Chapter 307 0307 Lord of Merit (First Change)
In the chaos, there was an aura of a strong man comparable to the Great Dao, and it was at this moment that Li Chen caught it, and looked in the direction of the chaos with a serious face.

After instructing the Lord of Great Luck to pay attention to the progress of world fusion, Li Chen crossed the infinite space in one step, directly stepped out of the God Realm, the primordial world and entered the chaos.

After staying for a moment to carefully sense the position of the unknown strong man, Li Chen rushed towards the strong man.

Li Chen is already in the realm of Dao at this time, even if he does not use his own protection, the Qi of Chaos will not be able to cause any harm or influence on Li Chen, and even power does not need to be supplied by Qi of Chaos, the Law of Dao in the body seems to be born on its own Power, this self-born power is different from the energy of chaos, and it is the most suitable power for Li Chen.

This kind of power has a strong phagocytosis, and it seems to be slightly stronger than the energy of chaos. It is similar to the power of robbery and can coordinate all forces. It is precisely because the body is filled with this kind of power that the energy of chaos has not been eroded After entering Li Chen's body, he was assimilated and swallowed by him.

But relatively speaking, this kind of assimilated power is just a drop in the bucket for Li Chen's huge power.

Chaos is a strange place. Sometimes, vision is unbelievable. Things that seem to be in front of you are actually very far away from you.It is precisely because of the chaos of space that the chaos seems infinitely large and infinitely small.Not only is space chaotic, but even time, law, energy, etc. are also chaotic.

If you want to sum up chaos in one word to express chaos, it is disorder.

And this strong man seemed not far away from Li Chen, but in fact he was far away. Li Chen tore through the chaotic space several times in a row but failed to catch up.

After tearing the space three or four times, Li Chen immediately stopped and sacrificed his natal treasure, the Tongtian Tower. Under Li Chen's will, the Tongtian Tower suddenly changed and turned into a rainbow bridge, which continued to extend towards the strong man.

Li Chen stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge without hesitation.

The Rainbow Bridge is worthy of being a space-like primordial spirit treasure. Even in the chaos, the speed of crossing an ultra-long distance is very fast.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

Seeing that he was about to catch up with the strong man, Li Chen quickly opened his mouth.

However, the strong man did not stay as Li Chen thought, but still staggered and walked slowly. Looking at his not very old back, it gave people a feeling that he was about to die.

As soon as the Rainbow Bridge fell behind the man, Li Chen stepped over, and in such an instant, the man was far away again.

It seemed like every step he took was a world away.

But now that he has caught up, it is very easy for Li Chen to catch up with his own cultivation.


Li Chen yelled, and stepped behind the unknown strong man, ready to pull him.

The moment his hands touched, a look of astonishment flashed across Li Chen's face. This is not a strong man at all, but just an image left in the chaos.Because when you grab his sleeves, there is no feeling of pinching the real thing at all, just like a person grabbing the air without grabbing anything at all.

What surprised Li Chen was that he couldn't distinguish the image of a strong man.

It can be seen how profound this strong man's Tao attainments are.

Even if he doesn't achieve Hunyuan, just because his figure can be remembered by Chaos and leave a back that is difficult to distinguish even in the Dao Realm, this alone can have a place in Chaos.

But since there are traces of him, it is not difficult for Li Chen to find him.

The long river of time will faithfully record everything, but if you want to search for the records in the long river of time, you must have a relevant medium, it can be a hair, it can be traces of activities, it can be a sentence, a phantom, etc. wait.

Li Chen has to thank the Great Dao here. Before the Long River of Time was occupied by the Great Dao, if he wants to see the Long River of Time, he has to pass the level of the Great Dao. If there is too much movement in the Long River of Time, it may cause the Long River of Time Even if this suppression can't do anything to Li Chen.

Without the road blocking the way, with the help of the time pocket watch, Li Chen easily found information about this figure from the past that almost sank to the bottom of the river.

"Ade, why did you betray us..., why?"

"The traitor shall be punished!"

For a long time, Zhongguang heard the voice, but did not see the owner of the voice, but the voice was a bit similar to the tone of the real body of Pangu summoned by the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but it was more neutral than the real body of Pangu full.

"I didn't, I didn't, I really didn't!"

Li Chen, the master of merit, seems to be the master of this phantom.

A ray of ax strikes, and the man in the picture who is called the master of merit does not resist at all, it seems that he has accepted his fate, and it seems that it doesn't matter anymore.

The giant ax struck on the chest of the lord of meritorious deeds, and a big hole was opened in the whole chest, and golden blood continued to flow out.The owner of the giant ax seemed to hesitate for a moment. At the moment of hesitation, a white jade hand broke through the space and directly grabbed the master of merit and disappeared, leaving only the roar of the owner of the giant axe.

The scene didn't end here, the meritorious master was not taken away because he wanted to save him, but...

The owner of the giant hand is facing away from the Lord of Merit.

"In my opinion, your friendship is not worth mentioning at all. You see, they only believe in their own eyes... How about if you join my team—"

"Who are you? Why do you want to sow discord? What good does it do you if we turn against each other?"

At this moment, the lord of merit has completely calmed down, sensing his situation and knowing that this person is the culprit of everything, he couldn't help asking in a cold voice.

"Who am I? I'm almost forgetting who I am, the power of order is really powerful, even I can't see it all..."

The screen changed again, and the lord of merit appeared in the chaos, but his own way of merit had disappeared. If it weren't for his physical body whose peak in the heavenly realm was comparable to that in the grand dao realm, it might have been directly annihilated by the erosion of chaos.

The ax wound on his body was still dripping with golden blood. At this moment, the mind of the virtuous master seemed to have fallen into chaos. He staggered and walked slowly all the way, constantly muttering: "I didn't, I didn't, I really didn't !not me……"

Although it was just a piece of history recorded by a long river of time, it made Li Chen look dignified.

Needless to say, the owner of the giant ax must be Pangu.

However, it seems that Pangu created the world and three thousand demon gods blocked the way.

Who betrayed?Who is the owner of the white jade hand in the picture? Even the master of merit, the master of great luck, and even Pan Gu were played in the applause.What is the power of order?The power of law?still……

(End of this chapter)

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