Chapter 304 0304 Advanced Frenzy (Second More)

The bonus of this wave of floods is not just for seven people to become saints. 90.00% of the monks in the flood have advanced to a small level because of this, and 90.00% of the 5.00% of the monks Directly advance to one higher level, but in the last ten percent, [-]% of monks directly advance to two higher levels...

Everyone advanced to sanctification and achieved Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The laws in the prehistoric world were manifested because of the agitation of the Hunyuan powerhouses. There are countless people who have achieved breakthroughs.

It can be said that Honghuang has officially entered the point where the quasi-sage is full of land, and Da Luo is like a dog.

Even among the dozen or so disciples under Li Chen, the lowest one has reached the stage of quasi-sage early stage, and the highest one is the second Chenlong. The position of Daluo Jinxian.


Several dragon chants resounded through the God Realm, and a huge dragon soared from the surrounding mountains of the God Realm.

It seems to be happy, and it seems to be telling something.

Counting the toes of the earth-yellow giant dragon, it is not five claws like the dragons in the wild, but a full nine claws.

The number of nine is extremely high. When the dragon and the phoenix were fighting for hegemony, the Zulong and Zhulong were the only nine-clawed dragons in the prehistoric world.

But now, Zulong died and Zhulong disappeared. Chenlong can be said to be the only nine-clawed dragon in the prehistoric world.

The Nine-Clawed Divine Dragon circled Buzhou Mountain several times, and immediately turned into a majestic and domineering man who appeared in front of Li Chen.

This nine-clawed dragon was transformed by Chenlong, Li Chen's first disciple.

"Master, this disciple will finally live up to Master's expectations..."

Thousands of words, in the end there is only this simple and heartfelt sentence.

"Okay...ok...okay" Li Chen said yes three times. Although he tried his best to maintain that calm appearance, the emotion in his eyes completely betrayed Li Chen.It doesn't matter when my disciples are not promoted. When my disciples are promoted successfully, all that is left in my heart is happiness, and I feel more excited than my own promotion.

Li Chen patted Chenlong on the shoulder, and then said after a while: "Now that Chenlong has proved the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo, I will give you another gift as a teacher!"

"Central Chongsheng Hongyuan Great Emperor Chenlong listens to the seal!!!"

When Chenlong first started, he didn't react for a while, but his body was extremely quick to think, and he knelt down to listen.

"Today, Chenlong, the great emperor of Hongyuan, who is worshiped by the central government, has been promoted to the golden immortal of Hunyuan Daluo. Holy Hongyuan God Venerable!"

Immediately, the whole Shinto boiled up. Although there was only a two-character difference between the Central Chongsheng Hongyuan God Venerable and the Central Chongsheng Hongyuan Great Emperor, the difference was enormous.

Don't you see that even Li Chen, the supreme god of Shinto and the lord of the gods, is not also called a deity. Compared with ordinary deities, Li Chen's deity name has a big character, and the great deity is extremely respected by Li Chen.

Relatively speaking, gods can be described as the sage status of Shinto.

Chenlong was promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, this great emperor position was no longer enough for Chenlong, at this moment he could only be worthy of the status of Hunyuan Golden Immortal with the position of divine respect of Shinto.

"Master... Master..."

Hearing Li Chen's canonization, Chen Long stammered a bit.

"Why, do you dislike the fruit position of the divine way?"

Li Chen knows what Chenlong wants to say, but since the canonization has been released, it will definitely not be taken back. Changing orders day and night is a taboo for this kind of way of gathering people. Not to mention that Li Chen will lose his majesty, even the Shinto will not It will cause mental instability.

"No... no, it's... the disciple feels ashamed. The disciple has been in retreat all these years, and everything is handled by the juniors and juniors. This should be the responsibility of the seniors..."

Hearing Li Chen's jokes, Chen Long really thought that Li Chen felt that he didn't think much of the Divine Dao status, so he couldn't help explaining.

"Your juniors and younger sisters have my own plan for them as a respected master, and what should be given to you, I will not lose a single point as a teacher, so you can rest assured."

Hearing Li Chen'er's words, Chenlong's heart immediately calmed down, and he bowed to Li Chen again, saying:
"But the disciple was abrupt, the disciple thanked Master for his kindness..."

"Well, when the time comes, I will help my teacher manage the affairs inside the Shinto and Dao Dao Palace—"

Li Chen waved his hand indifferently.

While speaking, a golden list appeared in front of Li Chen, it was the list of divine treasures and gods.

Following Chenlong's name on the list, the honorary title of the Central Chongsheng Hongyuan Great Emperor, following Li Chen's will, directly turned into the Central Chongsheng Hongyuan Divine Venerable.

Chenlong only felt a powerful force pouring into his body, and the cultivation base that had already reached the Primordial Golden Immortal seemed to be pushed forward again under this force, directly reaching the cultivation base of a saint in the middle stage.

It can be said that in the group of saints, Chenlong is already one step ahead of most of them, and even catch up with the veteran saints. Zhunti's cultivation at this time is only in the middle stage of saints.

Before becoming a saint, although Chenlong knew that his master was very powerful, he didn't have a specific concept. Facing Li Chen was like facing the vast ocean.After being sanctified, I faced Li Chen again, because the spiritual sense of the saint made this gap even more serious.

Especially compared with the aura of the master of fortune around Li Chen, the sense of gap is even greater.

Becoming a Shinto saint, Chenlong felt that the prehistoric world that had faintly repulsed him became close at the moment of becoming a Shinto saint.It seems that the previous self was born by the stepmother, but the current self is born by the real mother.

In addition, Chenlong also felt that in the prehistoric world, if he fought against foreign enemies, his power would be blessed by heaven and earth. The original [-]% power could be displayed one hundred one or even one hundred two after becoming a Shinto saint. power.

The most important thing is that compared to before becoming a saint, the mana in the body now is like the sea.

Although Honghuang has become much larger and has more resources due to several times of world fusion, but the original six saints plus three foreign saints are divided up, and the territory and resources obtained by each person are not much.

Now there are eight more saints at one time, and the number of saints has almost doubled, making the resources that were not particularly large in the first place become even less after each person is divided.

Fortunately, Tathagata, Dizang, and Zhenyuanzi achieved Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and did not participate in the battle between saints.Opening up a small world in the chaos early, Tathagata and Zhen Yuanzi moved their dojo to the small world.Dizang is still huddled in the [-]th floor of hell, guarding the fierce ghost in the Duhua hell.

In a wave of sages, apart from the fact that the human race made the most profit and three sages were born at once, the one that made the most profit was Buddhism.

Two Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian realm powerhouses.

Calculated in this way, apart from the powerhouses above the realm of Kaitian Dao, there are the most powerhouses in the Hunyuan series of Buddhism!
There are four of them!

(End of this chapter)

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