Chapter 310 0310 The First Appearance of the Black Hand (Second Change)

At this point in the picture, a powerful enemy appeared, and all the gods and demons seemed very nervous.

The subsequent memory was intermittent, obviously damaged, but obviously, this enemy was defeated by a group of demon gods, and his body was broken down by a group of demon gods, only a spirit escaped.And the price paid for all this was the death and injury of many demon gods, and even the refining treasure was smashed, leaving only a core like an eye.


The screen turned and came to the familiar screen that Li Chen had seen in the long river of time:

"Ade, why did you betray us..., why?"

"The traitor shall be punished!"

The tall Pangu's face changed and changed, and finally his face was expressionless.

"I didn't, I didn't, I really didn't!"

The voice of the lord of merit is hoarse, frightened, at a loss and desperate.

It seems that the whole world has abandoned itself.

A ray of ax strikes, and the man in the picture who is called the master of merit does not resist at all, it seems that he has accepted his fate, and it seems that it doesn't matter anymore.

I only felt a burst of pain in my memory. It seemed that I had never experienced pain since birth. It was not only Pangu's attack, but also the distrust of those companions and the despair in my heart...

The giant ax struck on the chest of the lord of meritorious deeds, and a big hole was opened in the whole chest, and golden blood continued to flow out.

In the picture, a white jade hand breaks through the space, grabs the owner of the memory, the master of merit, and disappears in front of Pangu, and the state of Pangu behind does not exist in the memory.

As soon as the screen turned, the lord of merit came to a vast white hall. In front of the hall stood a familiar figure with his hands behind his back. After a while, the man said:
"In my opinion, your friendship is not worth mentioning at all. You see, they only believe in their own eyes... How about if you join my team—"

"Who are you? Why do you want to sow discord? What good does it do you if we turn against each other?"

At this moment, the lord of merit has completely calmed down. Although his body is still in pain, what happened to him made the lord of merit feel that everything is not so important, so he couldn't help asking in a cold voice.

"Who am I? I'm almost forgetting who I am. The power of order is really powerful. Even I can't see it all. With your virtue, maybe I..."

Without waiting for the Lord of Merit to speak, I saw that the strong man raised his hand lightly, drawing out the way of merit that the Lord of Merit had already combined with his own dragon (spine) bit by bit.

What does it feel like to have your own fundamental way pulled out? It is estimated to be tens of millions of times more painful than direct surgery without anesthesia, and this pain cannot be shielded, and it comes directly from the depths of the soul.

After pulling away the Dao of the Lord of Merit, the owner of the giant hand threw the Lord of Merit casually like throwing garbage, and the Lord of Merit appeared in the chaos with a sound of limpness.

If it weren't for the physical body whose peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm was comparable to the Great Dao Realm, it might have been directly annihilated by the erosion of chaos.

At this moment, the mind of the virtuous master is completely confused.

The ax wound on his body was still dripping golden blood, and he staggered and walked slowly all the way, constantly muttering: "I don't, I don't, I really don't! It's not me..."

I don't know how long and how far I walked all the way, and I just woke up a little after hitting this chaotic continent.While awake, the master of merit is also constantly thinking about who the master of the white jade hand is.

In the end, the suspicion was fixed on the escaped remnants of the beast clan, including the beast emperor——

The Beast Emperor is very mysterious. It is said that the Beast Race existed before it existed, and even the Beast Race was created by him.

Although his physical body was broken up when he besieged the Beast Emperor, he was allowed to escape from his golden cicada's shell and escape from his soul and spirit.

But no matter who it is, the lord of merit knows that he will definitely come to find him again.

And as long as he often uses the way of merit, he can also sense who is using the way of merit.

In this way, the Lord of Merit used the blood as the medium and the soil as the root on this chaotic continent to squeeze out clay figurines with indestructible power.Leave a trail behind for yourself.

It wasn't until the end that the black hand behind the scenes came again, and the master of merit confirmed his identity—it was the beast king of the beast race.

Until here, all the memories of his own experience ended, and a thought appeared in Li Chen's great induction. This thought seemed to only have the ability to automatically play the narrative, so Li Chen was not surprised.

"When someone sees all of this, it is estimated that I have already suffered a murderous hand. At that time, I may not even be able to retain these memories, but when I see all of this, I hope that you, the unknown powerhouse, can save these Bring the memory to their masters and tell them that Ade really did not betray... If you see this memory, I will give you a piece of advice as a person who has experienced it—it is because of obsession that you can make rapid progress. Disappearing means that you are not far from the apex. It is precisely because I have no obsession that I have no yearning for"


The voice of the Lord of Merit fell silent, and Li Chen also fell silent.

Li Chen also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to look for the lord of merit, because the black hand behind the scenes showed that the lord of merit had already been killed, and as a strong man in the Dao realm, Li Chen did not believe that the other party would cause disaster for him.

As for the clay figurines on this chaotic continent, it is estimated that the other party also saw him coming, and in a hurry, they didn't realize that the clay figurines actually had the attribute of indestructibility, so they didn't deal with them cleanly.Why doesn't this reflect the depth of the meritorious deeds of the Lord of Merit?

Moreover, for a piece of chaotic spiritual material, it would take some strength and time to wipe it out with the cultivation base of the Dao realm.

As for the obsession that the lord of merit said, Li Chen was a little stunned. At some point, he seemed to have seldom remembered the obsession at the beginning.

It seems that he has been addicted to the feeling of improving his cultivation.

Recalling the original obsession, Li Chen did not immediately search for the way back, but flew out of this chaotic continent, came to the chaos, and released his own treasure Tongtian Pagoda, preparing to receive the entire chaotic continent into the tower in space.

Not only because the clay figurines left by the lord of merit and virtue above may become a weight for him in the future, but also because the entire chaotic continent is composed of a piece of chaotic rock and chaotic soil, and the texture is simply not too advanced.

If it is refined into a magic weapon, it will definitely be able to equip all of its disciples with one and there will be surplus.

As for finding his "hometown" Earth, Li Chen's cultivation is already capable of manipulating time. From Li Chen's point of view, it's not too simple, it doesn't matter if it's one minute earlier or one minute later.

I saw that under Li Chen's control, the Tongtian Tower seemed to have no limit. It continued to grow taller in the chaos until its diameter was the size of the Chaos Continent.

Immediately flew over the Chaos Continent, lowered the cover, the whole continent disappeared into the chaos, and became a thing in Li Chen's tower.

(End of this chapter)

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