Chapter 301 0301 Suppression of a Calamity (First Change)

Holding the axe, Pan Gu's real body roared and rushed towards Li Chen again.

But at this time Li Chen was in no mood to 'play' with the Twelve Ancestral Witches any longer.

Everything that I experienced just now still seems to be in a dream.

Facing the attack from Pan Gu's true body, Li Chen took out the Tongtian Tower calmly, and saw the Tongtian Tower turn around and immediately change into the appearance of the Infinite Magic Square.

The Infinite Magic Cube is the highest-level treasure that Li Chen has obtained. After the Infinite Magic Cube was fully integrated into the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen also knew the specific abilities of this treasure.

Specifically, the Magic Square is an all-attribute treasure that focuses on sleepiness and integrates support, group control and other abilities.To a certain extent, the Infinite Magic Square can be regarded as a space-type treasure that is so powerful that it is almost invincible.

However, this spatial attribute is not reflected in the external power, but in the internal attributes of the Wujian Magic Square.

The space opened up by the Wujian Magic Square on the tenth floor of the entire Tongtian Tower is simply a giant maze. The space inside it is larger than the sum of all the spaces on the first to ninth floors of the tower. Even Li Chen has no idea how big it is. an explicit value.It seems that the space has no meaning here in general.

The space divided into countless grids in the Infinite Magic Square is not empty. The Great Thousand World, Middle Thousand World, Small Thousand World, etc. are randomly distributed in the space. Even the perfect world in the Infinite Magic Square There are several seats.

In addition to the world, these grids also have these polar regions. For example, there is a space with only chaotic fire, a space with only chaotic water, and a space with only chaotic thunder...

There is even a space where the primordial evil spirit exists, this space is simply a Jedi among the Jedi, even if a person at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm enters, he will be eroded by the primordial evil spirit and lose his sanity and wisdom.

In addition to these highly aggressive spaces, there are also spaces filled with the source of life, soul liquid, light of purification, etc. in the Infinite Magic Cube.

It can be said that the Magic Square itself is a moving treasure.

Of course, in addition to these, there is also an empty space in the Infinite Magic Square. Not only is there no world or life in these spaces, there are no things that exist in a series of energy forms such as chaotic air, aura, etc. There is a fight with nothingness other than chaos, and even to some extent, it is more 'empty' than nothingness.This type of space is the source of the name of the Wujian Magic Square, and it is also the truly terrifying place of the Wujian Magic Square. This kind of grid space is also called an "empty grid" by Li Chen. Of course, the grid filled with the source of life is called a life grid. , A grid full of lightning is called a lightning grid...

Please forgive Li Chen, a guy who is incompetent in naming.

But seeing Li Chen pick from the Infinite Magic Square, an 'empty' grid was immediately picked off by Li Chen.

Li Chen's eyes were like a wheel of the Great Dao, full of the rhythm of the Dao that moved people's hearts. He looked at Pan Gu's real body, but saw that Pan Gu's real body was full of flaws.

It's not that there is a flaw in the formation of the gods and gods in the twelve capitals, but the problem lies in the twelve ancestor witches.

Each of the twelve ancestor witches has their own will and emotions.

The heart of Dijiang, the wisdom of turbidity, the vitality of Jumang, the changeability of Gonggong, the irascibility of Zhu Rong, the tranquility of Houtu, the chilling of harvest, the honesty of Qiangliang, the tenderness of Xuanming, the inaction of Tianwu , the indomitable progress of Xizi, the uncertainty of overcast and extravagant...

These essences were not Pangu's in the first place, and when they appeared on Pangu's body, it was a flaw everywhere for Pangu.

To make it complete, the Twelve Ancestral Witches had to be willing to give up their own will, fully integrate into one body, and become a part of Pan Gu's real body.

But at this stage, it is simply impossible.

This is also the reason why Li Chen looked at Pan Gu's real body from the perspective of Daojing, but found that Pan Gu's real body was full of flaws.

The power of Pan Gu's real body has also been experienced. For Li Chen, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are useless.

If it weren't for the words of Pangu later, it is estimated that the Twelve Ancestral Witches would have been erased by Li Chen.

In Li Chen's words, to die is to die well, and what to do if you crawl out, it's not only a waste of space, a waste of aura, but also troublesome!
I saw Li Chen flicking his fingers.

Immediately, a force shot out from Li Chen's fingertips, and fell on the twelve ancestor witches in the Twelve Capitals of the Gods and Demons inside Pangu's real body, and it was like a domino effect.

The entire seemingly unbreakable formation suddenly collapsed like an embankment of a thousand miles in an ant's nest.

At the moment when the formation collapsed, the Twelve Ancestral Witches suddenly fell out of the formation with a pale complexion.

All the ancestral witches looked at Li Chen with stubborn eyes.

But to Li Chen, these are nothing, there are too many people who are not right with him, and the Zu Wu who has been resurrected after working hard is considered the oldest.

Put away the Infinite Magic Square, rub the 'empty' grid in your hands, and suddenly one grid turns into twelve smaller grids.

"You hold on to the descendants of Pangu, look at no one, peep at the divine way, and use it as a warning to suppress a calamity!"

As the twelve 'empty' grids in his hand erupted with a huge suction force, the twelve ancestor witches were stuffed into the twelve 'empty' grids by Li Chen without any resistance.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches are like bugs solidified by gum in the 'empty' grid. Here, all dharmas do not arise, ten thousand dharmas do not exist, and there is only an absolute vacuum.

There is no place to focus on. The whole person enters it, just like a corpse. Even if mana is used, once the mana leaves the body, it will quickly dissipate in this grid.

After the Twelve Ancestral Witches entered it, all they felt was an extremely empty silence.The inside is so empty that sight, hearing, smell, etc. all don't work.

The first one who couldn't sit still was Zhu Rong, the irritable Zuwu. After using the power on his body without any effect at all, as time passed, he gradually became calm, as if he had accepted his fate.

At this time, there seems to be no other option besides accepting fate.

After all, the arms can't twist the thighs, and Li Chen's strength is not on the same level at all.

After Li Chen used the 'empty' grid to collect the twelve ancestor witches, he threw the twelve 'empty' grids containing the twelve ancestor witches into the prehistoric world.

Immediately, under the guidance of the power deployed by Li Chen, it flew towards the prehistoric world.

As Li Chen said before, the twelve ancestral witches will be suppressed in all directions and eight extremes.

After finishing all this, Li Chen looked at Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi and others who were moved to the wilderness by him.

"We pay homage to Changming Great God..."

Seeing Li Chen looking at him and the others, Lao Tzu hurried forward to pay his respects.

Li Chen was not in the mood to chat with everyone, he said "Yes", and then he crossed the prehistoric world in one step and returned to Wendao Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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