Chapter 303 0303 The Age of True Saints (First Update)
Nu Xi didn't continue to ask, because there were more important things-Chenlong was about to be promoted to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This is an extremely important matter for Wendao Gong's lineage in the ancient world, and all other matters can only be relied on under this matter.You know, for so many years, because of the slow progress of everyone in Wendao Palace, many of them have been criticized by those jealous people.If the promotion is successful, then Chenlong will be the first disciple of Wendao Palace to become a saint, and he will also be able to shut up some jealous people.

Unlike Zhou Qing before, Chenlong is planning to advance to Hunyuan Daluo by virtue of his own way.

Zhou Qing's way is the way of Pangu, while Chenlong's way is a way of earth veins that no one else has ever walked. Earth veins include various mineral veins, spiritual veins and even dragon veins.And spiritual veins, ore veins, and even dragon veins are just additions generated during the operation of the earth veins.

There are many meanings of veins, which can be understood as simple blood vessels, meridians on plant leaves, or things that are coherently distributed into a system in a broad sense.The blood vessels through which the human body transports 'substances', this is the arteries.Plants have 'pipes' that carry nutrients, which are also veins.Heaven and earth also have a 'pipeline' that runs everything, which is the earth's veins.

Earth veins are to heaven and earth, just like blood vessels are to humans and animals, and the meridians on the branches and leaves of plants are to plants.

It can be said that the way of the earth veins is a road with a brighter future.

Chenlong itself is the spiritual form of the dragon veins of the God Realm (the Ancient Realm), and practicing this way will complement each other even more.

Seeing that Chenlong came out of Wendao Palace, his whole body suddenly turned into a khaki-colored earth dragon that was ten thousand zhang long, and suddenly got into the Buzhou Mountain below him.


For a moment, it seemed that Buzhou Mountain in the God Realm had come to life, swallowing spiritual energy like a living thing.

Even the various spiritual veins, mineral veins, dragon veins, etc. of the entire God Realm seemed to come alive, driving the power of the entire God Realm to circulate between the heavens and the earth at an unknown number of times.

This rhythm is not limited to the God Realm. As the pulse becomes more and more natural and less deliberate, the earth veins in the entire prehistoric world seem to start breathing in and out in this fluctuation, speeding up. The power between heaven and earth.

Countless powers were sucked in by the earth veins, but what was spit out was spiritual energy containing vitality, which suddenly increased the spiritual energy in the entire world several times.

But as various prehistoric and prehistoric affiliated worlds joined this pulsating camp, the aura on Chenlong's body became stronger and stronger unconsciously, faintly reaching the point of breaking through the pinnacle of the quasi-sage and becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

At the same time, Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan in the Huoyun Cave also began to prepare to break through the realm of saints.

"Great powers appear frequently in the prehistoric world. As the prehistoric world merges with the heavens and worlds, the upper limit of the prehistoric world has become higher and higher. According to the ancestors, those who can prove the Tao and become saints will become more and more powerful." Many, so, our human race is..."

As Shen Nong spoke, the worry on his face became more intense.

"Imperial brother, we can only succeed this time, not fail, otherwise the human race will be in trouble!!!"

"What the emperor said is very true. We are the three emperors of the human race. We must protect the human race. I think humanity will not watch our human race die..."

"I've only heard about the matter of humanity from my ancestors. Why don't we first try to see if we can break through the Hunyuan Daluo series? If not, then try to use the power of humanity? What do you think?" Shen Nong suggested .

Seeing that Fuxi and Xuanyuan were thinking for a while, they agreed to Shennong's suggestion.

If you rely on your own strength to achieve Hunyuan, then it would be great. It can reduce the power consumption of humanity, and then it will be no difficulty to become a saint of humanity.

"So, let's get started."

Saying that, the three of them sat cross-legged like three talents, but they were planning to rely on the power of fruit status among the three to explore the way of saints.

The three of them faced each other day and night in the Huoyun Cave, but they were extremely familiar with each other, and they entered enlightenment without any effort.

Fuxi's innate way of gossip unfolded directly, Qianyi, Duier, Lisan, Zhensi, Xunwu, Kanliu, Genqi, Kunba, countless runes evolved into a world around the three.

Behind Shennong appeared a scripture handed down from generation to generation, it was the Shennong’s Herbal Classic that saved thousands of people. , you will be surprised, it is the spirit of medical ethics, and a kind of virtue is embodied in this spirit, that is, the medical ethics pursued by thousands of doctors.

Xuanyuan is not like Shennong and Fuxi. Fuxi is the reincarnation of Nuwa's elder brother, and Shennong is the reincarnation of Hongyun. Xuanyuan is an out-and-out human race. It’s weaker to say the least, but it embodies the thoughts of all people, and has the spirit of creating the future and passing on the torch of the human race. On one side of his sword, there are mountains, rivers, sun, moon, grass, trees, insects and fish, and on the other side, men farm and women weave. The ordinary treasure made of Shouyang mountain copper has been transformed into the holy sword of humanity under the belief of countless people. This is not only the way of the human race, but also the way of Xuanyuan!
With the efforts of the three, the Tao of the three began to merge...


Sensing the aura of the three emperors of Huoyun Cave, Zhen Yuanzi from Wuzhuang Temple stroked his beard and said with a long smile: "My dear friend, you have already started to take that step, and naturally Pindao will not lag behind!"

After ordering Qingfeng Mingyue to guard the mountain gate, he started to retreat.


After Zhan Tan Gongde Buddha, Tathagata and Dou Shengfo Buddha of the Buddhist gate gave a trombone "Amitabha", they also began to retreat.The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva under the underworld also shouted the Buddha's name loudly, then closed his eyes, not knowing whether he was breaking through the realm or falling into a deep sleep.

All of a sudden, the power of the entire prehistoric world seemed to disappear, and even those strong men in the Daluo Jinxian and quasi-sage realms began to retreat.

The entire prehistoric time has become compact, as if a catastrophe is imminent, and the wind and rain are about to come.

As time goes by, a new round of world integration will usher in——

In the prehistoric world, in the God Realm, there were three dragon chants from Buzhou Mountain:

The entire prehistoric earth veins seemed to start to skyrocket under some kind of force in an instant, and even the spiritual veins began to grow.As a result, spiritual rain began to rain in the world.

This is the effect that can only be achieved when the aura is strong enough to condense into rain.

At the same time, the entire Great Desolation seemed to be covered with a layer of colorful clouds, but the layers of purple air covered the entire Great Desolation.

Not only that, golden lotus blossoms began to spring up in the entire prehistoric land.

This vision covering the entire prehistoric world was caused by seven people, Chenlong, Sanhuang, Zhenyuanzi, Tathagata, and Ksitigarbha, who achieved the realm of saints.

Chenlong, Dizang, Tathagata, and Zhenyuanzi achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and among the Three Emperors, the Dihuang Shennong and the Emperor Fuxi first became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and then together with Xuanyuan became a human saint.

This is a great world, a true age of saints!

(End of this chapter)

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