Chapter 317 0317 Hongjun Explodes (First Change)
Zhou Qing and the Twelve Ancestral Witches were vying for the right to control the real body of Pan Gu, and neither of them would give in.

For Zhou Qing, relying on most of Pangu Yuanling and a complete mark of opening the sky, it is still very easy to control Pangu's real body, but the premise is that Pangu's real body is unconscious or in a state of chaos.

But the problem lies precisely in this place. The true body of Pangu is summoned by the Twelve Ancestral Witches with their own bloodlines, and all the Twelve Ancestral Witches are saint-level existences. In terms of will, he is not inferior to Zhou Qing.

Although Zhou Qing has external power, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are not vegetarians. They come and go, and each has a winner or loser. After the whole battle, the two are tied.

Neither Zhou Qing nor the Twelve Ancestral Witches noticed that an unusual will quietly sprouted in Pangu's real body, and it grew silently in the gap between the two.

Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches are controlled by the Lord of Chaos to a certain extent, as an outsider, the Lord of Chaos can only worry about the fight for Pangu's real body.Seeing that the Twelve Ancestral Witches were about to fail and completely reduced to a stepping stone for the resurrection of Zhou Qing's version of 'Pangu', the Lord of Chaos couldn't sit still, and was about to forcibly break up the Twelve Capitals of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. .

After all, if there is no Dutianshensha formation, this Pangu's real body will become completely rootless and collapse directly. Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches will be injured because of this, it is better than being taken advantage of by others.


The Lord of Chaos yelled, and his voice turned into a wave of sound, sweeping across the area in front of him. Everyone's attention was focused on the Lord of Chaos, except of course the Twelve Ancestral Witches and that Zhou Qing.

At this moment, both of them dare not be distracted. Even if the Twelve Ancestral Witches are controlled by the Lord of Chaos and do not have much autonomy, the Twelve Ancestral Witches also know that if they fail, they will truly disappear in this chaos. bingo.

The survival instinct of living beings is sometimes really wonderful, and the power it erupts is also eye-catching. The will of the 12 people was in a stalemate with Zhou Qing who held the Pangu Yuanling and the Kaitian Eagle, and there was no winner. Here, it must be said that Zhou Qing was so powerful that he could fight the twelve ancestor witches headed by Di Jiang alone. Tie——

The Lord of Chaos was about to step forward to intervene, but he saw Hongjun standing on the side at this moment.

"Fellow Daoist, why should you be angry? How about you and I sit down and take a good look?"

Li Chen sensed that Hongjun's cultivation at this time was no more than the peak of the Dao Realm, but he didn't panic when facing the Lord of Chaos, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

"What are you, why do I need you to teach me how to do things..." the Lord of Chaos said, flicking his sleeves violently, and directly attacked Hongjun with a force.

Seeing that the Lord of Chaos didn't see him in his eyes, Hongjun couldn't help flashing an angry look in his eyes, but he returned to calm after a while.

The Fortune Jade Butterfly emerged from behind him, and strands of Dao laws were instantly arranged according to a certain law, weaving a web of laws in front of Hongjun.

The attack of the Lord of Chaos landed on the net of laws, which only caused the net of laws to fluctuate a little, and the attack comparable to the great realm immediately spread out along the chain of these laws.

"Oh, to be able to catch my attack, there are indeed two brushes, no wonder you dare to hold your own and intercept me here—"

Hongjun laughed nonchalantly: "If you don't have that ability, how dare you take on this porcelain work, fellow Taoist, how about you and I sitting down and discussing Taoism?"

"It's really ridiculous. You think you can compete with me with one blow from me? Who do you think you are? Is it Chang Ming's damn trouble? But it's only six points of my strength, and it's worth your complacency, really Do you think the strength of a strong person in the Great Dao Realm is just so small? If it wasn’t for your interest, I would offend you and slap you to death. If I retreat now, I will let the past go, if not, Hugh Blame me for being ruthless!"

Although the Lord of Chaos intimidated him so indifferently, he was worried in his heart. The tricks used by the old man Hongjun were exactly the same as the "His" who saved him back then. He was also a master at playing with the laws. Jun is much stronger.Moreover, the Lord of Chaos could sense that Hongjun didn't exert all his strength.

He couldn't help secretly guessing that if Hongjun went all out, his strength would reach about [-]% or [-]% of his own. Although he couldn't beat him, he could hold him back for a while.

A period of time is enough to generate a lot of variables.

"Fellow Daoist, I am joking. I am weak in self-knowledge and cannot win you, but my purpose is not to win you, but to stop you for a moment. I think, I still have this ability, and I have to retreat. You don't need to say more..."

Hearing Hongjun's answer, the Lord of Chaos was speechless for a while.

"Since you are so persistent, it's okay to interrupt them after I kill you—" The voice of the Lord of Chaos was a little dull, as if he was annoyed by Hongjun's ignorance of good and bad, which fully demonstrated that the time of the Lord of Chaos was primary and secondary. The mood is very bad.

As he said that, the Lord of Chaos slashed at Hongjun with his hand as a blade and his palm as a knife.

At this moment, the Lord of Chaos didn't have enough strength to make a move like before, and when he made a move, he was thunderous and went all out.

The white jade palm glowed with white light, like a sharp blade, which made people feel intimidated when they saw it.

Hongjun insisted, his eyes suddenly became dignified, and he didn't dare to overdo it. The jade plate of good fortune behind him fell in front of him, and a spell landed on it, and the jade butterfly of good fortune was like an octopus with many legs.

Thousands of law chains are derived from it, layer upon layer, falling in front of them, intertwined with each other.

Countless laws are intertwined and intertwined with each other. This power is not as simple as one plus one.

It is like the net of laws intertwined before, but the difference is that this net of laws is layer after layer, and the number of layers alone is almost eight or nine layers.

Don't think it's a lot, but after each layer offsets a part of the Chaos Lord's attack, it doesn't have much power when it finally falls to Hongjun.

Just as Hongjun expected, the speed at which the white jade palm broke through the first layer, the second layer, and even the third layer was simply overwhelming, with the momentum of breaking through to the end.

However, on the fourth and fifth floors, the speed directly slowed down. On the sixth and seventh floors, the time to break through the net of laws was almost the sum of the previous ones. When it reached the eighth and ninth floors, this There was not much strength on Bai Yu's palm, and it was even less than one-third of the strength of the Lord of Chaos' first attack.

Daojing's full blow was stopped by Hong Jun, and even Li Chen who was watching couldn't help applauding. This is simply a classic case of the weak defeating the strong.

However, Li Chen's eyes were not on the two of them, but on the treasure that Hongjun sacrificed - the good fortune jade plate.

Li Chen has seen the good luck jade dish, and even used it, so its grade is naturally very clear.

However, after Li Chen sensed the good luck jade plate in Hongjun's hand, it reached the level of a low-grade Hongmeng treasure, which completely refreshed Li Chen's three views.

The Tongtian Pagoda in my hand, I have worked so hard to upgrade it, and now it is only at the level of a middle-grade Hongmeng Lingbao.

It's just that people are more popular than people——

(End of this chapter)

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