Chapter 339 0339 ranking? (first update)
After Li Chen left in the astonishment of Tasen Zhinv, Tasen Zhinv seemed to have no desire to continue entangled with Ta Senfei. The kind that doesn't even say hello when they meet.

As the eldest princess of Tasen civilization, she has the qualifications of the first heir. To be honest, Tasen Zhinv has not put Tasenfei in her eyes.For her own mother, this is even more impossible. For the somewhat selfish Tasen Zhinv, she would never take the grievances of the previous generation on herself.Besides, Tasen Zhinv didn't think that her mother was the victim. She was powerful and powerful. It was said that even her father climbed to the imperial power from among many brothers and sisters because of her mother's power.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Li Chen. Not long after Tasen Zhinv left, Tasenfei came to tell Li Chen that the members of the Alliance World had arrived and invited Li Chen to the meeting hall.

The location of the meeting hall is not very far from the palace arranged by the Tassen civilization for Li Chen. The distance is almost as long as the diameter of a small thousand world. It only takes 1 minute to cross this distance.Among them, 55 seconds were due to the time it took to activate the teleportation equipment.

Of course, for Li Chen, it is even closer. If you know the location, you only need to take one step, and you can span tens of thousands of light years.

However, Li Chen did not do this, but experienced the transmission of technological civilization under the guidance of Ta Senfei——

Come to the meeting hall, although this meeting hall is marked as a hall, it is actually a floating palace.

There are nearly 1.3 creatures of different races sitting in the hall. There are green people who are only about [-] meters long, and there are Dulong people with a mouthful of fangs, only one eye and two pairs of arms. Ordinary spider people...

There are all kinds of things, giving Li Chen the feeling that this place is like a zoo, and he is a tourist who came to visit——

Seeing that there are more than 600 alien races, these are actually representatives of more than 200 worlds, because some worlds are still dominated by a parliamentary system, and basically those who use a parliamentary system are technological civilizations.It can be seen that many creatures in the hall are not very strong.

All in all, cultivation civilization still accounts for the majority.

For example, the Dulong tribe cultivated their one-eyed eye. This one-eyed eye has a peculiar power. After every Dulong tribe male becomes an adult, this one-eyed eye can randomly acquire a certain ability.

These abilities are strong or weak. The strong ones can destroy the ordinary middle-thousand world and the great-thousand world, while the weak ones are just like ordinary people. There is no change at all, except for a little more strength, uh, the demand for that aspect is a little stronger——

Seeing Li Chen coming, when Li Chen didn't show any aura of power, Li Chen looked like a harmless human being, it should be said that he was a human being with no power to restrain a chicken.

"Another weak chicken race, weak chicken civilization—"

"Never seen a creature of this racial civilization, it seems to be a new wretch."

"The frequency of this 'beast' capturing worlds is getting higher and higher. It is estimated that the cub is about to enter the growth stage. I don't know how many worlds will suffer this time." A hair like a living thing, looking a little The old alien sighed and said.

What I didn't finish was "I don't know when it will be my turn in the world—"

After listening to this, many foreigners felt sorry for each other.

"Ordinary beings are better off. You don't have to be like us, afraid of your own ending because your lifespan is almost the same as in the world—"

"Those ordinary creatures are good? Then you just transform into the Dao. What are you doing at such a high level to waste resources? It's not like there are no fools who have transformed into the Dao before."

A creature disdainfully said, obviously not agreeing with this statement.

A strong person in the Dao of Heaven is basically difficult to kill, except for the existence above the Dao of Heaven to shoot, or fall into nothingness, it is almost impossible to kill a strong person in the Dao of Heaven, and the lifespan of a strong person in the Dao of Heaven is almost impossible. Almost infinite, if he wants to die in the realm of heaven, he must transform himself into Tao.Huadao is a general term for people who commit suicide or homicide with advanced Taoism. This kind of destruction is from the inside to the outside, and the self becomes a part of the Tao. There is no good or evil, no preferences, and no self. In this way, it is equivalent to death.And once this process of transformation begins, it is irreversible!Nor can it be revived.

Li Chen doesn't know whether the Great Dao Realm can revive the Taoist, after all, he hasn't tested it in detail.


"What are you..., am I wrong..."

The creature who found fault didn't pay attention to this sorrowful creature at all. The two seemed to be hostile, but in fact the two races, and even the relationship between the two were very good.

Leaving aside the basic relationship between the two, Tasenfei's father, Tasenhao, the emperor of the Tasen civilization, as the host, stood up and said:

"My Tasen civilization welcomes this strong man to join our alliance. My Tasen civilization proposes that the civilization of this strong man be upgraded to the second civilization. Do you have any opinions?"

As soon as Ta Senhao said this, the whole meeting room exploded.

As a technological civilization, the Tassen civilization can become the first civilization. The main reason is that the Tassen civilization can walk in nothingness, while other civilizations do not have this ability and can only rely on their breath.

This random creature who doesn't know the basics will suggest that it become a civilization second only to the Tassen civilization, so that these civilizations are capable.

Especially the original second civilization Brilliant Civilization, this civilization is a cultivation civilization, if Li Chen becomes the second civilization, the ranking of this Brilliant Civilization will definitely drop by one rank.

Although it is just a ranking, this ranking represents the amount of resources that can be obtained in this alliance, and basically no civilization is willing to give up.

"I have opinions about Brilliant Civilization..."

"My spider-man civilization has an opinion..."

"I have a problem with hunting civilization..."

"I have opinions on the supreme civilization..."



Almost 98% of the civilizations have opinions on Li Chen becoming the second civilization.

Li Chen was stunned from the beginning. He didn't know what the second civilization and the first civilization represented. When he saw these civilizations, he opposed them. Even if Li Chen didn't know what it was, he knew that it represented benefits.

I was still growing up in this hall, and these civilizations began to discuss on their own.

Seeing that Ta Senhao seemed to have forgotten himself, and didn't show him a seat or anything, Li Chen got bored, took out a set of tables and desks that he refined, and went straight to the palace to relax and sit down. Get some tea.

Those races didn't have any detailed information about Li Chen at all, so many civilizations miscalculated Li Chen's strength.

Seeing Li Chen ignoring everyone's objections, they couldn't help shouting: "I f*** want to challenge you..."


(End of this chapter)

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