Chapter 300 0300 We are waiting for you! (Second more)

The immeasurable golden body has twelve pairs of main arms and thousands of pairs of arms, and each of the thousand pairs of auxiliary arms behind it holds the embodiment of the law of the great way that Li Chen knows: hammers, scales, whips, knives, Or needles, or towers...

Thousands of pairs of auxiliary arms have various shapes and functions.

The twelve pairs of main arms don't have anything, but are covered with handprints of various shapes, and the handprints seem to have great power and magic power.

Seeing the ax struck by Pangu, Li Chen's face was solemn, and his whole body sank into the golden body behind him in an instant, as if he had turned into a golden body.

"Drink, the gods worship—" a loud shout came from the mouth of the immeasurable golden body.

Immediately, a pair of main arms that were glowing with silver light compared to the other arms immediately folded together, and at the critical moment when the Pangu ax fell, the attack of the Pangu ax was firmly embedded in both hands.

"Crack - click -"

A slight sound resounded from the palms of both hands blocking the Pangu axe, but it was due to the huge force on the Pangu axe that was comparable to the Great Dao Realm, which broke the palms of Li Chen's untested immeasurable golden body.

However, the other arms on Li Chen Wuliangjin's body were not vegetarians either, and they joined hands together to distribute the huge force of the sky-opening ax to the other arms.

After the pressure on those cracked palms was relieved, the power of Dao in Li Chen's body circulated, and within a short while, they were restored to their original state.

"Coming and not being indecent, you also take me a trick!"

The immeasurable golden body uttered the sound of the great way, and lotus flowers emerged out of thin air and took root in the chaos. Thousands of deputy hands behind them were like phantoms, together with eleven pairs of main hands were combined into one pair of arms.

Immediately, the arms became crystal clear like glass, and there seemed to be thousands of worlds up and down in them.

Li Chen then yelled loudly: "Infinite Golden Body, Infinite Kalpa, Infinite Dao, Infinite Seal, One Seal, Ten Thousand Kalpas, This Body Will Never Return!!!"

After putting aside the power of the sky-opening axe, Li Chen formed the immeasurable seal within a ten-thousandth of a second.

The immeasurable seal is worthy of being the immeasurable seal, and when it fell on Pan Gu's real body, Pan Gu's real body immediately stepped back a few steps.

Even if this Pangu real body was condensed by the Twelve Ancestral Witches with the Twelve Capital Gods and Demons, it would not be able to take advantage of the immeasurable seal.

As soon as the immeasurable seal landed on Pangu's real body, three golden seals formed on his body.The three seals symbolize that Li Chen's strength at this time can only bring three catastrophes to Pan Gu's real body.

The longer the time passes, the stronger the catastrophe accumulated by the immeasurable seal will be. Of course, the caster can also use his own strength to make up for the lack of time in the immeasurable seal.

When the immeasurable seal fell on Pan Gu's body, Li Chen lost a third of his power immediately.

After seeing that Pan Gu's real body stopped backing, he held the sky ax in his hand and wanted to attack him again, Li Chen said coldly:
"Infinite Seal - Dao Heart Tribulation!!!"

The key to the composition of Pangu's real body is the twelve ancestor witches. The twelve ancestor witches have the blood of Pangu and were born with the turbid energy of the earth. The physical body of the treasure and the almost incomprehensible brute force.

If it weren't for the innate control over the laws left in Pangu's blood, these twelve ancestor witches would simply be natural tanks (commonly known as meat, warriors).

Of course, with the power of this law, the Twelve Ancestral Witches still have no interest in being a mage, and prefer tanks.

That's why we only stay at the point where we know but don't understand the Dao Xin and others. It can be said that the twelve ancestor witches, except Houtu who has a little Dao Xin due to the great opportunity of reincarnation, the other ancestor witches all have powerful power. nothing but creatures.

This "Infinite Seal - Dao Xin Tribulation" seems to be aimed at Pan Gu, but it is actually aimed at the twelve ancestor witches who make up Pan Gu's real body.

However, the result was beyond Li Chen's expectations. He thought that except for the part that Houtu could resist, the other twelve ancestor witches should be completely sunk in this heart calamity, but he didn't expect that the twelve ancestor witches, except Houtu, would suffer Aside from the influence of "Infinite Seal - Dao Heart Tribulation", the other eleven ancestral witches were not affected at all.

Even if Houtu was affected, it only took a moment to recover.

Embodied in Pan Guzhen's body is a crack in time.

This is a manifestation of the hindered operation of the formation.

It seems that because of the influence of Li Chen's "Infinite Seal - Dao Heart Tribulation", Pangu's avatar, who was originally emotionless, became angry under the influence of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Originally, he could only display [-]% combat power, but with the blessing of this anger, he has [-]% combat power.

Li Chen looked at Pan Gu, but saw that one of the golden prints on Pan Gu's body was missing.

Seeing Pan Gu rushing towards him, Li Chen didn't lose his temper because of it, but uttered a sentence coldly:
"Infinite Seal-God and Demon Tribulation!!!"

The phantoms of demon gods suddenly appeared in the chaos under the power of Wuliangyin. It seems that Wuliangyin summoned these demon gods to this world from the long river of time and space, and continued to complete their mission of blocking Pangu from opening the sky.It also seems to be just the remnant imprint of the demon god summoned by the immeasurable seal from the chaos.

Three thousand demon gods blocked the way, and Pangu's real body seemed to have returned to the time when the sky was split and the gods and demons came to block.

Although these phantoms of demon gods seem illusory, they have the strength of the heavenly realm, and even some demon gods have the strength of the peak of the heavenly realm.

The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, even the real body of Pangu evolved by the twelve ancestral witches using formations is the same, and Li Chen is immediately ranked in the attack sequence.

Those phantoms of the Chaos Demon God also seemed to have will, they all took a look at Li Chen, and then attacked the real Pangu.


"Drink..., traitor, be punished!!!"

Pangu's avatar, who seemed to have no intelligence at first, seemed to be stimulated by this familiar scene, and opened his mouth to spit out a sentence that Li Chen was extremely shocked.

At this time, Li Chen's mind was full of the phrase "Betrayer, be punished!!!" Pangu yelled out

Chaos Demon God is a traitor?
Betrayed who?Could it be the Pan clan?

Who did you take refuge in? ...

What role did Pangu play in this?

Li Chen's mind was running fast, but there was too little information in his hand, and he couldn't deduce any specific content at all.

When Li Chen came back to his senses, a long time had passed. After beheading a group of Chaos Demon God phantoms again, the Pangu real body stood in the distance, watching Li Chen quietly, and did not attack.

The agile eyes obviously told Li Chen that Pan Gu's real body was not just a body, but also possessed wisdom.

Li Chen was sure that those eyes were not from any of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and the only answer came to Li Chen's mind——Pangu's will has returned! ! !
I thought there would be a fierce battle, but I saw that Pan Gu Youyou said: "We are waiting for you..."

Li Chen seemed to want to continue to say something when he saw Pan Gu, but he saw that after Pan Gu finished saying this sentence, his whole figure seemed to be corrected by some force. The last imprint on Pan Gu's body disappeared after Pan Gu finished saying this sentence not see.

Immediately, it returned to that hollow, Pangu real body without a trace of wisdom. It seems that everything Li Chen experienced just now was an illusion...

(End of this chapter)

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