Chapter 320 0320 Resurrection (Second Change)

The originally huge giant standing in the chaos seemed to wake up, without the control of the Twelve Ancestor Witch and Zhou Qing, he scratched his head suddenly.

A muffled cold snort came from Pan Gu's real body without being controlled by the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Zhou Qing.

At the same time, the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Zhou Qing were directly thrown out of Pan Guzhen's body under a huge force. The Twelve Ancestral Witches lost half of their blood source, and Zhou Qing not only lost the brand of opening the sky, but even collected The Pangu Yuanling in his body was also lost directly.

All of a sudden, Zhou Qing was directly knocked out from the ranks of top saints to the ranks of ordinary saints. Even the technique of transforming into three cleanses with one qi created by imitating Lao Tzu with Pangu Yuanling as the basis was directly invalidated because there was no Pangu Yuanling.

When the Twelve Ancestral Witches were just thrown out of Pan Gu's real body, they were still a bit confused. At that time, they were fighting fiercely with Zhou Qing for control, but unexpectedly they were thrown out of Pan Gu's real body by a force. , making the Twelve Ancestral Witches dumbfounded.At the moment when the twelve ancestor witches were thrown out, more than half of the blood essence of the ancestor witches on his body was taken away uncontrollably.

However, seeing Zhou Qing who was thrown out together with himself and others, he laughed very happily, "You dare to peek at Pangu with the power of ants, but you really don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is. We, the Twelve Patriarchal Witches, will let you know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is today." ..."

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches didn't care about their weakness, so they planned to take care of Zhou Qing first.

At the beginning, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were indeed controlled by people, but when they were fighting with Zhou Qing later, the person who controlled the Twelve Ancestral Witches gave up control of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches did not know that they were controlled It happened, but there was an inexplicable anger in my heart, which happened to be Zhou Qing face to face, so all the anger came towards Zhou Qing.

Compared with the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Zhou Qing was not much better. He was thrown out of Pan Gu's real body and before he could stand still, he saw the Twelve Ancestral Witches coming towards him aggressively. To share a little pressure for myself, I found that not only the Pangu Yuanling that I had collected and refined into the Yuanshen almost disappeared, but even the brand of Kaitian disappeared without a trace.

All of a sudden, the souls of the dead flocked, and Zhou Qing felt that he still had a little hope of struggling for a while if he had the technique of transforming the three cleans into one breath, but now, there was no hope at all.

Seeing Hongjun next to him, Zhou Qing remembered that it was Hongjun who rescued him from that ghostly place called Tian Tian Ying Da Di Di Wu, and hurriedly asked Hong Jun for help, "Daozu, boy, follow your instructions and the ten It's not because I am incompetent that the second ancestor witch fights for the control of Pangu's true body. It is because the twelve ancestor witches are so many and powerful that I am powerless. Now the twelve ancestor witches must hold a grudge, so I ask Taoist ancestor to save me! "

The voice was so horrible that people who didn't know it thought something happened here. Zhou Qing accused the Twelve Ancestral Witches of trying to smear, and even the other saints and great powers who watched this farce couldn't help but His forehead went black.

I didn't realize that Zhou Qing would be so shameless when he was so shameless before, but Zhou Qing didn't care so much about his life.

Hongjun remained expressionless and did not move at all, Zhou Qing felt a chill in his heart.

Seeing the Twelve Patriarchal Witches approaching with a grim smile, one could not help but feel the tragic feeling of a strong man gone forever——

"That's enough. The Great God Pan Gu is about to be resurrected. Do you think the farce in the prehistoric world is not enough?"

At the moment when the two sides were about to make a move, Hongjun suddenly shouted coldly.

"What, what, Hongjun old man? You mean the Father God is coming back?"

The Twelve Patriarchal Witch was suddenly surprised, looked at Xiang Hongjun and stammered.

"You can look behind yourself..." After saying this, Hongjun sat cross-legged in the chaos like Li Chen, and ignored everyone.

At this moment, Pan Gu's real body's eyes were still chaotic and dazed, but they were still instinctive.

The appearance of Pan Gu's real body seemed to be thinking. After a while, he stretched out his hand and tore it, and directly put his hand into the space crack, as if looking for something in his pocket. After a while, a blood-red one was still plopping. The beating heart was pulled out by Pangu from the crack in this space.

After a seemingly simple process, the entire Pangu Temple exploded, and a big hand swooped in and fumbled in it, and even took away the Pangu's heart enshrined in it.

However, the Twelve Ancestral Witches had no sense of this at all.

Seeing the heart in Pan Gu's real body, the eyes of the Twelve Ancestral Witches were filled with frenzy, and the fire in those eyes was even crazier than that fanatical believer.


The entire heartbeat resounded through chaos, making the heartbeats of everyone present involuntarily follow the frequency of Pan Gu's heart.

Of course, only the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Zhou Qing were affected, but Li Chen and Hongjun were not affected at all.

I saw that Pan Gu's real body pressed the heart in his hand to his chest, and the rhythm caused by the heartbeat dissipated immediately, and everyone who was affected also returned to normal.

However, after obtaining this heart, Pangu's face flushed immediately, but he returned to normal after a while, but the aura on his body was nothing from the beginning (the power of the twelve ancestor witches to form Pangu's real body was only 12 people. Some kind of mysterious superposition bonus, Pangu's real body is just a carrier, and has no specific realm breath).

To Jinxian—Taiyi Jinxian—Daluo Jinxian—Quasi-sage—Saint—Heaven Dao Realm... It wasn't until the early Dao Realm that this soaring realm stabilized.

Li Chen also knows that this realm is not Pangu's real realm, but his cultivation after his resurrection. It won't be long, and when he looks at Pangu again, it is estimated that his cultivation will be in the middle stage of the Dao Realm, the late stage of the Dao Realm, or even the peak of the Dao Realm. Not necessarily.

"What evening is it today?"

I saw that Pangu seemed to have woken up from his memory, looked at the crowd and asked.

"Pan, Brother Pangu, the end of the era of the heavens—"

Hong Jun seemed to see his relatives, his eyes were red, and his voice was choked with sobs.

"Are you——, Ah Heng?"

Pangu cried with some uncertainty, because at this time Taoist Hongjun was wearing a gray Taoist robe, white hair and white beard, and looked like a Taoist immortal. He was a little childish and angry with the Lord of Balance in his memory, did he like it? Liren's small appearance is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

"I am Ah Heng, but I call myself Hongjun at this time, if Big Brother Pangu doesn't mind, you can call me Hongjun—"

I saw that Pan Gu looked disgusted, "Hongjun? Couldn't it be the Hongjun you said back then that the world is equal?"

Watching Hongjun think for a while, Pangu continued to speak: "Forget it, forget it, let's call you Ah Heng, I'm used to it..."

Said and shrugged.

Then he looked at the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Zhou Qing, Li Chen and others and said, "These are..."

"My Emperor Jiang (Zhu Jiuyin, Jumang, Gonggong, Zhurong, Houtu...) and others have met the Father God..."

The Twelve Ancestral Witches were interrupted by Pangu before they finished reporting their names, "Okay, I know, it's my blood, and I have a sense of it!"

At this moment, Zhou Qing stepped forward and introduced himself: "I, Zhou Qing, have met the Great God Pan Gu..."

Pan Gu nodded, expressing his understanding, he was only in the realm of a saint, so he didn't take it to heart.

"My Changming, I have met Fellow Daoist Pangu..."

Li Chen then stood up and introduced himself.

After everyone's introduction, several streamers rushed over from the flood, it was Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, Tong Tian and others...

(End of this chapter)

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