Chapter 329 0329 Battle Avenue (First Change)
Part of the crystallization of will was lost, making Li Chen's face slightly pale, but after a while, Li Chen's face returned to rosy.

It cannot be said that Li Chen was at a disadvantage in this silent confrontation, at least Li Chen except for the lost part of the will crystallization, the remaining part of the will crystallization has been improved to varying degrees.

Although the will crystallization can be recovered, the recovery speed is very slow. Li Chen will not use his own will crystallization to test how many such attacks Dao can send out.

But what Li Chen didn't know was that for Dao Dao, even if he relied on Hong Huang, he could only send out one attack within a short period of time.

Originally, he wanted to surprise him, but he didn't expect Li Chen to have such a heaven-defying ability to crystallize his will.

The materialization of will is completely unheard of for Daoist, even Pangu can't reach this level.

Others can only manifest their will to the greatest extent by controlling energy with will, and then using energy to attack or transform into a short-lived temporary body.

When most of the functions of the Tongtian Tower were unavailable, Li Chen directly manifested the Tongtian Tower and smashed it directly towards the avenue.

Just relying on the strength of the top-grade Hongmeng Lingbao level of the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen doesn't believe that the Dao can withstand several blows from the Tongtian Tower.

However, Dao would not stay in place and wait for Li Chen to smash it. The moment the attack did not play its due role, the Eye of Dao disappeared in place in an instant, and appeared thousands of miles away to Li Chen's right, making Li Chen hit nothing.

Although the attack before Da Dao was blocked by Li Chen for a period of time, after Li Chen's crystal shield of will was broken, he still shot towards the Great Desolate Continent, like a laser cannon, directly shot through the Great Desolate Continent, smashing the largest boss world in the Great Desolate The original will was drawn out.

A huge repulsive force fell directly on the two of them, and before they had time to react, it seemed that the surrounding space swam directly and threw them into the prehistoric world.

Dao Dao was dumbfounded, why didn't this follow the script, shouldn't the original will of the world support him vigorously, and defeat Li Chen, an evil force...

Throwing himself out of the prehistoric world, what happened?Can you still play friendly?

Seeing the Eye of the Great Dao, Li Chen was obviously stunned for a moment, and countless thoughts flashed through Li Chen's mind, but his body was faster than his hands, and he directly swung the Tongtian Tower and smashed it on the Eye of the Great Dao.

Although the Eye of the Great Dao is a beat slower, it can only temporarily use the Law of the Great Dao to interweave layers of protective shields in front of it to protect itself.

However, Li Chen used his strength to smash it. Besides, the ability to transform the Tongtian Tower is not suitable for the time being. Its quality lies there. Don't look at Li Chen holding it lightly in his hand. If you change someone, you won't have Li Chen's permission. Under such circumstances, it would be strange not to overwhelm the opponent until there is not even a piece of flesh left.

It can be seen that under the suppression of the Tongtian Tower, the Eye of the Great Dao has to bear the burden that ordinary people cannot bear, although the Great Dao is not ordinary people——

Under the suppression of the Tongtian Tower, these temporary law nets of the Eye of the Great Dao are like layers of thin paper, which can be broken as soon as they are poked.


There was a sound of breaking the line of law, like a wonderful symphony, and with a bang, the Tongtian Tower hit the Eye of the Great Dao.

A circle of ripples spread out under the slamming of the Tongtian Tower. At some point, the avenue had already laid a layer of space shield around him.

When the ripples in this circle of water rippled like hardened glass and made a sound of 'click-click-click-', the avenue flashed and moved to the battlefield before the protective cover shattered.

Everything is but a ten-thousandth of a second.

For both of them, this ten-thousandth of a second can determine the outcome of this battle.

Li Chen didn't get discouraged when he didn't achieve his own effect, that's normal, if he was attacked by himself right away, Li Chen would still feel abnormal.

At the moment when the avenue escaped, Li Chen also stepped into the cracks in the space, and walked around the eye of the avenue.

However, the Eye of the Great Dao is like a tentacle-covered fish with countless laws extending from it, spreading all over the surrounding chaotic void, like a hunter who is quietly waiting for Li Chen, his prey, to take the bait.

Although Li Chen was walking in the cracks of the chaotic space, he was constantly observing the flaws in Dao Dao's body.

Neither of the two made a move first, and the battle eerily calmed down.

Hongjun and the others followed into the chaos, and did not step into the battle circle between the two, but looked at the captain of the two not far from the world barrier of the prehistoric world.

He didn't see the magnificent law of the Dao turbulent, but saw the strange calm of the two, and even Hongjun couldn't help but feel disappointed for a while.

Originally, Hongjun was still thinking about what he could learn from the battle between Li Chen and Dao Dao.

Although Hongjun's real age is beyond Li Chen's imagination, and he has probably seen many battles between great masters, but Hongjun just hasn't broken through to become a great master.

Even Li Chen, a little-known underachiever, has stepped into the Great Dao Realm, and he has not yet become a strong Dao Realm, Hong Jun only felt his face burning hot.

The desire to urgently become a powerful person in the Dao realm can be said to be the strongest in history.

The battle between Li Chen and Dao Dao was different from Dao Dao and Pangu and other Dao Realm or fake Dao Realm powerhouses, because the fake clone from Da Dao led Pan Gu into the long river of time and space, causing the power of Dao Eye's eyes to plummet by nearly half.

The Dao that could have smashed Li Chen, but after losing most of his strength, he could only barely match Li Chen's strength, which led to a stalemate between the two.

Of course, if the Tongtian Tower in Li Chen's hands can exert its full capabilities, it will be another scene.

The time for one stick of incense, two sticks of incense, and three sticks of incense has passed, and the Eye of the Great Dao is like a decoration, motionless in the chaos. Maybe even Li Chen thought that this Dao was dead.

A bad feeling suddenly appeared in Li Chen's heart, this is his own way to warn him——

As the saying goes, if you act first, you will be strong and suffer later. Li Chen decided that no matter what backhands this Dao has, he should attack first, otherwise, when this Dao continues to accumulate, following the growing feeling of badness in his heart, this It was about to evolve into a fatal blow.

After Li Chen moved away from the avenue for a certain distance, Li Chen created a gray 36th-grade robbery lotus flower, but Li Chen played a new trick on the long-lost "Jieyin".

Jie Yin let go, and according to Li Chen's will, he drifted towards the eye of the great way.

(End of this chapter)

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