Chapter 318 0318 Transaction (Second Change)

When the Lord of Chaos used his hands as blades and palms as knives to strike at Hongjun, he broke through layers of protection and came in front of Hongjun.

At this moment, Hongjun is already prepared to deal with the moves. Countless laws of mutual opposition and mutual generation are controlled by Hongjun, turning into Taiji diagrams that are like Taiji diagrams that generate and restrain each other.

For example, the Life and Death Tai Chi Diagram of the Law of Life and Death, the Water and Fire Tai Chi Diagram of the Law of Water and Fire, the Yin Yang Tai Chi Diagram of the Yin and Yang Law, and the Light and Dark Tai Chi Diagram of the Law of Light and Darkness...

One by one Tai Chi diagrams surrounded Hongjun, and Hongjun tapped his fingers lightly on the good luck jade butterfly. At the moment when the Lord of Chaos broke through the last defense, all the Tai Chi diagrams immediately flew to Hongjun and placed them on the good fortune jade butterfly. Under the mighty power of the two, they immediately merged into a Taiji diagram that cannot be expressed in words. The two sides of the Taiji diagram seem to be existence and non-existence, just like the black hole and white hole in the starry sky of the technological universe, the acme of the world!
The hand knife of the Lord of Chaos slashed on the Tai Chi diagram, there was no imaginary shocking collision, and there was no imaginary situation of Hongjun's retreat. Being completely absorbed by it, it seems that there is no power at all.

The Lord of Immortal Dao is not bragging, but actually has this ability.If you want Li Chen to say it, Hongjun is worthy of being Lao Tzu's teacher, even this Tai Chi trick is better than Lao Tzu's. Sure enough, your uncle will always be your uncle, and your master will always be your master!
The Lord of Chaos did not speak, and the blow was unsuccessful, but he also tried out the moves that Hongjun was good at.

To put it simply, Hongjun is a mage-like character, and his entire attack moves are long-range.

And the Lord of Chaos is a warrior type, all attacks are biased towards close combat, but if you think that the Lord of Chaos can't attack from a distance, then you probably don't know how to die.

Of course, the Lord of Chaos will not rush forward foolishly for a while. Although he is not very handy with the control of laws, from the time of primordial to the present, even a pig can master most of the laws and become an invincible pig in such a long time. It's a god pig, not to mention that the Lord of Chaos himself is a strong man with relatively good talent.

Countless laws are like Hongjun, and they come at your fingertips. Although the precision is not as fine as Hongjun, but the breadth is much more than Hongjun, after all, the realm is there.

The laws of chaos are fused with the chaotic air in the chaos, turning into the appearance of beasts, and each beast transformed by the chaotic air has the power of the heavenly realm, densely packed, and there are millions of giants. .

Even if each beast transformed by the Qi of Chaos has only its own strength, the millions of them have drawn almost two-thirds of the power of the Lord of Chaos.

Although every Hongjun can deal with it, this amount is simply hopeless.

Even if it only took three seconds for Hongjun to solve one, it would take eleven days to destroy the millions of energy beasts transformed by the Qi of Chaos, of course.This is when Hongjun is not injured.

If these energy beasts swarmed up, even if Hongjun had the power to reach the sky, it would be difficult to be hostile.

After all, these energy beasts who only listen to the orders of the Lord of Chaos will not talk about morality with Hongjun.

Seeing Hongjun being entangled by these energy beasts, the Lord of Chaos sneered, and walked towards Pangu's real body who was still fighting for control——

"Chang Ming Dao Zun, why don't you make a move yet?"

In a hurry, Hongjun called out to Li Chen who was only going to be a melon-eating crowd.

Li Chen came to the Lord of Chaos in a flash, stopped the Lord of Chaos, looked at Hongjun and said, "Shoot? Why should I do it? I don't know how to do things that are thankless..."

Hongjun: "If you don't make a move, when the time comes, the Lord of Chaos and Pangu's real body will join forces to deal with you, and I'm afraid Dao Zun will have a hard time!"

Li Chen smiled coldly: "Just those twelve worthless? I don't care about it! If you don't make a condition that makes my heart beat, I won't care about the Lord of Chaos—"

Speaking of which, Li Chen wanted to leave.

Hongjun suddenly became anxious, as if he had made up his mind, he quickly called out to Li Chen: "The poor Taoist confesses, if fellow Taoist makes a move this time, I will offer this treasure of good fortune with both hands—"

Seeing that Li Chen didn't leave, and was still looking at him with a half-smile, Hong Jun couldn't help asking: "Isn't this good fortune jade plate not in the eyes of fellow Taoists?"

But seeing Li Chen stretch out his right hand, the meaning is self-evident - let's talk about the benefits first.

Hongjun smiled wryly, this Changming didn't believe in himself at all.

But Hongjun thought about it carefully, this is also human nature. No matter who this Pangu real body eventually belongs to, it is a threat to Li Chen. There is no way to ask yourself for benefits.

Although Hongjun didn't have any bad intentions, only Hongjun knew this, and Li Chen didn't know Hongjun's specific thoughts.

Everything went through in his mind, Hongjun looked at the good fortune jade plate in his hand with reluctance in his eyes, but for a moment he was extremely decisive, and threw the good fortune jade plate towards Li Chen while resisting the energy beast.

"I also hope that Daoist Changming will keep his promise!"

Li Chen directly sealed the Good Fortune Jade Plate in the Chaos Orb above the Tongtian Tower, and replied with a smile: "It's natural."

The whole process seems to be long, but in fact it is only a moment.

The Lord of Chaos was so angry when he saw the attitude of the two that they didn't take him seriously.

After Hongjun finished all this, seeing those energy beasts surrounding him again, he immediately teleported to the empty space a few times.

Lord of Chaos: "Child Changming, get out of the way!"

Li Chen could clearly feel the anger in the heart of the Lord of Chaos, but so what?You must know that the two are in a hostile relationship!For Li Chen, the angrier the Lord of Chaos is, the happier Li Chen is, because this shows that the Lord of Chaos has lost power among the two!

"The transaction has been completed, but the Lord of Chaos is sitting here waiting for the result!"

Hearing Li Chen's refusal without hesitation, the Lord of Chaos immediately summoned back those energy beasts that were chasing Hongjun, and stared at Li Chen covetously.

Without the attacks of these energy beasts, Hongjun immediately came to Pan Guzhen's side, looking at the two of them warily.

"Do you know who that is?"

The voice of the Lord of Chaos was almost a roar.

Li Chen felt that the Lord of Chaos was making such a fuss, so he replied impatiently: "Nonsense, the real body of Pan Gu of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and that kid Zhou Qing, can I admit my mistake?"

After a pause, he continued: "Even if one of them wins and takes control of Pangu's real body, its power is only at the Dao Realm, but I'm not afraid—"

"You think it's as simple as you think?"

The Lord of Chaos looked at Li Chen with a sneer on his face, as if he thought Li Chen was an idiot who couldn't be more stupid.

"When Pangu has blood, soul, Pangu Yuanling, and the brand of opening the sky..."


Li Chen finally understood what the Lord of Chaos meant——

(End of this chapter)

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