Chapter 321 0321 The Avenue Reappears (First Change)
A wave of coercion descended in the chaos, which was very similar to the coercion of heaven, but it was even greater than the coercion of heaven. Even though Li Chen had seen the avenue several times, but now that the avenue descended, it gave Li Chen the feeling of being in front of him. It's like the difference between an ant and an elephant.It seems that whether it is the Dao itself that descended this time, Li Chen can't tell.But if it weren't for the main body of the Dao, there would be such energy, then the power of the Dao would be too terrifying.

You don't need to think about why the Dao came here. As soon as Pangu was resurrected, the Dao hurriedly came, but I don't know why the Dao came.

However, after seeing the Dao, Pangu's aura suddenly increased to the peak, and his whole person changed from being easy-going at the beginning to being angry like a powder keg.

Not long after, the endless chaotic energy in the chaos condensed into a big eye, just like a prop, without any anger or emotion.

The countless laws and rules in the eyes are intertwined and entangled with each other, and a mysterious change is happening all the time.

"Those who are resurrected against the sky, should be punished!"

Like a machine, the cold and emotionless voice reached everyone's ears.

But seeing that Pangu seemed to think of something funny after hearing it, he first laughed, then gritted his teeth and said: "Damn Dao, you deceived my senses, pretended that I was invaded by foreign demons, and ordered three thousand demon gods to come and suppress it!" With me, it is an unforgivable crime that caused me to slaughter three thousand demon gods. Fortunately, in the process, I accidentally opened up the world, seized the supreme good fortune, broke your blindness, and made my fellow Taoist hopeful to be reincarnated in a new world—— "

A story about Pan Gu and Dao was slowly unfolded in front of everyone in Pan Gu's slow and indignant narration.

After talking for a while, Pangu paused, and said with a cold snort: "I wounded you during the process of opening the sky, and now you come in front of me again. Is the scar healed and the pain forgotten? I don't mind killing you again. Crush!"

As he spoke, he slammed: "Here comes the axe!!!"

After Laozi Yuanshi and others heard this shout, they felt that their treasures were not under their control at all, and they couldn't even be suppressed. Flying out of the wilderness, he broke through the space and came to where Pangu was.

The four treasures are revolving around Pangu, as if expressing the feeling of reunion after a long absence.

As soon as Pangu caught the Pangu Banner, he saw that the Chaos Bell, the Taiji Diagram and the God-killing Spear were quickly assembled. With the Pangu Banner as the handle, the Chaos Clock as the ax back, the Taiji Diagram as the ax face, and the God-killing Spear as the blade, Immediately, Pangu's most treasured treasure, Pangu's axe, appeared before his eyes again.

Although Sanqing and the others were worried, they didn't show it on their faces. Who could tell that these treasures were originally from Pangu?

Logically speaking, even if Pangu took back the Pangu Yuanshen of the three of them, it was reasonable. Now that Pangu didn't take back the Pangu Yuanshen, it was already a great thing for himself and others, and Sanqing didn't expect to ask for anything else.

After all, the arms can't twist the thighs, and the power is supreme in the prehistoric world. It's not like the three of them haven't experienced it before.

Even if he and others objected, in Pangu's abyss-like realm, he had no power to resist at all.

After the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven turned into Pangu Ax again, I saw that Pangu wiped it on it, which seemed to destroy something left by the Dao, and a huge power came from the Sky Opening Axe.

This is the coercion of a treasure, stronger than Hongjun's Good Fortune jade plate.

Li Chen estimated that it was at least at the top-grade grandmist treasure level.

Being able to kill three thousand demon gods is like chopping vegetables. Apart from Pangu's heaven-defying cultivation, it is estimated that the biggest credit is this sky-opening axe.

You must know that the cultivation base of the Three Thousand Demon Gods is not low, the lowest is the Heaven Realm!

It would take some time to kill a strong person in the Dao Realm of Heaven just by relying on a Chaos Supreme Treasure.

In Li Chen's view, it is almost impossible to kill three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

Of course, if the Heaven Opening Supreme Treasure is the Grandmist Spirit Treasure, all of this makes sense.

When the real Pangu ax appeared, Li Chen could feel the eyes of the Dao tremble for a moment, as if recalling something terrifying.

Not to mention the words that the resurrected person who defies the sky should be punished, the energy gathered suddenly dissipated, but the Eye of the Great Dao was ready to run away.

There is quite a rhythm of "can't I afford to provoke or hide?"

Seeing this scene, Li Chen and others were stunned, and they completely refreshed their three views. They couldn't help but think: This Dao is also a guy who bullies the weak and fears the hard -

"Hey, don't go on the road, eat my ax!!!"

As he spoke, Pangu swung the Pangu axe, and slashed towards the avenue.

Of course, Da Dao is not a fool, he still stayed in place and waited for Pan Gu's attack. It was because of his arrogance and arrogance that he saw that the victory and defeat had been decided, and he suffered Pan Gu's backlash.

As the avenue of the joint creation of Pangu and countless demon gods, he has long been familiar with Pangu's every move. When he saw Pangu attacking, he flashed suddenly, and immediately left the attack range of Pangu's axe.

However, the Eye of the Great Dao was locked by Pan Gu, and there was no chance to leave, so he could only deal with Pan Gu.

Of course, Dao is not the one who stands up and gets beaten. No, just after evading Pangu's attack, he began to prepare a counterattack.

The endless energy of chaos was controlled by the Eye of the Great Dao, and a figure was condensed, which was obviously the Chaos Demon God that Pan Gu had killed.

These are all the Chaos Demon Gods remembered by Chaos, and once again condensed to deal with Pangu, which shows Dao's sinister intentions.

"Damn, damn! Dao, you should die!!!"

Pan Gu let out a roar, and the whole person became violent because of the action of the Eye of the Great Dao.

Under the control of Dao Dao, the Chaos Demon Gods condensed with Chaos Qi attacked Pangu.It is almost the same as the energy beasts made by the Lord of Chaos back then, but unlike the mentally retarded energy beasts made by the Lord of Chaos, these Chaos Demon Gods made by Dao seem to have a certain amount of wisdom, able to hide, sneak attack, and even join forces.

It is no different from the living Chaos Demon God. Of course, although they have fighting consciousness, they have no emotional awareness. Just look at the eyes of these temporary Chaos Demon Gods created by Dao. They are cold, indifferent, and without any warmth.

However, the power of the Pangu Ax is not superficial, it can be called the strongest attacking treasure, and even Dao Dao has to avoid the edge temporarily in terms of attacking.

It's good that the countless condensed Chaos Demon Gods are not injured by the Sky Opening Axe, as long as they are touched by the Sky Opening Axe, they will either die or be injured.

For Pan Gu, every time a demon god was defeated, the anger in his heart became stronger.

Although Pan Gu had just been resurrected at this moment, the three thousand demon gods did not take much effort for Pan Gu.

After cleaning up the powerful demon gods condensed by the Dao, Pan Gu rushed to the Eye of the Dao, and struck down with an ax——

(End of this chapter)

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