Chapter 309 0309 Memory (First Change)
The statues seem to be about the same size as the lord of meritorious deeds encountered in the chaos, about nine feet (3m), and each of them is similar to the human race in the ancient Lich period, but at this time the prehistoric human race has experienced Evolution, the height is almost only about seven feet (about 2.33m), and even the height of some human races is less than seven feet. This height is not caused by environmental factors. Li Chen can only guess that this is probably because the blood power in the human race is weaker s reason.

Like the Beast Emperor (let's call him the Lord of Merit), Li Chen didn't feel the slightest mana fluctuation on these clay figurines.

However, Li Chen found a strange scene. Except for the clay figurine whose back was facing all the clay figurines, all the clay figurines were looking at the head of the Pangu-shaped clay figurine in the front.

At the beginning, Li Chen didn't notice this difference, and automatically brought in the idea that Pan Gu was the leader of the crowd, so it was very reasonable for everyone to look at Pan Gu.

But when I turned my head and thought about it, these demon gods and the like had their eyes above the top, how could they accept the command of others, even if Pangu could kill these demon gods with force, he couldn't make these demon gods surrender.The biggest possibility is that these demon gods are all equals, and they only gathered together because of something.

In this way, the clay figurine of Pangu at the front is worth pondering.

All the clay figurines looked at their heads, either there was something left in the head of the Pangu clay figurine, or there was something hidden in the head of one of the clay figurines.

This thing can be kept in the hands of the man behind the scenes, which means that it must be hidden very secretly, and it may not even be a real thing at all, just a piece of information or a piece of memory.

Thinking about it, Li Chen came to the statue of Pangu.

Putting his hand on the statue's head, Li Chen suddenly felt a picture unfold in front of him. This picture was unfolded from the perspective of a third person. There was nothing else in the picture, it was all about Pangu's memory.

The figure of Pangu is very majestic in the mind of the person who recorded this picture, it seems that the whole perspective is from the angle of looking up, it seems that the owner of this memory was very short at that time.

As time passed, the picture slowly changed from looking up to looking up, but the feeling of admiration did not fade away because of time, but became more and more intense.

Li Chen saw Pan Gu's questioning, and saw the speechless and helpless memory owner.

In the end, the only memory of Pangu was that ruthless axe, and the world that followed was dark.

Seeing this, Li Chen also knows who the owner of this memory is, and who else is there besides the lord of merit.

Li Chen crossed the statue of Pangu and set his target on the statue with the head of a man and the body of a snake.

Just like the Pangu statue, Li Chen put his hand on its head to see if there was a memory left like the Pangu statue.

Not surprisingly, a memory came from the head of the human head and snake body:
Lord of Merit: "Sister Wamu, when will Big Brother Pangu come back—"

"I'll be back when there are waves on the long river." The woman called Wamu said softly.

The Lord of Merit: "Sister Wa, does it mean that if I become stronger, I will be able to bless everyone's fighting power like my sister and you?"

Wamu: "That's why we, Ade, have to work hard to practice and grow up quickly."

Lord of Merit: "Sister Wa, today I fought for the first time with that hateful orc genius Wu Nian, but unfortunately I didn't win, Ade is very useless—"

Mother-in-law: "Ah De is already very good, but Wu Nian can be tied with your brother Zhixing—"



"Sister Wa, it's really not me, go tell Big Brother Pangu, it's really not me, I didn't betray, it's really—"

The voice of the lord of merit was hoarse and helpless, but this time there was no response from the wamu, and the picture fell into darkness immediately.

Many places of these memories have been broken, and these memories are obviously left by the master of merit through selective selection.

Looking at the other clay figurines, Li Chen knew that if there were no accidents, they should all be the memory of the virtuous master about them.

But what is the purpose of the lord of merits and virtues to leave these memories? Probably not much better.

Li Chen didn't pay much attention to the rest of the clay figurines, and went directly past the crowd of clay figurines to the last clay figurine behind - the statue of the Lord of Merit.

As soon as his hand touched the head of the statue, a more turbulent memory than the previous memories suddenly flooded into Li Chen's mind.

These memories are not only complicated, but also very confusing.

The early memory was fine, but the late memory was full of despair and darkness.

Li Chen suspects that after accepting these memories, a strong person in the Dao of Heaven will probably be in a state of confusion for a long time.

But for Li Chen, these are not problems.

Without carefully checking these memories, Li Chen planned to continue tracking the location of the Lord of Merit.

The time pocket watch appeared in Li Chen's hands, and as he fiddled with the time pocket watch lightly, a transparent but turbid confluence materialized in front of Li Chen.

At this point, Li Chen still doesn't know that the information about the Lord of Merit has been erased from the long river of time.

This made Li Chen couldn't help but put his hope in the memory left by the Lord of Merit.

Flipping through the memory of the lord of merit, Li Chen felt that even his own will would easily sink into the memory of the lord of merit, and he had a strong sense of emotional substitution.Li Chen had to separate his emotions and desires again, leaving only pure reason to check.

Compared with the memories in the minds of Nuwa and Pangu, the memory left by the Lord of Merit in the mind of the clay figurines who symbolize him is much more complete. Most of them are pictures of getting along with these clay figurines, and there are even many scenes of fighting. .

The target of the battle was a group of ferocious beasts, perhaps the orcs they called.

Li Chen can see from the screen that the flesh bodies of these strange beasts are almost at the level of Chaos Supreme Treasure, and some of them have even reached the level of Primordial Spiritual Treasure.

Li Chen had to lament the horror of that world.

If it fell into the current prehistoric situation, no one except himself could resist such a group of big killers.

In the picture, everyone worked together to refine a treasure-like object, which was almost exactly the same as the treasure behind the clay sculpture Pangu.

In the picture, this treasure exudes a wave, and with the joint efforts of a group of gods and demons, the wisdom of the beast race in the whole world is extracted and suppressed.

The newly born orcs simply became irrational beasts.

At this point in the screen, the victory is shifting towards the demon gods headed by Pangu and others——

(End of this chapter)

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