Chapter 308 0308 Clues to the Lord of Merit (Second Change)
Just like watching a movie, after watching the record of the long river, Li Chen's heart was full of emotions, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

After calming down a little, he pursued in the direction where the image of the lord of merit was heading.

In front of Li Chen, so far away that Li Chen could hardly sense it, a blind and slovenly man on a chaotic continent was groping bit by bit with the breath of the chaotic continent under his feet. silhouette.

This person is the master of merit, and the ax wound on his chest is already pitch black, like carrion.

However, the meritorious lord didn't seem to feel the pain of the wound on his body at all, and he still mixed his own blood with breath soil bit by bit, pinching a figure.

The one who is pinching is not someone else, but it is the master of meritorious deeds himself. The whole process did not use any mana, it seems that he is simply pinching the clay figurine.

At this moment, the space suddenly fluctuated, and a figure appeared behind the meritorious master.

If Li Chen was here, he would definitely recognize that this figure is the owner of the white jade hand that he saw in the long river of time and never showed up.

"You, here we come..." The tone of the meritorious lord was so calm that it seemed to be saying, "Have you eaten yet?"

Sensing the power gathered behind him, the lord of merit said again: "After I pinch myself, you can kill or cut as you like."

This discussion seems to be not about his own life and death.

The tone is calm and scary.

The man sensed the clay figurines made by the master of merit, and found that there was no spell left, so he didn't say anything, just as the master of merit said, quietly waiting for him to make the last clay figurine.

"What are you pinching these clay figurines for? Do you want to challenge me with these clay figurines that have nothing special?"

The man spoke disdainfully.

"You are from the Chaos clan, right? Or from the beast clan of the Hongmeng era, or from the Dao clan?"

The lord of merit squeezed himself, regardless of the dirt on his hands, turned around, stared at the back and said.

The moment the lord of meritorious virtues spoke, the back froze visibly.

"How did you guess it?" The man's voice was hoarse.

"Hehe, Beast Emperor..., do you think I will tell you?"

I also want to thank you for removing my merit rules, but even if you remove my merit rules for your own use, I still have a feeling for my things. Who is harming himself behind.

The lord of merit thought in his heart, but as soon as this idea came out, he was cut off by his wisdom sword, leaving no chance for that person to spy on his own thoughts.

"Don't tell me, I don't know how to see it myself, it's so naive, hehe..."

There was a huge suction force from the pure white jade hand, and the Lord of Merit was sucked into the hands of the Beast Emperor uncontrollably. As if there was a black hole in the palm of his hand, the Lord of Merit disappeared into the hands of the Beast Emperor.

After closing his eyes for a moment, the Beast Emperor opened his eyes uncertainly, and snorted bitterly: "Hmph, what a master of merit and virtue, he would rather destroy himself than let me know, but I am getting more and more curious. I will organize your memory completely, when the time comes, hum—"

However, the moment the Beast Emperor made his move, the Lord of Merit knew that he could not escape this catastrophe, and directly understood his own life fundamentally.In this way, even if the Beast Emperor can obtain his own memory, it will take a huge amount of time to sort it out. After all, the Lord of Merit can survive from the previous era, and the time he has experienced is almost as long as the Beast Emperor. It is necessary to find out from such a huge memory. Finding such a memory is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

The Beast Emperor seemed to have thought of something, and his frown suddenly relaxed.

Before leaving, he wiped the long river of time flowing through here, and the tributary of the long river of time suddenly became turbid. After clearing his traces again, he caught a glimpse of the clay figurines made by the lord of merit.Many of the clay figurines were 'old friends' back then. The Beast Emperor still remembered that it was the siege of these people that caused him to fail and escape.

With a wave of his sleeves, these clay figurines turned into a group of chaotic soil again like gravel under a huge force.

Seeing this, Fang Cai nodded in satisfaction, sensed Li Chen's approaching aura, stretched out his hand to tear it apart, and suddenly a space crack appeared in front of him, and walked in without hesitation.

However, the clay figurines destroyed by it slowly gathered together under an immortal force, and turned into the appearance when the previous meritorious master shaped it.

The chaotic soil has the characteristic of being indestructible. You must know that the human race is made out of this fetish. The blood of the master of merit is the concentrated power of merit. The way of merit is the fundamental way of the master of merit. Withdrawing, the root of this merit still exists in the blood of the master of merit.

In the prehistoric world, there is a method of cultivating the golden body of merit with the power of merit. Those who have mastered the golden body of merit will have the ability to be immortal. Combined with the characteristics of the chaotic atmosphere that will never be worn down, even if the king of beasts strikes at will Power cannot completely obliterate it.

However, although these clay figurines have returned to their original appearance, many things are still missing inside. .

Not long after the clay figurine recovered, Li Chen passed the Rainbow Bridge and came to the chaotic continent formed by the huge chaotic rock.

"This is……"

Li Chen was amazed when he saw the exquisite clay figurines on the Chaos Continent.

Isn't the strong man holding a huge ax in the front of the clay figurine exactly the same as the true body of Pan Gu summoned by the Twelve Ancestral Witches?

There is a huge roulette behind Pangu, and the eye-like thing in the middle of the roulette, in Li Chen's view, isn't this exactly what the Dao looks like, it seems that the Dao only has an eye in the middle.But the main body of the roulette is not there.

But Da Dao didn't know where he went now, so there wasn't much threat to Li Chen for the time being.

Behind the statue of Pangu, there is a woman with human hands and snake body, holding a staff in her hand, with seven parts of compassion and three parts of sternness on her face.It is similar to the statue of Nuwa with a human head and a snake body, but it is not Nuwa from its face.

On the left side of the human-headed and snake-like statue is a statue of a more majestic man, holding a dish-mounted magic weapon in his hand, which is somewhat similar to Hongjun's fortune jade dish, but this man is not Hongjun's appearance.

Behind the two are other statues with different images.

However, the one statue that attracted Li Chen's attention was the statue behind all the statues with a gap in the chest and a sluggish back. Looking at the front, Li Chen didn't think of it for a while, but when he saw the back, Li Chen Just now I remembered that this is not the statue of the virtuous master I was looking for.

However, unlike other statues, this statue is facing in the opposite direction to the other statues. It feels like being abandoned by the whole world and looks lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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