After listening to the narration of the Lord of Universiade, Li Chen was still expressionless, but his heart was full of turmoil.

Li Chen even guessed in his heart whether this Pangu might be a member of this Pan clan.

After the Lord of Great Fortune finished speaking, he looked at Li Chen: "I don't know if you think the two points I mentioned are feasible?"

Li Chen shook his head and said: "Whether what you said is true or not, I still thank you very much for telling me all this. But I can't return that treasure to you..."

The Lord of Universiade immediately became anxious: "You don't know how to use the treasure, so it's useless to keep it, and I can swear by my Dao heart that I will never use this treasure to fight against you! "

Li Chen still shook his head: "You are late, this treasure can no longer be returned to you, let's see—"

Speaking of which, Li Chen sacrificed his Tongtian Pagoda.

"What does that mean?"

The Lord of Universiade asked, although he knew that the Tongtian Tower could be transformed into other treasures, and he had experienced the ability of this transformation under the control of Dao, but seeing Li Chen sacrifice the Tongtian Tower, he still didn't know what Li Chen would do. What exactly does that mean.

"This is my natal treasure. The Infinite Magic Square has been swallowed by it and merged into one. If you don't believe me, look—"

As he said that, the Tongtian Tower in his hand suddenly changed into the appearance of the Infinite Magic Square.

Except that the level has dropped by one level, it is basically the same as the original one.

"Swallowed? How is it possible."

The Lord of Universiade obviously didn't believe it. Back then, Li Chen's Tongtian Pagoda was no more than a Chaos Supreme Treasure. How could it be possible to swallow a treasure of the Primordial Spiritual Treasure? It's inconceivable to think about it.

But the facts speak louder than words. The Wujian magic square changed back to the appearance of the Tongtian Tower, but the aura above it was at the level of the Primordial Spirit Treasure.

The face of the Lord of Great Luck suddenly changed, just like a master of face-changing.

At the beginning, my cultivation base was about the same as Li Chen's, and under Dao's control, I was also weaker than Li Chen.If it hadn't been for falling the wreckage of the primordial world to obtain the Infinite Magic Square, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose.Now that Li Chen has a treasure at the level of the Hongmeng Lingbao, and it is also the treasure of his life, he must have no regard for the alliance at all.

Thinking about it, the Lord of Universiade was a little decadent.

Seeing this, the Lord of Universiade felt that he had no hope of meeting his two goals, and it would be meaningless to stay any longer, so he got up and said goodbye: "In that case, I'm the one who bothered you, so leave!"

"Wait a minute, Lord of Great Luck!" Li Chen took a sip of tea and asked to stay.

The Lord of Universiade paused, looked at Li Chen in a deep voice, and said, "I don't know what else is important for you? Although I don't have a treasure, I am also a strong person at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm, but..."

The Lord of Universiade thought that Li Chen was going to take advantage of the Primordial Spirit Treasure to keep him. After all, this kind of thing had happened before, and his words seemed to be breaking the boat.

But Li Chen chuckled and interrupted the main words of Universiade: "Your two problems, the first one is definitely not possible, but the second one, I think it can be changed—"

"Change it?" The Lord of Universiade was obviously a little confused. How to change this cooperation?is a problem.

"Yes, change it," Li Chen confirmed again.

"How to change it?" Hearing Li Chen's affirmative answer, the Lord of Universiade asked.

"Why don't you join me?"

One word startled a thousand layers of waves.

"Your Excellency, please don't make jokes. You and I are both at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm. Even if you have the Primordial Spirit Treasure, it's just that you are more powerful than me. How can He De become my lord?"

For the era of the lord of great fortune, to join the command of a strong man, the lord not only has force, but also has superhuman knowledge.Just like the current master-student relationship, in which era is it more similar to the combination of the relationship between the monarch and his ministers and the master-student relationship.

"Oh..." Li Chen had a faint smile on his face.

The aura on Li Chen's body immediately released, filling the entire Wendao Palace.

"You..., when did you advance to the Great Realm?"

The Lord of Great Luck stammered a little under the power of this aura. He obviously didn't believe in Li Chen's progress. It seemed that he had broken his own cognition, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Let's not talk about anything else, am I qualified to take you under my command now?"

Li Chen still had that warm face.

But in the eyes of the lord of great luck, he felt that Li Chen was in front of him like the real Dao.

One must know that in an era when the grandmist world was still intact, there would not be more than one person at the Dao realm.

I don't know how many years have passed since I became the peak of the Dao Realm. Not to mention breaking through the Dao Realm, I couldn't even find the door to get started.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to become a strong person in the Dao realm.

If he had taken refuge in the command of a certain Daoist powerhouse back then, maybe he and his companion would not have been controlled, controlled, or died.

But these are all things in the past, and the pattern in this world is different from the original Hongmeng world.

Maybe those strong people back then were all in that corner.

Everything in this prehistoric world is the best proof.

After thinking for a long time, the Lord of Universiade just lowered his noble head and made a half-kneeling salute similar to the West: "My fate, Suqu, Luck, Lord of Universiade, I would like to join your command. From then on, you will serve My lord!"

The Lord of Universiade's real name is not the Lord of Universiade, but 'My Hongming·Suqu·Yun', and he took the initiative to tell the Lord his real name, which represented submission in the era when the Primordial World existed.

Otherwise, other people will not know a person's real name at all, just like the master of great fortune, most people call him the master of great fortune or "fate". ·transport'.

Moreover, the real name is not randomly obtained. Hong represents the world of Hongmeng, and Ming represents the power to which it belongs. If Suqu is translated, it means the curve of fate, and it is a generalization and derivation of "luck".

Hearing the surrendering voice of the Lord of Universiade, even though Li Chen was already overwhelmed with joy and anger, he still happily said three times "Okay, okay, okay"

However, Li Chen still remembered the scene when the Lord of Great Fortune was controlled by Dao. Although he regained his sanity with his own perseverance, it was hard to guarantee that he would not be controlled by him again.

Summoned the Lord of Universiade to the front and said: "I will clear the control of Dao on you, otherwise this will always be a hidden danger!"

The Lord of Universiade also knows that it is absolutely impossible to get out of Dao's control by himself. There may not be something wrong with Dao, but it is simply unrealistic to hope that Dao will no longer control him.

Hearing Li Chen's words, the Lord of Universiade was very cooperative. After all, only powerful people in the Dao realm can see and remove the means of Dao.

Li Chen's perception instantly spread all over the Lord of Great Fortune's body, from the inside to the outside, every inch was magnified and magnified again, and refined to the depths of his will.

(End of this chapter)

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