Chapter 302 0302 Pan Gu Real Man (Second Change)

The Twelve Ancestral Witches were born in an extremely handsome posture, and were quickly suppressed like a shooting star.

However, it seems that the birth of the Twelve Ancestral Witches opened a valve. Thousands of years after Li Chen returned to Wendao Palace, the prehistoric wilderness was like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, sprouting one after another. Can be strong.

It is worth mentioning that there are several people in the prehistoric who are preparing to attack the realm of saints, or it can be said that they are preparing to attack the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.After all, if you want to become a saint, you must first meet the condition of having the primordial purple energy. The primordial purple energy in Hongjun's hand was distributed to the six saints when he preached in Zixiao Palace. Divided out.

Although Hong Yun did not have the blessing to achieve the body of a saint, but after reincarnation, he also relied on one-third of the primordial purple energy to achieve the status of the emperor of the three emperors of the human race. Although he is not comparable to a saint in terms of strength, but in terms of status, Compared with the saint, it is not weak.

Even though the Dao of Heaven has passed away, this primordial purple energy is still effective, representing the status of a saint in the world.

The reason for this is a bit complicated, but one only needs to know that this primordial purple energy is a group of original forces recognized by the original will.

Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan can rely on one-third of their primordial purple energy, but they have a very small chance of becoming saints.

But this is just a chance, compared to becoming a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, this probability is simply negligible.

However, there is humanity behind the three emperors, and it is not a bad idea to become a saint of humanity under humanity, it depends on how the three choose.

Saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are at the same level, but saints are much more popular than Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians.

In addition to the keynote set by Hongjun's preaching and Honghuang, the most important reason is that the saint can use the power of the fruit position from the world with the help of the purple energy of the primordial.From another aspect, the holy position is actually a kind of divine position.

It's just that this kind of god position is relatively high.

In addition to the Three Emperors, there are also Zhen Yuanzi from Wuzhuang Temple, Chenlong, the great disciple of Li Chen in Wenwen Palace, the ancestor of Minghe in the blood sea, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the underworld, and Tang Monk who learned from the Western Paradise. Today's Zhantan Gongde Buddha and Wukong who learn from the scriptures are also today's fighting and defeating Buddha, Tathagata, Wutian and so on.

There is even a human race named Zhou Qing who claims to be the Fourth Qing of Pangu.

These are the pinnacles of quasi-sages, who are expected to become saints or Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.Among them, all of them are related to Buddhism, but they made Buddhism popular in the wild.

At the beginning, Hongjun said that there are nine saints, and six of them are under his sect. The main reason is that there are only nine Hongmeng purple qi in the prehistoric world.Now one of the primordial purple qi has turned into three, unless the three emperors are willing to give up their own status as the Human Sovereign and draw out the primordial purple qi to combine into one, otherwise this primordial purple qi will never be perfected.

But this time Zhou Qing had one of the primordial purple qi in his hands, and the other primordial purple qi was in Wutian's hands.

Speaking of this, Zhou Qing is a strange person. Not only did he exchange Pangu's brand of opening the sky from Sanqing, so as to comprehend Pangu's great magical power of opening up the world, but also evolved the technique of transforming Sanqing into one Qi by virtue of great opportunity and perseverance. It is similar to Lao Tzu's one-qi transformation and three-cleaning. It is impossible to say who is stronger and who is weaker, but each has its own advantages.In addition, Zhou Qing also relied on a little source blood left in Pangu's spinal cord to evolve a bloodline close to Pangu's, and trained the clones of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Fortunately, the Twelve Ancestral Witches have been suppressed and sealed by Li Chen, otherwise it would be the Twelve Ancestral Witches who came to trouble Zhou Qing.

With the technique of transforming one qi into three qings corresponding to the three qings, the blood clones of the twelve ancestral shamans corresponding to the twelve ancestral shamans, and Pangu's brand of opening the sky and the primordial purple qi, it is unreasonable not to be a saint.

"I am Zhou Qing who teaches the Tao of Heaven, and today I will prove the Tao of Heaven again, and become a saint by holding on to the Heaven!!!"

The domineering declaration spread throughout the prehistoric world, and a faint breath of heaven came from the world behind Zhou Qing.

"Pangu Primordial Spirit Gathering!"

I saw that the trained three avatars, which were similar to the three clear avatars, turned into three rays of light when this sentence fell. The tenacious breath of Pan Gu's primordial spirit emanated from Zhou Qing's body.

Seeing that Zhou Qing didn't stop, he shouted again: "Dao brothers, hurry up!"

The twelve ancestral witch clones immediately turned into twelve chaotic bloodlines, which were taken back into Zhou Qing's body. The twelve different bloodlines entangled with each other and transformed into a chaotic golden bloodline, which was Pangu's bloodline original form.

The blood flowed through Zhou Qing's whole body, and a wave of immortality emanated from Zhou Qing.

Pangu's three-divided brand of Kaitian suddenly became one under Zhou Qing's control. In an instant, the primordial spirit, blood, and brand of Kaitian merged into one, and the aura of Pangu on Zhou Qing became stronger and stronger. It is not an exaggeration to say that Qing is Pangu.

But Zhou Qing shouted loudly:
"Today there is Zhou Qing, the Pangu Siqing, who is the leader of Tiandao Sect, who holds the Dao on behalf of Heaven, for Pangu, for Hunyuan, and for a sage!!!"

Therefore, flowers were falling in the sky, golden lotuses were gushing from the ground, and the purple air was traveling hundreds of millions of miles from the east. The scene was huge, and even the source of heaven and earth sent out a message of joy, as if celebrating Zhou Qing's achievement as a saint.

At this time, Zhou Qing's primordial spirit is condensed, and his blood and primordial spirit are moving closer to Pangu. He is Pangu himself, and he can be called Pangu real person.

The Tiandao Sect, which was originally inconspicuous, suddenly gained the limelight because of Zhou Qing's sanctification.

But he said that Li Chen in the palace did not do anything other than pay a little attention to Zhou Qing when he became a saint.Because Li Chen didn't find anything unusual about Zhou Qing no matter whether it was the long river of time or the long river of fate, and he had no connection with the real Pangu at all. The artifact spirit that came out was nothing more than that, everything showed that Zhou Qing was really just a lucky human being...

But Li Chen is paying attention to his eldest disciple - Chen Long.

"Your cultivation base can try to make a breakthrough. Don't be burdened. You have a teacher. Even if you can't break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian successfully, being a teacher can protect you from death and dao disappearing because of your breakthrough... "

Li Chen talked with Chen Long solemnly, comforting Chen Long.Li Chen doesn't care if his disciples suddenly break through the realm. After all, he has already reached the Dao realm at this moment. If he can't solve things, it is even more impossible for his disciples to be able to solve them.What's more, I still have a master of great fortune who is at the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm to order. If the disciple doesn't break through, it doesn't have much impact on Li Chen. I don't care about face anymore.

But Chen Long sighed and said helplessly to Li Chen: "Master, are you so disrespectful to your disciple..."

Li Chen opened his mouth, originally wanted to tell the truth, but when he saw Chen Long's appearance, he couldn't help but sighed: "As a teacher, I just give you a vaccination, so as not to..."

"Master, what is a vaccination?" Nu Xi leaned over to join in the fun and asked.

"Vaccination, it's just..., forget it..."

Li Chen sighed and was about to explain, but he seemed to think of something and stopped explaining——

(End of this chapter)

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