Chapter 328 0328

In the Great Desolation, it is not like Li Chen imagined, the original will of heaven and earth and the avenue pinch each other, but the well water does not interfere with the river water, and the two live in peace.

Instead, the great powers of immortality headed by Hongjun, as well as Buddhism, Hades, demons, etc., joined forces to resist the erosion of the Dao.

As early as when Li Chen controlled the God Realm and escaped from the prehistoric times, he had already returned the origins of the various Taos to the various Taos. After all, the Divine Tao had already absorbed the essence of the various Taos from the various Taos, and it was useless to keep the original sources of the various Taos. If it is not returned, maybe then not only will you have to deal with the original will of heaven and earth, but you will even have to deal with the Taos and the masters of the Taos who control them.

It is estimated that in this situation, Dao Dao doesn't mind making himself sick.

I have to say that the prehistoric Taos are a bit sad, and they have never been independent for a day or two. In the beginning, they were controlled by the Heavenly Dao, and later they were controlled by Li Chen's Shinto. .

Controlling the Great Desolation also cannot avoid the cultivator who wants to control it. It is not as convenient to control the cultivator as to control the Dao cultivated by the other party, so the Dao has been targeted by the Dao again.

No, Hongjun has also become a member of this army. I don't know whether it is Hongjun's sad reminder or Dao Dao's sad reminder.

Although Dao wanted to take Honghuang down as soon as possible, because of Li Chen, the origin of the great desolation was firmly seen by the original will of heaven and earth, and he would not let people into the original space at all.

Therefore, Dao can only learn from the previous Dao of Heaven and collect all the authority in the prehistoric.

All kinds of authority abandoned by Shinto have been collected by Dao, and even those powerful people who hold their own authority have been approached by Dao one by one, or exchanged, or robbed, to gather these powers.

It was the turn of the Dao, because of the Dao, people who could not contend with Buddhism, Demon Dao, Demon Dao, Ghost Dao, etc. joined the Immortal Dao one after another.

After all, Hongjun is the existence of the pinnacle of the Dao of Heaven. Because of his origin, he knows some supernatural powers that transcend realms, so he can barely deal with the Dao. Dao hands.

Seeing Li Chen's arrival, Hongjun breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled wryly at Li Chen:

"Shen Zun, you have to help us, otherwise, this prehistoric world will have to change its name and surname."

Seeing Hongjun like this, to Li Chen, it was like sending him to his door to blackmail... extort... a deal...

Li Chen rolled his eyes and said, "If you want me to make a move, what price can you offer?"

Hongjun was stunned for a moment, and he actually did this to himself. What about your dignity as a strong man in the Dao Realm?With such a strong interest in profit, you made magic weapons in your previous life, right?Or run a bank...

Although he slandered Li Chen in his heart, Hongjun would not show it on the surface.

Looking at Hongjun's slightly twitching face and that expression of pretending to be indifferent, Li Chen knew without thinking that Hongjun must be cursing himself in his heart, but so what, it didn't prevent Li Chen from achieving his goal.

And Li Chen will not admit that he is blackmailing, although even if Hongjun doesn't mention it, Li Chen will stop Dao's behavior, besides this is just a transaction of your choice (are you sure?).

Hongjun looked at Li Chen with some hesitation: "I have something in my hand that can attract the attention of the gods, and the gods can just say..."

Because Hongjun thought about it for a long time, and he didn't think of anything that Li Chen should peep at. If it is a treasure, his only treasure, the Jade Plate of Creation, had already been "traded" to Li Chen when Pangu was resurrected last time. , the others are basically Lingbao and the like, presumably it is impossible for Li Chen to be interested in these rubbish.

Suddenly, Hongjun thought of a possibility...

I remember that Li Chen had traded with me a long time ago, but at that time Li Chen only asked himself a few questions as a reward, I don’t know if Li Chen is...

Li Chen groaned for a while and then spoke slowly:
"At that time, I just need you to answer me a few questions truthfully—"

Sure enough, it was as good as what he thought, Hongjun thought to himself. "Don't worry, God, if I can answer, I will say everything. On behalf of all the cultivators, Hongjun will thank God for his help—"


Li Chen didn't continue to say anything, but after receiving Hongjun's affirmative answer, Li Chen responded lightly, expressing that he had heard it.

The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, Dao Dao has been ruined by Li Chen for several good things, and he has long hated Li Chen to the bone.

At this moment, two-thirds of Honghuang's power has fallen into Dao's hands. This two-thirds does not seem to be much, but after so many rounds of world fusion, Honghuang's two-thirds of power is already equivalent to a senior The power of the powerful in the Great Realm.It's just that the power in the prehistoric is scattered and not integrated at all, so that the prehistoric looks very weak. Even though the original will of heaven and earth was very strong, it didn't fully use the power of the prehistoric, otherwise, even if Even if Li Chen can't be kept, it can also make Li Chen shed a layer of skin.

Da Dao is very proficient in controlling most of Honghuang's power, sensing that Li Chen came to Honghuang, he directly appeared in the sky——

The entire prehistoric sky was bursting with dark clouds, and countless thunder snakes pierced through the dark clouds, giving people a visual sense of oppression.

It is basically the same as when Tiandao first appeared. A huge eye hangs in the sky, indifferent and ruthless, it seems that even if the world is destroyed, it will not be shaken by half.

However, the Eye of the Dao is many times stronger than the Eye of the Dao that day.

The robe on Li Chen's body also gradually changed with his steps, turning into a modern style similar to training clothes.

"Oh, it's really similar to what I thought, even if you control the Great Desolation, I will come today to see how much you have strengthened..."

Li Chen sneered, and rushed towards the avenue in the sky as he spoke.

It seemed thousands of miles away, but only one step away, Li Chen came to the Eye of the Great Dao.

"The light of nothingness—"

Dao didn't move at all because of Li Chen's attack, a dark light shot towards Li Chen from the eyes of Dao, and when the light came, even the aura and space turned into an undetectable nothingness.

The speed of light was very fast, leaving little time for Li Chen to react.

At the critical moment of Tongtian Tower's evolution, it could not be used, and Li Chen only had time to turn his will into reality, turning it into crystals of will to form a shield to block the light of nothingness from this avenue.

Li Chen had already experienced the real nothingness when he went to the big world that covered the sky, but compared with the light of nothingness like the Dao, the light of nothingness emitted by the eyes of the Dao seems to be a more solid power of nothingness. public state.

Although this crystallization of will has been tempered by nothingness, although it has a certain resistance to the attack of the light of nothingness, it is defeated in just a moment...

It was at this moment that Li Chen turned his body slightly, and turned his waist and abdomen slightly to one side——

The light of nothingness shot at Li Chen's abdomen, and Li Chen's abdomen in the exercise outfit turned into nothingness, revealing a slightly fair six-pack abs——

But in a blink of an eye, under Li Chen's power, the clothes returned to their original state in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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