Chapter 332 0332 Underhanded (Second More)
Li Chen sensed his own strength, and after weighing the gains and losses, Li Chen resolutely gave up his plan to fight the Daoist.

It's not worth it no matter what.

At this moment, both Li Chen and the Eye of the Dao were injured, and their senses had been enhanced to the extreme, and they both watched each other's every move to prevent the other party from making a sudden move.

After retreating a certain distance, Li Chen rushed towards Honghuang.

The Eye of the Great Dao flew towards the other side of the Great Desolation, and was not going to enter the Great Desolation in the same direction as Li Chen. Who knows if Li Chen ambushed himself on the road.

Both of them were very wary of each other, and after the other left their sight, they all hid their tracks.

Even if the two of them try to hide their tracks, it's like stealing the bell, just trying to comfort them psychologically.

The aura of the two alone is as dazzling as a bright light in the dark night in the wild. Even if the two try their best to hide it, the difference between the higher and lower creatures is not something ordinary people can cover up.

However, this void storm blew across the prehistoric world, and the prehistoric world barrier suddenly seemed to blow a gust of wind on the calm lake, with waves and ripples spreading to the surroundings, and the power of the entire world barrier continued to be consumed during the continuation of the storm.

In the fourth wave of worlds that have arrived outside the prehistoric world, within the range of this storm, the Xiaoqian world is like being erased by an eraser, but a storm of nothingness passed, and disappeared one after another.

Zhongqian World is better, but the speed of disappearing is much slower than Xiaoqian World.

As for the Great Thousand World, it has been able to exist in this emptiness storm for a long time, but if it goes on for a long time, it still cannot escape the fate of being destroyed.

Only a very few worlds in the Middle Thousand World have time to integrate into the Great Thousand World, while the Small Thousand World is completely destroyed.

Therefore, the great world, with the cooperation of the creatures in the world, speeds up towards the prehistoric world.

Only by merging into the prehistoric world can one escape from this catastrophe. Inadvertently, most of the fourth wave of world fusion was completed in this void storm.

Maybe it was a surprise.

Whenever the original will of the world can't hold on and prepares to draw the power in the world to fill the shortfall, there will be one or two great worlds merged into the prehistoric world, constantly injecting oil into the prehistoric, and it is precisely this that makes the prehistoric so strong.

The original will of heaven and earth without wisdom and thought can't help but feel disgusted with Li Chen and Dao, the two chief culprits.

Coupled with Li Chen's actions before, Great Desolate World's disgust towards Li Chen is much stronger than Dao Dao's.

In other words, at this time Li Chen was in the prehistoric world, and his strength would be lowered by at least two levels.

Li Chen didn't care, seeing that Dao Dao's injury was more serious than his own, and the strength of his being suppressed by two layers, if calculated, it was about the same level as Da Dao's injury.

If you want to rate the injuries of yourself and Dao, you can count yourself as a minor injury at most, while Dao is at least seriously injured.

Don't you see that the damage caused by this void storm cannot be repaired by power at all.

The power neutralized by nothingness is directly returned to nothing, that is to say, if a piece of meat is missing, then the information of this piece of meat in your part will be lost. If you want to recover, you can only use the information of other parts to deduce this information. Part information, and then rely on this information to integrate energy, and turn it into a piece of flesh on your wound.

In other words, after a severed hand, even if it is restored, it will only create a brand new hand instead of the original one.

This is the power of the void storm. When Li Chen and Da Dao first fought, the attack from Da Dao was actually a manifestation of the void storm.

It's not clear how Daoist managed this power, but judging from Daoist's response to the void storm, even if Grand Dao can use this similar power, its own resistance to the void storm is not very high.

Li Chen can't go out in this world, the original will of heaven and earth really has nothing to do with Li Chen for a while, and even if he wants to deal with Li Chen, the original will of heaven and earth can't draw strength.

After all, all the power of the origin of heaven and earth is used to resist this storm of nothingness.

At this moment, if Li Chen can not make trouble, the original will of heaven and earth is already thankful.

As time passed, the intensity of this void storm also continued to weaken, and the chaos at this moment could hardly be called chaos, because Li Chen sensed that almost the area where the flood was located had become blank.

In other words, this area has no energy of chaos, no power of law, nothing but real emptiness.

This kind of emptiness is not nothingness, emptiness has a spatial structure, but there is no filling in this space, and if there is nothingness, there is nothing, no space, no time, and there will be no such things as energy laws.

The original regional diaphragm of the chaotic world is unobstructed at this moment, and countless chaotic air flows from the chaos of other regions towards the region where the prehistoric region is located.

Just like water from a high place will flow to a low place, this blank area and the area with chaotic air form the relationship between high and low pressure.

The whole area should be merged into the prehistoric world. Basically, all the worlds that have not merged have become bruised and bruised under the ravages of the void storm. It is almost not far from disintegration.

After the chaotic storm receded, Li Chen had almost cultivated himself in the wild.

Then he stepped out of the wilderness and went to the hole he opened with Kemosi. If it is true, Li Chen cannot be blamed for the void storm. Before the storm, there was a violent vibration in the wilderness and the whole chaos. It is certain that All of Chaos has been met with some powerful force.And what Li Chen made was just an introduction to venting the power of nothingness.

Seeing the power of nothingness fading away, Li Chen sensed that the God Realm was not affected at all, and fixed the black hole with the kermos ring, and couldn't help but feel the desire to explore it.

But standing at the entrance of the cave, Li Chen seemed a little hesitant.

If his Supreme Treasure Tongtian Pagoda could use all its strength, Li Chen would not mind going to find out, but now——

Thinking of the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen quickly put his perception into the Tongtian Tower.

The result was a bit gratifying, but Li Chen sensed that the Tongtian Pagoda was about to undergo the last step of promotion. This last promotion, with the blessing of the fortune jade plate, Li Chen's Tongtian Pagoda was no longer a pure fighting tool It is a holy place for cultivation that can be practiced and blessed! ! !
Before Li Chen could get excited, a huge force struck from behind——

"Da Dao, fuck—"

Li Chen's shock and anger came from the black hole, and it didn't subside for a long time——

(End of this chapter)

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