Chapter 331 0331
The space tunnel opened by the Kemosi ring does not have a suction force like before. On the contrary, a black wind blows out of the hole.

Where the black wind blows, the air of chaos is like a chemical reaction, and the sound of "Zi Zi -" is constantly heard.

Li Chen took back his Kemosi ring at the first time, and a force wrapped himself around him to protect himself from the black wind.

Although the Kemosi ring was taken back by Li Chen, the hole left by the opened space tunnel still exists, and it has not been repaired by the chaotic space, but has a faint tendency to expand.

Blown by the black wind, the energy of chaos was continuously consumed, and Li Chen's power was also rapidly drained under this power.

"The Storm of Nothingness?"

There was a little panic in Dao's tone, which was almost silent, and he obviously had a certain understanding of the origin of the void storm.

At the moment when this void storm appeared, Hongjun brought a kind of melon-eating crowd back to the prehistoric world.

Otherwise, with their strength, they would simply give a sacrifice to this void storm.

"What is the void storm?"

Li Chen sent a voice transmission to Hongjun and asked.

Hongjun's voice in his mind smiled wryly and explained to Li Chen again and again.

"There is yin and there is yang in the world. Although chaos seems to be a unity of chaos, it is not the power of infinity, and there are still divisions of yin and yang. After the world on the other side of chaos meets chaos, there will not be such things as in the chaotic world. The general swallowing and fusion of the world will dissipate two by two into the invisible, so it is called a storm of nothingness. That is to say, this storm can return all the matter and energy flow it comes into contact with to nothingness! In my memory, when In the world of Hongmeng, there was also a void storm, and it only appeared during the big brother Pangu's battle against the Beast Emperor. At that time, the Dao was just a "tool". It took a while for the eldest brother to repair it, so if you encounter a void storm, you can hide as far as you can-"

As he said that, Hongjun looked at the prehistoric world with some concern, wondering whether the world barrier of the prehistoric world could resist the attack of the storm of nothingness.

However, the timing of the prehistoric is very far away from the source of the storm, and the void storm will not reach the prehistoric so quickly.

After thinking for a long time, Hongjun felt that his head was getting bigger, so he simply stopped thinking about this annoying matter.After all, Honghuang is not his own, and Pangu has been resurrected at this time, and the Pangu Yuanling in Honghuang has been almost exhausted. Even if Honghuang is destroyed, it will not have much impact on him.

When the sky fell, there was a tall man supporting it, and there was still a powerful will of the origin of heaven and earth guarding it in the prehistoric, even if there was no origin of heaven and earth, there was still a way.

Although Hongjun doesn't know why Dao is staring at Honghuang, he also knows that there must be profits in this flood. Unless Dao is ready to give up Honghuang, Dao will have to stand on the same front as the origin of heaven and earth to resist this storm of nothingness.

Wanting to give up the prehistoric world, Hong Junguang thinks it is impossible after thinking about it. After all, it has been laid out for so long, and just let go like this.

In Hongjun's memory alone, Dao Dao has never once or twice thought about Honghuang. Back then, Heavenly Dao was in charge of Honghuang. To harass Honghuang, the so-called "Day of Heaven" and "Day of Heaven" are not a joke.Faintly, it seems that the Dao is restrained by the Dao of Heaven, which is confusing. Compared with the Dao of Heaven is only a derivative of the Dao, Hongjun believes that the Dao of Heaven is the one left by Pangu to restrain the Dao——

But even so, Avenue still hit a few sidelines.

At the beginning of the opening of the sky, he forcibly bestowed the merits of opening the sky to the Sanqing transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, and when Houtu transformed into reincarnation, he followed Houtu's oath and recorded it in the prehistoric wilderness. As for Li Chen, I won't say much about it.

The way of heaven is gone, and the activities of the avenue are even more rampant.

Constantly leaving footprints and backhands in the prehistoric world...

A storm of nothingness blew directly past, and Li Chen felt that the layer of protection on his body was getting thinner and energy was passing away, so he couldn't help but accelerate towards the direction of the prehistoric world.

The same is true for the avenue. The entire avenue’s eye is like a bubble. The bubble containing the avenue has the same effect as the world barrier, but compared to the real world barrier, it seems that something is missing. So much so that this barrier can't last long at all, it flickers in and out of the chaos, as if it will be shattered at any time.

Li Chen has never experienced this storm of nothingness, and he feels disapproving of Dao and Hongjun's exaggerated reactions, because there is almost nothing in the chaos that can cause harm to the strong in the Dao realm, and only the Dao realm can cause harm strong.

For this storm of nothingness, Li Chen is more curious and exploring.

Li Chen was closer to the prehistoric world, so he was one step faster than Da Dao in terms of speed. Seeing Da Dao rushing from behind, Li Chen slapped Da Dao lightly.

In an instant, the giant palm was filled with countless runes, and all the runes were constantly fissioning. One rune was transformed into two, and two became four. The giant palm continued to grow larger as time passed, and the density between the runes continued to increase. As it becomes denser, its attack power is also increasing.

A loud roar came from behind Li Chen, and the giant palm attacked the shield bubble of Dao. The shield was like a balloon meeting a needle. Blow it over.

It looks like a breeze is blowing on the face, but the smooth surface of the Eye of the Great Dao has become uneven as if eaten by moths.

Sensing the situation behind him, Li Chen couldn't help but tremble.

This is simply the chaotic version of concentrated sulfuric acid. Once it is splashed on the face, it will be disfigured and turned into a super disabled person.

Seeing that the Great Desolate Continent was right in front of him, when Li Chen was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Li Chen felt his feet tighten.

At some point, a chain of laws wrapped around his feet——

"I fuck..."

Li Chen couldn't help swearing, and the chain of the law was tightened in an instant, and Li Chen was suddenly pulled towards his place by the Dao without preparation.

Countless Dao law chains stick to Li Chen, as if he came alive, like wrapping rice dumplings, wrapping Li Chen round and round in it, there is a kind of determination that I will not have a good time, and I will not let you have a good time.

At this moment, the Eye of the Dao added another layer of shield to itself, and the protective layer on Li Chen's body began to make a crackling sound like glass breaking under the strong siege of the Dao.

"Damn, Dao, you forced me!!!"

Seeing this storm of nothingness intensifies, the output of its own power is also increasing.

Li Chen couldn't help gnashing his teeth at Da Dao.

This avenue is simply an injury-for-injury style of play.

I couldn't help feeling a little regretful about my previous decision, but if Li Chen could choose again, Li Chen would still choose to attack Dao.

Suddenly, this storm of nothingness was like an air bomb, and it slammed towards Dao Dao and Li Chen. The Dao Laws wrapped around Li Chen's body were corroded and broken one by one under the bombardment of the air of nothingness.

However, Li Chen and Dao Dao were caught off guard by this sudden storm of nothingness.

Li Chen's body was directly shaken out of internal injuries, and there were faint cracks in the body formed by the crystallization of will.

The Dao was even more tragic, the little bubble burst directly under the attack of the nothingness storm, and once again appeared in the storm so defenselessly——

Once again, he was given a decomposing operation by the void storm——

(End of this chapter)

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