Chapter 316 0316 Shocking Change! ! ! (Second more)
It is impossible for Li Chen to agree to exchange the Tongtian Tower for the Gate of Infinity.

What should I do if I want it but the Lord of Chaos won't give it to me?The only way is to grab it.Apart from this Infinity Gate, Li Chen didn't think that he still had a Hongmeng Spirit Treasure in his hand that could resist his Tongtian Pagoda.

Although the Lord of Chaos' Endless Gate will not be restrained by Li Chen's Infinite Magic Square, but this Infinite Magic Square works on the Endless Gate, and no one can guarantee that the authority of the Endless Gate will not be controlled by the Infinite Magic Square .So the main reason for Chaos is that he can't produce a grandmist spirit treasure that can fight against him, unless he risks being captured by Li Chen for the Gate of Infinity, otherwise he can only be suppressed and beaten by Li Chen.

At this moment, the Lord of Chaos wanted to retreat strategically, but found that Li Chen was like a dog's skin plaster, sticking to himself, not allowing himself a chance to escape.

At this time, the Lord of Chaos regretted that he had not exposed himself at the wrong time. If he had not exposed himself, he would probably still be hunting wolf behind the scenes, watching Li Chen and others fight to death.

But it's too late to regret.

Sideways avoid the star chess thrown from Li Chen's hands, one black and one white, two extreme forces erupt, causing a more powerful explosion, making the chaos in the explosion area suddenly become a vacuum, a void without law and energy place.

Even though the Lord of Chaos had avoided it as much as possible and was not at the center of the explosion, he was still disgraced by the aftermath of the explosion.

Li Chen was leisurely after that, watching the Lord of Chaos grit his teeth for a while.

Every time he saw the Lord of Chaos running away, Li Chen would start throwing 'bombs'. Seeing that the Lord of Chaos wanted to fight in close quarters, the star chess in his hand would immediately change into a sky-shaking stick or gold bricks, just like a Just like a hedgehog.

The two played back and forth in the chaos. When they were young, the Lord of Chaos pretended to be out of breath and stopped.

"Chang Ming, what exactly do you want to do? You can't kill me right now, and I can't win against you. Why should we entangle here? Why don't you and I leave on our own and fight again in the future..."

"Leave the Gate of Infinity, and I'll let you go, otherwise, hum..."

The meaning is self-evident.

It is almost ready to pester the Lord of Chaos for life and life, of course, if the two of them have an afterlife——

"It's impossible for me to keep the Gate of Infinity, you can grab it if you have the ability!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Lord of Chaos quickly turned around and started to flee with his head sullen.

At this time, the Lord of Chaos felt extremely regretful in his heart. He should know that the trump card is the trump card. If it is used, it is useless. If there is still a risk of being robbed, he will not take out the gate of infinity.

Who would have thought that Li Chen, a newly promoted Dao Realm expert, would be close to the power of the peak Dao Realm after cooperating with the Tongtian Pagoda.

I was even slightly better than myself, it was frightening, I felt like I had been living on a dog for so many years.

"Haha, what I said is exactly what I want. If the thieves don't run away, I'll come!"

Li Chen laughed, and the Tongtian Pagoda in his hand suddenly changed, and turned into a magic square again, turning in circles, chasing after the Lord of Chaos.

As soon as he saw the Infinite Magic Square, the Lord of Chaos turned on his horsepower and teleported. After teleporting for a certain distance in the chaos, he saw the Infinite Magic Square behind him that was still locked on him. The door of infinity opened suddenly, hitting on the magic square of infinity.

This time, the Wujian Magic Square did not hit the door panel of the endless door, but hit the door frames on both sides. Suddenly, the Wujian Magic Cube flew out like a spinning top.

Seeing the Gate of Infinity once again made a contribution, the eyes of the Lord of Chaos lit up, and he felt a little eager to try.

But thinking that this treasure of mine can't be refined, it can only be used as a weapon in your hand, and it can't be used as a magic weapon at all, so I can't help but let it go.

After all, the strong in the Dao realm don't only know how to fight hand-to-hand. The Lord of Chaos doesn't think that Li Chen will give up his advantages to fight with him.

Just as he was about to run away again, he heard a roar from the chaos.

The Lord of Chaos thumped in his heart. With this voice, how could the Lord of Chaos not remember the voice of Pan Gu, the leader who besieged him back then. It was because of Pan Gu that he fell from the sky to the ground.

But wasn't Pangu designed by 'He', and Kai Tian exhausted himself to death? How could there be his voice?

Moreover, Zhou Qing, who has the largest part of Pangu's Yuanling, has been secretly sealed by himself, and the twelve ancestor witches are also controlled by "He". Logically speaking, it is impossible for Pangu to be resurrected.

What exactly went wrong in this?

The Lord of Chaos racked his brains but couldn't come up with a reason.

This voice is full of energy, which is not comparable to that of Pangu's real body. Every syllable is the evolution of Tao.


The entire chaos boiled under this Tao sound, and the sound had the power to open up the world. Floating worlds were formed in the tumbling chaos, and then they were shattered by the tumbling chaos.


The voice contained the Dao of Strength, and just hearing this voice, one felt a Demon God of Strength being revived.

At this moment, Li Chen has no intention of continuing to chase the Lord of Chaos, because the direction of the voice is the direction of the prehistoric.

Although Li Chen didn't know what happened, but Li Chen knew that it was definitely related to Pan Gu, but he didn't know what happened to the twelve ancestor witches and others.

The Lord of Chaos reacted a beat faster than Li Chen, directly tore apart the Chaos Space, and rushed towards the prehistoric direction. At this moment, the Lord of Chaos was in a state of confusion, and he wanted to confirm with his own eyes whether the state of Pangu was real or not. Resurrected.

Seeing that the Lord of Chaos was a little faster than when he was chasing him just now, Li Chen felt his face burning hot. Was he being tricked?
Next to the prehistoric world, in the prehistoric world, countless Pan Gu Yuanlings, summoned by an inexplicable force, condensed towards the real body of Pan Gu condensed by the twelve ancestral witches outside the prehistoric world, a smoke-like primordial spirit After the god clings to Pangu's real body, he wants to enter Pangu's real body. Seeing that the appearance of this primordial spirit is somewhat similar to that of Zhou Qing, the similarity with that of Pangu is as high as seven points.

Hongjun who had disappeared earlier appeared beside Pan Guzhen at this moment. When Li Chen and the Lord of Chaos saw this, they knew that all of this was absolutely related to Hongjun.

Different from the Lord of Chaos, Li Chen didn't have much conflict with Pangu's resurrection at all. Except for this divine way, although this divine way has Pangu's shadow in it, if it doesn't have the framework he set at the beginning, this divine way is basically impossible. Impossible to be so powerful.

If Pangu wants to take back the ownership of Shinto, maybe the two will have a battle at that time.

But at this moment, the Lord of Chaos should be the one who is anxious, not Li Chen.

If conditions permit, Li Chen will probably set up a table in this chaos, ready to be a melon-eating crowd——

(End of this chapter)

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