Chapter 324 0324 Tune the tiger away from the mountain, the strategy of the great way (second more)
Although everyone didn't know who would win the battle between Pangu and Dao, Li Chen could feel that the river of time and space had calmed down.

I didn't see Pangu or Dao coming out of the long river of time and space. Although I was curious about the situation in the long river of time and space, Li Chen still wouldn't take risks easily in the strange land of the long river of time and space. If I don't see them coming out for a long time, maybe Li Chen After finding out the long river of time and space, I will enter to explore it.

However, although there was no movement in the long river of time and space, it never stopped for a moment in the flood.

Li Chen, who was in the chaos, sensed the situation of the net of the gods and the heavens. He had a bad way in his heart, and he didn't care about the Dao and Pangu in the long river of time and space. In the Dao Palace.

A powerful force rose from the prehistoric, and according to the strength of the force, it was at least the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm.

It is this strange strong man who wants to seize control of the Shinto in the prehistoric times.

"Hmph, there are so many strong people in the prehistoric world. Is my identity as the master of the divine way so many people think about it? I don't take pictures of myself, but I'm not at home for a long time. All cats, dogs, ghosts and monsters come out to find a sense of existence. coming……"

Although he was very disdainful of these strong men who belonged to the type of autumn wind in Li Chen's impression, he paid great attention to it strategically.

As soon as he returned to his base camp - God Realm Wendao Palace.

Li Chen quickly crossed his legs and probed his perception into the Skynet.

The size of Skynet at this moment is already extremely large, but under Li Chen's control, Skynet didn't generate intelligence or anything like that.

Only like a computer, simple logic processing.

At this moment, in Li Chen's eyes, Skynet is half silver and half gray.

The silvery white represents the part controlled by Li Chen, while the gray part is the part that was robbed.

And this gray part is still crazily eating away at the silvery white part, like a virus infecting half of it, very fast.

It is even more ferocious than when the Twelve Ancestral Witches planned to seize control of the Shinto.

When Li Chen's thoughts touched the gray area, a sense of familiarity came to his face——

"Da, Dao, is it actually Dao? Didn't Dao and Pangu fight in the long river of time and space? I have been guarding in the chaos and have never seen Dao come out of the long river of time and space. So when did Dao come out?" Li Chen couldn't help but self-mumbling.

It seems that Dao Dao realized that he had been discovered by Li Chen, and immediately speeded up the speed of devouring, as if he didn't care about himself; if he didn't refine, he directly devoured the power of authority first.

But after a while, Li Chen discovered something was wrong.

Although the opponent is very similar to the avenue that fought with Pangu before, it is much smaller in size than the avenue that fought with Pangu.

But in terms of quality, the avenue that fought against Pangu is basically a little bit higher than the avenue that is constantly devouring his authority at this moment.

A terrifying thought appeared in Li Chen's mind: Was the avenue leading Pangu into the long river of time and space before just a trick by the real avenue?In fact, it was just to divert the tiger away from the mountain, to prepare for the real Dao to completely control the prehistoric world?

What is there in this prehistoric world that deserves such a plan for this great road?Li Chen really couldn't figure it out.

I don’t understand, I don’t understand, Li Chen will not give up three shares because of this. After all, although this divine way is not his lifeblood, his power is basically attached to it. For Li Chen, this divine way is still very important. The important thing is not for myself, but only for my apprentices.

Only in one's own hands can this divine way be reassuring, isn't it?

This way of seizing the control authority of the Shinto is different from the Twelve Ancestral Witches forcibly, but uses a method of substitution.

Create a core talisman similar to the authority of the divine way, and replace the authority talisman generated by Li Chen in this world.In this way, the root of the replaced authority is basically no longer with Li Chen, but with Dao.

If I hadn't deliberately kept part of my mind in Skynet because of the matter of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, I probably didn't even know that the divine way was replaced by Dao.

Since Dao wanted to proceed quietly, Li Chen made him unable to keep quiet.

Li Chen's furious voice suddenly sounded in the wilderness: "Da Dao'an dared to take away my power in the divine way. This trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain is really ingenious. God Pangu is trapped by you in the long river of time and space. Do you think you can do whatever you want?"

Then he shouted loudly: "I am the great god, all the gods bow their heads, all the ways are unified, and all the powers of the ways are gathered in my hands!"

I saw countless powers slowly turning into a scepter and appearing in Li Chen's hands as if they were converging in the river.

Since the founding of Shinto, this Shinto is the first time that this scepter of authority has appeared in front of people, apart from the luck to the gods list and the seal of the Nine Dragons.

This scepter is the core part of Shinto, not even the list of gods and the seal of Nine Dragons.

Although the Conferred Gods List and the Nine Dragons Seal can mobilize the power of authority, they are limited to mobilization, and both come from the Dao.

After the incident of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Li Chen began to think about ways to avoid this power being taken away again. After finally referring to the Egyptian god system, Li Chen had a whim and left a back door in every power. The back door can rely on its supreme Shinto authority to separate authority, and directly use the power of authority to form the supreme divine power staff of Shinto.

The core of the divine way all gathered in Li Chen's hands, and the true spirits of countless gods became part of the scepter in Li Chen's hands under the power of authority. Even the list of gods and the Nine Dragon Seal could not stop it.

The handle of the scepter was shining with dazzling light, and a fist-sized round crystal like a night pearl was floating on the top. Li Chen held the scepter, and the erosion of the Dao to the divine way immediately disappeared.

The authority that has been replaced has been lost and cannot be regained, but the authority that has not been replaced is no longer something that the avenue can peek at.

Li Chen held up the scepter in his hand, and a stream of magic power flowed in it, "The gods have their own way, and the way has their dignity. In the name of my ancestor god, I command: those who are not entrusted by me are heretics, and the power of the gods should be stripped, and the fire of heaven will be added."

Although this remark was not aimed at Dao, it blocked the way for Dao to swallow up the authority of Shinto.

There is a kind of madness that as long as you dare to seal this authority, I will dare to fulfill the oath, and use my own strength to turn into heavenly fire to burn all heresies.

But this is not the end, after Li Chen finished all this, even the avenue fell silent, as if disappearing into the prehistoric.

However, Li Chen knows that it is impossible for this avenue to disappear, he must be staring at Honghuang somewhere, staring at himself, waiting for the opportunity——

(End of this chapter)

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