Chapter 299 Chapter 0299
"Your hole card is the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, but it is worth seeing!"

Li Chen had no expression on his face, when he said this, he seemed to be saying 'Is it all right, let's eat when it's all right'.That indifferent attitude directly stimulated the twelve ancestor witches, and they all roared and transformed into the real bodies of the ancestor witches.

Jumang: It is as green as green bamboo, with a bird body and a human face, and it rides on two dragons.

Gong Gong: a human body with a python head, wearing black scales, stepping on a black dragon, and wrapping a green python around its hands.

Zhu Rong: Human body with animal head, body covered with red scales, ears pierced with fire snakes, feet on fire dragons.

Houtu: Human body with a snake tail, seven hands behind the back, two hands on the chest, holding a snake with both hands...


The avatars of the ancestral witches are extremely ferocious to ordinary creatures (human races), but relatively speaking, they are representatives of strength in the eyes of all the prehistoric powers.

After turning into the real body of the ancestor witches, the twelve ancestor witches did not attack Li Chen blindly, even though the strength of everyone was faintly higher than that of ordinary saints.

"The Twelve Capitals are gods and gods!!!"

The ancient language of the witch clan was spit out from the mouths of the twelve ancestor witches. The words were clear, and each word seemed to carry some kind of power.

Although the Wu language is a language that belongs exclusively to the Wu people, even creatures who have never learned the Wu language can understand the meaning of this sentence when they hear it.

Although Wu Wen does not have as many characters as divine or demon or Dao, it is one of the few words in the prehistoric world that can carry the power of Dao.

After the gods of the twelve capitals spit out the mouth, the twelve ancestor witches operated the corresponding spells, and the twelve ancestor witches crossed the gap of time and space, and joined together under a single force.

If the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Gods in the quasi-sage realm is only a formation in three-dimensional space, then the ancestor witches who have reached the realm of saints will lay out formations in four-dimensional space or even five-dimensional space.

The formation covers the past and the future, directly traversing the entire time and space.

It can be said that all the twelve ancestral witches on this timeline, and even the scattered power of Pangu, were gathered under the power of the twelve gods and demons in the twelve capitals.

The figure of the Twelve Patriarchal Witches slowly disappeared in the long river of time and floods after the appearance of the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons, and what appeared on the spot was a muscular man with only a beast skirt around his lower body.It doesn't take Li Chen to guess, but this is Pangu, the Father God that the Wu Clan has been thinking about.

There was no aura in Pan Gu's real body's eyes, they looked extremely empty, like lifeless clay sculptures.

Not having spiritual intelligence is the next best thing, but the power of this Pan Gu's real body has soared directly to the late stage of the Heavenly Dao Realm, and even directly reached the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm.


With a low shout, the Taiji Diagram, Pangu Banner, and Chaos Clock all trembled under the power of this call.

The Chaos Clock flew out from nowhere, reappeared in front of people, and immediately merged into the phantom giant ax held in the hands of the real Pangu, and the giant ax suddenly solidified a lot.

Seeing this, Xingtian bowed to Lao Tzu Yuanshi: "I hope to borrow the treasures of the two saints and use them, and I will definitely return them in the future!"

Yuan Shi looked at Lao Tzu, only to see that Lao Tzu pondered for a moment, glanced at Li Chen in mid-air, and directly relaxed the suppression of the Tai Chi diagram.

As soon as the Taiji diagram escaped Lao Tzu's suppression, it flew towards the phantom of the Pangu axe. Seeing this, Yuanshi followed Lao Tzu's example and let go of the suppression of the Pangu banner.

The three great treasures merged to form the Open Heaven Supreme Treasure, which was filled with a fierce aura as soon as it was born.

It seems that there is nothing in the world that cannot be split, and no one cannot be killed.

Seeing this, Li Chen didn't have any thoughts. He glanced at Lao Tzu playfully, seeing Lao Tzu trembling with fear, clasping his fists again and again and saying:

"God, it's not because of us to encourage the power of the witch clan, it is really impossible to suppress..."

The voice became weaker and weaker, it seemed that even Lao Tzu didn't believe what he said.

Li Chen rolled his eyes in his heart at Lao Tzu's evasive words.

"Ha ha……"

You are a bad old man, I believe you are a ghost...

Li Chen said that if he had the chance, he would definitely come back.

But even with Pangu with the Pangu ax on his body, Li Chen thought it was no big deal. Although there was only a thin line between the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm and the Great Dao Realm, it was this difference that caused the difference between heaven and earth.

If it was before the Great Dao Realm, Li Chen would not dare to fight against Pan Gu. After all, Pan Gu's prestige is there, even if it is just a real body condensed through blood, it is invincible in the same realm.

But now that he has reached the Dao realm, facing Pangu, Li Chen also has the confidence to be tough.

"Ha, open the sky!!!"

The whole Pan Gu's real body seemed to be in a no-man's land, and when he spoke, it was like thunder.

The whole prehistoric world was faintly shaken by Pangu's Ha sound.

Fortunately, Honghuang has experienced two world fusions. In terms of world strength, Honghuang has been raised by an unknown number of levels.

If the original prehistoric world with perfect progression would have collapsed in the midst of the sound, instead of just faintly shaking like it is now.

At this moment, Li Chen frowned, still a little dissatisfied with Honghuang's strength at this time, and started to vibrate with just a soft drink. If they really fought in Honghuang, this Honghuang would not directly burst open.

Suddenly, a force surged out of his body, directly cutting this space and moving it into the chaos.

Without waiting for the real body of Pangu transformed by the Twelve Ancestral Witches to react, everyone came to the chaos.

At this moment, Pangu's sky-opening ax was already approaching Li Chen.

But seeing Tongtian Tower turned into a time pocket watch, Li Chen said softly: "Definitely!"

Suddenly the whole picture was frozen.

After Li Chen left the attack range of the sky-opening axe, the attack of the sky-opening ax fell.

With an axe, Chaos exploded instantly.

Miniature worlds were born and disappeared in the trajectory of the sky-opening axe.

"It's only officially started now, just now doesn't count! Hehe..." Li Chen patted his sleeves, not knowing if the avatar of Pangu, transformed by the twelve ancestors, understood, and said to himself.

"Hmph, split the ground!!!"

A huge force even more powerful than the ax that opened the sky just now struck towards Li Chen.

Although the power of Pangu's real body is not at the peak of the Dao Realm, but with the power of this Pangu Axe, it faintly reaches the level of the Dao Realm.

Li Chen's face was solemn, but Pan Gu's slashing move locked on him, as if no matter how he tried to hide, it would always fall on him.Although Li Chen was able to understand the lock through some means, but this would not achieve his original intention, so he could only confront Pan Gu head-on, relying on his cultivation and strength to receive Pan Gu's blow.

Firstly, to experience Pangu's true power, and secondly, to test his own cultivation.

"I have a golden body to go through ten thousand kalpas, all dharmas will not be worn down, ten thousand kalpas will not be destroyed, there will be no disasters and no kalpas, the immeasurable golden body, duh!!!"

Li Chen gave a low shout, and a golden body appeared behind him.This golden body is exactly the product of the Shinto dharma body that Li Chen used in the battle against the Lord of Universiade after it was deduced to the Dao realm.After being promoted to the Great Dao Realm, the original jade-like Shinto dharma body became golden and dazzling, like a huge sun, similar to the golden body supernatural powers cultivated by Zhunti, so Li Chen no longer called Shendao dharma body, just called it For the immeasurable golden body.

Of course, this immeasurable golden body is not comparable to the six-foot-long golden body trained by Zhun Ti——

(End of this chapter)

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