Chapter 338 0338 Find fault?Probe! (Second more)

Li Chen originally just wanted to take a vacation for himself in peace, but the weather was unfavorable, and things often backfired.

Li Chen doesn't look for trouble, it doesn't mean that trouble doesn't come to Li Chen.

Although Li Chen likes to watch the excitement, Li Chen doesn't like being treated as the excitement.

Outside the palace, a loud voice——

"What a coincidence, Tasen Fei, what are you doing here? Hehe, you really are a bitch of life, licking your face like this and serving others as servants, you have completely lost the face of our Tasen civilization, bitch- People are sluts, even if you change your name and surname, you still can’t change your slut nature. It’s just as disgusting as your slut mother. In my world of Tasen Suomiro, I haven’t gone to Tasen Wise Girl Where I can’t, I’d like to see who the aborigines you brought back from the newly discovered star realm are, get out of the way!…”

Tasenfei looked at Tasen Zhinv, although his eyes were almost spitting fire, but he still held back his anger and said: "Tasen Zhinv, you can insult my mother, you can insult me, but don't point the finger at me. For others, my mother did destroy the relationship between the emperor and your mother. I don't deny this, because I don't know the entanglement between the three of them, and I don't comment. But no matter which star realm is here The powerful people are not the ones we should touch, I am here to guard this is the meaning of the emperor, if you have any opinions, you can go to the emperor to ask, and acting recklessly will only bring disaster to our civilization!"

"Disaster? My Tasen civilization is at the top of the alliance. I suppress those fantasy-side civilizations with the body of technological civilization and take charge of the power of the alliance. How can a native who has never seen it before be able to compete. I think there is a disaster. He's right..., hahahaha..., get out of the way, don't let me say it a third time!"

Ta Senfei did not step aside as Tasen Zhinv wished, but still stood motionless at the door.

I saw that Tasen Zhinv's eyes narrowed suddenly, and there was a chill on her body, "What a Tasenfei, go out to complete a task, and even I don't even pay attention to it when you come back. This is very good, very good... "

After a pause, Tasen Zhinv then said, "I'll see how much you've grown—"

As he spoke, he put on a posture of going to a battle.

The class consciousness of the tower body civilization is very strong. As one of the few succession candidates of the civilization, both of them have been physically developed.

As far as physique is concerned, it is almost equivalent to a golden fairy level, and it can be seen that most people in the entire Tasen civilization have a physique above Xuanxian.

The technology on the technology side is almost mythical, and it is almost impossible to see the appearance of technology, but if the operator is too weak, it will not be able to exert the power of this technology at all.

Although most of the weapons are already equipped with intelligent systems, the technology that has reached the Dao level is not something that ordinary "mortals" or intelligent systems can control.

If you want to control a mythical level weapon, you must first become a myth, even if it is only a weaker myth——

The two confronted each other, but they saw Li Chen coming out of the hall clapping, "It's very good, it's really interesting."

Watching a free episode of the family drama of Tasen Somiro World Tasen Civilization Royal Family, Li Chen felt that except for the difference in appearance, he was no different from the prehistoric world and the human race on the earth.

"My lord, Sister Tasen Zhinv just doesn't know how powerful your lord is, so she definitely didn't intend to offend you." Ta Senfei panted when she saw Li Chen coming out.

For Li Chen, besides feeling mysterious, Ta Senfei was powerless.

A strong man who can survive in the void world already has the preliminary strength to fight against that 'evil' beast.

Tasenfei is very clear that his own civilization just researched the star shuttle that can exist in nothingness, and has already extended a series of offensive and defensive methods from the technology of this star shuttle, which has made Tasen civilization a The overlord of this world sea, and even this alliance of hopefuls exist because of the existence of Tassen civilization. Without Tassen civilization, other powerful people or civilizations simply refuse to cross the nothingness between worlds to gather together.

Li Chen did not respond to Tasen Fei's words, but looked at Tasen Zhinv, and asked casually:

"I heard you want to see me?"

"Are you the native that Tasenfei brought back?" Tasen Zhinv looked at Li Chen for a week, and asked out of boredom.

"Indigenous? Okay, you say yes..."

Li Chen laughed, and had no intention of arguing with the natives that Tasen Zhinv said.

After all, what we are looking at now is not the question of whether the aborigines are natives or not, but who is powerful enough to put you down. Then who is aboriginal is the other way around. Weakness = aborigines, strength = right to speak, this is Li Chen But it is very clear, and the prehistoric and the earth are acting like this.

If the Indians were stronger than the Portuguese headed by Columbus and others, Columbus and others called the Indians indigenous to ensure that the Indians would not kill them!But if there is no if, strong is strong and weak is weak.

This principle is also applicable here.

"Is there anything else? If you have nothing to do, don't quarrel outside. It will affect people's mood. Once I'm in a bad mood, don't think about other people's mood—"

The seemingly rogue words showed Li Chen's confidence in his own strength.

Without strength, if you want to make others feel bad, that is the way to die.

"Also, you call your emperor, don't come to test, if everyone is here, let me know, or you will bear the consequences..."

Although the wise girl with the body of the tower wanted to say something, she opened her mouth but said nothing.

Seeing the appearance of this wise woman from Tasen, Li Chen was secretly proud: Xiao Mian, I still can't cure you, just looking at it, I know that the emperor is testing himself.

Perhaps Tasen Zhinv really has some family entanglement with Tasenfei, but as a civilized princess, it is impossible to be so unwise, let alone not knowing Li Chen's power, just being able to walk in nothingness is enough. enough to get attention.

Under normal circumstances, the other party must have notified the upper and lower officials not to disturb him.

Maybe it was to find out his attitude, or maybe it was for other reasons, he just sent this Tasen wise woman who had an old grievance with Tasen Fei to test it out.

It can be said that this temptation was a success, or it could be said that it was a failure. The success lies in the fact that Li Chen did not get angry because of it. People pointed it out on the spot, although Tasen Civilization did not admit it, but this also made it possible that the information Tasen Civilization obtained from Li Chen was only processed by Li Chen, and the real situation may not be as Li Chen expressed——

After Li Chen finished speaking, the whole figure turned into little stars and dissipated in front of everyone. They never thought that the person who came here was not Li Chen himself, but just one of his avatars.

Tasen Zhinv suddenly looked shocked. You must know that the smart person you brought is equipped with a real body measurement module, but you have not received any information, which means that in the definition of this real body measurement module, Li Chen's This clone is a real real body.

You must know that this real body measurement module can distinguish between the real body and the clone of a strong person in the fantasy side of the sky——

(End of this chapter)

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