Chapter 319 0319 You Will Regret It (First Update)
Hongjun's real purpose was not for the real body of Pangu summoned by the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but for Pangu, for Pangu's resurrection, and even that Zhou Qing was just a pawn in Hongjun's hand to resurrect Pangu.

So the question is, what benefits does Pangu's resurrection have for Hongjun?It is worth Hongjun's contribution to the treasure of Hongmeng, and the jade plate of good fortune will not hesitate——

Moreover, Hongjun mysteriously, the good luck jade plate, which was originally only a chaotic treasure, turned into a primordial treasure after it disappeared for a period of time. Li Chen didn't believe that there was nothing tricky in it.

Li Chen looked at Hongjun who was guarding Panguzhen's side, his eyes seemed to ask what was going on, but after seeing Li Chen's eyes, Hongjun didn't say anything about him, but confirmed Li Chen very happily. Chen's conjecture.

"Fellow Daoists don't need to be confused by it. Poverty Daoists can tell you that it is indeed what you think in your heart, but you don't have to take it to heart. Poverty Daoist can assure you with my way, we will not fight against Daoists. You are in a difficult situation, we have only one goal from beginning to end..."

Having said that, Hongjun stopped, no longer going to speak.

For a while, Li Chen couldn't decide whether he should trust Hongjun once, or let the Lord of Chaos go.

Comparing the two, Li Chen thought for a while, and decided to trust Hongjun for once.

Even if Pangu is resurrected, Li Chen thinks that he is not without strength, after all, the power of Tongtian Tower is not a vegetarian.

Even if you can't win, you can still dodge. After the Tongtian Tower is fused with the Good Fortune Jade Disk again, maybe the power of the Tongtian Tower will reach the level of the top-grade Hongmeng Lingbao.

At that time, with the power of his own Dao Realm, even against Pangu Li Chen, he is sure to fight.

Perhaps Hongjun was able to hand over this good fortune jade plate to himself so readily to prevent the current situation, enhance his reputation with him and pay enough chips.

The Lord of Chaos saw that Li Chen didn't move away after thinking for a while, but continued to block him, so he knew Li Chen's choice.

Seeing that I have no hope now, and I am not going to continue to entangle with Li Chen and Hongjun, I guess the first thing after Pangu's resurrection is to deal with myself, so I might as well leave first, and I can escape for a while. for a while.

If Pangu faced him, he probably would have nothing to do with him.

You must know that although the two of them are still in the Great Dao realm, in terms of strength, the Lord of Chaos has no idea how far they are now.

Calmly and deeply looking at Li Chen, the Lord of Chaos said quietly, "You will regret today's decision—" before turning around and leaving quickly.

Li Chen didn't know what aspect of regret the Lord of Chaos was referring to, was he going to confront Pan Gu, so he regretted it?Or in the future, he will get back to where he was today and make himself regret——

No matter how you interpret this sentence, it is no longer important to Li Chen.

Seeing that the Lord of Chaos had left, Li Chen did not leave, but sat cross-legged in the chaos, and took out the Tongtian Pagoda and the good fortune jade plate in the Tongtian Pagoda.

Hongjun's scorching gaze almost swallowed up the good fortune jade plate, looking at the Tongtian Tower aside, Hongjun turned around resolutely, out of sight and out of mind.

Li Chen Hongjun has seen the Tongtian Tower several times, and each time the number of floors of the Tongtian Tower has changed, he probably guessed the power of the Tongtian Tower.

Turning around is precisely to avoid heartache when looking at it, which is quite a bit of self-deception.

Regarding Hongjun's actions, Li Chen couldn't help but smile in his heart. If it was him, he would probably show even more reluctance than Hongjun.A magic weapon in his hand, in the time of several yuanhuis, tens of thousands of yuanhuis, or even several eras, he has almost merged with himself, just like brothers and sisters.

However, Li Chen would not give up the treasure he had just because he considered Hongjun's thoughts.

In Li Chen's eyes now, nothing is important, the most important thing is to improve his own strength.

Even in the Great Dao Realm, Li Chen still felt that there were countless secrets buried in the chaos, and even himself in the Great Dao Realm was in danger.

The imprint left by Hongjun on the Good Fortune Jade Plate had been taken back by Hong Jun when it was given to him, and Li Chen probed his perception into the Good Fortune Jade Plate without any effort.

The core of the fortune jade dish is incomparably gorgeous. It is like a starry sky. Countless laws form a nebula floating in it, and chains of laws shuttle through it. The first time he saw it, Li Chen was shocked by the vast sea of ​​laws and stars. .

These laws are more than three thousand, and they are simply hundreds of billions, trillions, and hundreds of millions of billions.

It is worthy of being the carrier of Tao, this title is worthy of the name.

Li Chen's thinking is connected to these law nebulae. With the current state of Dao Realm, he can only connect to more than 2000 clusters of law nebulae at most.

Even so, Li Chen felt that under the blessing of these nebulae, his thinking was instantly improved by thousands of times. The problems accumulated in the past seemed to be no problem here, but when Li Chen explored the problems above the great realm, When I was in the middle of the realm, I felt a huge resistance.

A stream of information was transmitted to Li Chen's mind from the fortune jade plate, but it made Li Chen understand the reason.

This good fortune jade plate can only assist in solving the problems of the current realm. For example, Li Chen only has the Great Dao Realm, and if he wants to cultivate to a realm above the Great Dao Realm, if he uses his own checks and repairs to cultivate to the peak of the Great Dao Realm, it is estimated that it will take several Epoch time.

But with the help of this lucky jade plate, it is estimated that it will only take a few yuanhui to complete.

After cultivating to the peak, the power of the good fortune jade plate basically can't help much, and the breakthrough to the next level can only rely on Li Chen himself.

After all, the derivation ability of the good luck jade plate is based on the vision of the host, and the information of the next level will not be obtained out of thin air.

After learning about the heaven-defying power of the Good Fortune Jade Plate, Li Chen also understood why Hongjun was able to rise rapidly at the beginning of the opening of the sky.

But no matter what he said, this heaven-defying treasure is his own at the moment. After sighing for a while, Li Chen directly threw the good fortune jade plate into the Tongtian Pagoda. In the analysis of the ability to reproduce the jade plate and the power to decompose the jade plate.

The speed of devouring the Jade Plate of Creation was unusually slow. After all, the Jade Plate of Creation was a low-grade primordial treasure, while Tongtian Pagoda was only a low-grade Primordial Spirit Treasure, a big difference.

For Li Chen, it is extremely lucky for Tongtian Tower to devour the good fortune jade plate, and he dare not expect anything else.

According to this speed, if you want to completely devour this good fortune jade plate, it will be impossible to save thousands of years.

The Tongtian Pagoda didn't move at all before devouring the fortune jade dish.

But that Pan Gu real body was extremely lively——

(End of this chapter)

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