Chapter 325 0325
After doing all this, if the Dao doesn't appear, Li Chen has nothing to do with the Dao.

But the absence of Dao doesn't mean that Li Chen has no way to deal with Dao.

The avenue is aimed at the control of Honghuang. Apart from authority, what is the most important thing in Honghuang?

Only the origin of the world is the most important, especially after the heavens begin to unite, almost all the origins of the world will appear in the original space of the prehistoric after being swallowed by the prehistoric.

Li Chen's gaze focused on the sky of the God Realm, and naturally he also focused on this original space that was related to the millions of creatures in the prehistoric world.

In general, ordinary people have almost no influence on the original space. After all, the world in the original space is too vast, and a series of methods such as refining will not work for the original space.

But Dao is an ordinary person, Li Chen doesn't believe that Dao even finds a way to erode his authority with his own divine way, and he will be unable to deal with this mere original space, and will be unable to deal with the original will of this world.

But Li Chen didn't want to entangle with Dao anymore, no matter how entangled, Li Chen found that in the end, he was the one who suffered.

Dao Dao is like a big man with bare feet, barefoot is not afraid of those who wear shoes, as long as you grab it, you will earn it.

Therefore, Li Chen made a decision, a decision that had a huge impact on Honghuang Shendao.

Li Chen can even say that once this decision is implemented and succeeds, there will be no gods in the prehistoric world, and then he won't have to be like an eagle catching chickens, desperately guarding against the Dao.

At the beginning, following the general trend, he merged the God Realm with Honghuang, and became a top subordinate world of Honghuang.

It is not only the divine way that is fused, even the origin of the gods and so on are integrated into the prehistoric.

The fusion at the beginning was a development opportunity for the God Realm, but now the separation of the two worlds is also one of the indispensable opportunities for the God Realm.

Maybe, the God Realm can follow the example of Hong Huang and embark on the path of devouring other worlds, and finally become a top world like Hong Huang.

When Da Dao noticed Li Chen's actions, everything had reached the last moment.

At the request of Li Chen, all the gods of mountains, rivers and lands in the prehistoric world, who were willing to follow, all withdrew to the God Realm, and those who were unwilling to follow, Li Chen withdrew the power brought by their authority, and at the same time put Their freedom in the list of gods was returned to them, and Li Chen even gave a special lecture for these creatures, which is worthy of them joining the Shinto.

After doing all this, Li Chen arranged for his apprentices to maintain order in the God Realm, but he came to the primordial original space.

Although the origin belonging to the God Realm has been fully integrated into the prehistoric world, the connection between the God Realm and it is still there, although it is relatively weak.

"Decree, strip the source!!!"

A power of authority, following the connection between the God Realm and the God Realm's origin, directly falls into the origin space.

When Li Chen started to strip the source, a huge will seemed to wake up from the prehistoric world.

This will belongs to the power level of the Dao level, not the Dao or others, but the original will of the prehistoric world.

The original will usually only appears between the heavens and the earth when the prehistoric world is hurt, or when the prehistoric world has received greater benefits. Now Li Chen's actions are actions that damage the prehistoric world to the original will .

However, Li Chen is also in the realm of Dao, and he also has the divine staff of authority and the Tongtian Pagoda, so he has no fear at all of the coercion of the primordial will.

Under Li Chen's enormous power, this origin belonging to the God Realm is still unswervingly stripped from the original space.

The endless uselessness in the entire prehistoric world, and the thunder and thunder raging in it, represent that the original will is very angry with Li Chen's behavior.

Li Chen reckoned that after this time, he might be one of the most unpopular powerhouses in the primordial original will.


With the outbreak of the original will, a huge force directly acts on the primordial source.

Under the blessing of this power, the original source of the God Realm and the source of the prehistoric world, which had been separated, seemed to be merged into one again.

"I only take away the origin of my God Realm, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel--"

Although he knows that the original will has no thinking ability and only the simplest instinctive behavior, Li Chen still conveys his will to the original will.

As a result, as Li Chen expected, the original will still go its own way, and Li Chen separated the original, then it would continue to snatch back what was separated and integrate it into the original of heaven and earth.

The two of them seemed to be playing a tug-of-war.

However, it didn't bother Li Chen. After all the personnel had evacuated from the flood, Li Chen raised the scepter in his hand and swiped towards the original place.

"My will runs through the past and the future. I say that the God Realm will break away from the prehistoric world and become a great world on its own..."

The scepter in his hand was like a sharp knife, and the source of the God Realm, which was difficult to separate even with all his strength, was not only separated from the source of the wild, but even brought a very large part into the God Realm.

As soon as Li Chen returned to the God Realm with this origin, the Conferred God List and the Nine Dragons Seal were immediately tossed in the Sea of ​​Divine Dao Qi Luck under a powerful call. Suppress it, maybe you will fly away with a huge amount of Shinto luck under this call.

If the original power that Li Chen snatched directly melts into the God Realm, maybe some of the original power will be taken away.

But since Li Chen came back, he couldn't tolerate the arbitrariness of the two Divine Dao treasures, the List of Gods and the Seal of Nine Dragons.

Although Li Chen of the Shinto way separated the source and snatched it back, the original will of this prehistoric world did not mean to let Li Chen go at all. Down, it poured towards the God Realm.

There is a posture of not giving up until the God Realm is destroyed and left in the wild.

However, these thunders are not a problem for Li Chen. While suppressing the Gods List and the Nine Dragons Seal, Li Chen looked at the various thunders pouring in from the prehistoric world outside the boundary, and slowly stretched out his hand to grab and pinch. Lei Hai was turned into seven thunder beads of blue, yellow, gray, white, transparent and so on by Li Chen.

It can be said that this original will wasted the energy of summoning Lei Hai.

But it doesn't matter, to Honghuang, this little energy doesn't matter at all, it's even more important than the part of Honghuang's origin that Li Chen snatched from the original will.

Lei Hai did useless work, but the original will was behind Lei Hai, and he took advantage of the gap to sneak into the God Realm——

(End of this chapter)

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