C326 In my name! (Second more)
The advantage of the will of heaven and earth in controlling the world is officially manifested at this moment. Even though the divine way is under Li Chen's control, the God Realm is not controlled by Li Chen at all under the interference of the will of heaven and earth.

Originally, the trend of the God Realm leaving the prehistoric world has gradually slowed down, but instead has the tendency to merge with the prehistoric world again.

Li Chen was not surprised by what the will of heaven and earth did, after all, no one could throw meat into their mouths, right?

What's more, the original will of the world is the manifestation of the instinctive will of the whole world. The human body is small, and the outside world is big. The world is actually similar to people, with various complicated mechanisms.

The things you eat turn into nutrients and fuse into your blood and cells. If you want to take out these things, you must first face the resistance of this creature.

At this moment, the gods are facing the resistance of the prehistoric world.

Although the God Realm was not created by Li Chen, it has been managed by Li Chen for countless yuanhuis, and it has long been managed as solid as gold. Even if the will of heaven and earth invaded, Li Chen was not moved.

The will was connected to the Skynet of the God Realm, and Li Chen's voice was transmitted to the ears of the gods in the God Realm through the Skynet:

"I am the ancestor god, the gods of the gods obey my orders, and the orders seal the sky and lock the earth"

Countless legal nets followed Li Chen's words, derived from the caves, blessed places, and spiritual domains of the God Realm. Not only was every inch of land densely covered with strict legal nets, even the void of the God Realm was covered by the legal nets.

At this moment, the fate, longevity, luck, and karma of all living beings in the God Realm can be seen by Li Chen without the need for Li Chen to operate his supernatural powers, just like observing tattoos on the palm of his hand.

But I saw Li Chen snorted coldly and hit the list of gods and the seal of Nine Dragons with a stick, "I know that you have left behind these two treasures, and you won't settle down. If that's the case, I'll make them my own." Yes, cut off your thoughts!"

Li Chen grabbed it suddenly, and the list of gods was like peeling off the cocoon. Li Chen pulled out golden threads one after another, and in time there was a lawful line full of curse marks.A pale flame burst out from Li Chen's fingertips at the same time, and threw it towards the Nine Dragons Seal, and saw that the Nine Dragons Seal was burned instantly, and the spells on it wandered away like caterpillars. .

Under the burning of Li Chen's robbery fire, the seal of Nine Dragons gradually softened and turned into drops of dark green liquid.

As for the list of gods, after Li Chen pulled out the lines of law from it, he directly washed the rune seals on it with great mana, until the rune seals on the lines of law disappeared.

The world of God Realm is blocked by laws, and the will of heaven and earth cannot be shaken even if it has the power to reach the heavens, so it can't help but be exhausted with God Realm.

At this moment, Li Chen was not in a hurry, and took out a small piece of world fetal membrane from his own space. The dark green liquid turned into a book page length, and the long strip was like a ruler, like black jade. objects.

Under Li Chen's control, the threads of law intertwined and turned into golden paper sheets. In an instant, 36 golden paper sheets were made by Li Chen.

With black jade as the bone, gold paper as the page, and the world's fetal membrane as the skin, Li Chen made a book that seemed to have few pages but was very thick.

Seeing the remaining thread of law and the remnant of the Nine Dragon Seal, Li Chen's heart moved, and a piece of pure white suet jade was taken out by Li Chen.

After being calcined by the fire, the originally very large piece was only the size of a fist, and it suddenly turned into a seven-inch long and short rod-shaped object.

But the thread of law turned into hairs, and turned into a pen tip under a force, and the remaining liquid of the Nine Dragon Seal quickly turned into the pen holder and the top of the pen.

At this time, Li Chen's refining work had just ended.

I saw the pen holder, pen bucket, pen top and pen tip, under Li Chen's power, they seemed to be full of life and assembled together.

A writing brush with dark green, milky white and gold colors was refined by Li Chen.

The pen and the book are a set, and when the writing brush was refined, the two were in harmony, and a huge power suddenly rose from the two magic weapons.

On it, the scene of thousands of gods and gods ruling the world is performed, and it took a long time to return to peace.

After a little induction, these two treasures are of the level of the Chaos Supreme Treasure. Of course, they are different from the Chaos Supreme Treasure bred by the normal chaos. These two treasures do not have the immortal aura and primordial purple energy that the normal Chaos Supreme Treasure has. ——

But for Shinto, the two Supreme Treasures of Chaos Spirit Treasure can bring great development to Shinto.

With the birth of these two treasures, there is no need for the scepter in Li Chen's hand. At that time, the scepter was only used as a product to prevent Dao from encroaching on his authority. Now that he has two divine treasures, there is no need for Li Chen to expend his strength to maintain them. The existence of the scepter.

Insert the scepter directly into the book, and the book looks like a black hole, and the scepter is immediately swallowed by the book.

Li Chen picked up the pen, and directly wiped it on the pen holder——

The word 'magic pen' suddenly appeared on it.

At the same time, he said in his mouth: "In the name of the lord of my Shinto, I ordered this pen to be my Shinto magic pen, and it is dedicated to the outline of my Shinto gods and gods—"

After finishing all this, Li Chen slowly wrote the word 'Divine Book' on the cover of the book with a magic pen.

"In the name of the lord of my Shinto, I decree this thing to be my Shinto book. Those who enter the Shinto should be included in the book. If they don't enter the book, they are not gods. This is the law of the gods. Those who violate it will be cursed by the gods, disaster will come, and they will die." Fang Xiu!"

As soon as the words fell, the influence of the two appeared in the minds of all beings in the God Realm.

Countless divine powers immediately crossed the barriers of time and space, entangled on the magic brush and the divine book. As the divine power increased, the power of these two treasures became stronger. Seeing this, Li Chen put the two treasures together Backhand into his own space.Look at the original will of heaven and earth playing against the gods.

Although manpower is sometimes exhausted, there is a saying that man will conquer nature.

The authority of the gods is constantly being squeezed by the original will of the world, and the original will is also repelled by the will of the gods. When the two are stuck together, no one can win the other.

But at the moment when Li Chen freed his hand, it was another scene.

"In my name, all the power of heaven and earth will belong to me!"

"My direction is the direction of the world!"

"There is a way in heaven and earth, and its name is God!"

"In my name, heretics of Tao, heretics of heaven and earth, in the name of all living beings, sentence you to exile!"

Countless gods and spirits couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised when they heard Li Chen's shouts:
"The God Lord has made a move, it seems that we will win!"

"Shenzun really deserves to be a godzun, once he makes a move, it's a big move—"

"Looking at the demeanor of Venerable Eternal Brightness—"

"Just you? I was born thousands of years earlier than you and have never seen a god..."


Amidst the conversations of many gods, suddenly, with Li Chen as the center, a huge force erupted in the God Realm.

The prehistoric original will that merged into the world of the gods seems to have been hit and rejected in all directions, and even the entire gods are rejecting the original will of the world.

Suddenly, the entire God Realm seemed to have lost a heavy burden, and immediately fled from the prehistoric and flew to the Chaos at a faster speed. It would take a stick of incense, but now it seems that it only takes half a cup of tea to complete it. .

(End of this chapter)

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