Chapter 340 0340 Stop Howling (Second More)
Li Chen didn't raise his head, and said directly:
"who are you?"

"No. 255 Singularity Civilization, Singularity."

Only then did Li Chen look up at the creature who claimed to be Singularity. Singularity gave Li Chen the feeling that he was a cultivator, but in fact Singularity had never been cultivated, it was just a creature similar to innate and sacred.


Seeing the state of the singularity, Li Chen couldn't help but gasped slightly.

This singularity gave Li Chen the same feeling as the singularity, everything around him was being devoured by him, this was not an active behavior, but just an instinct.

"You are a celestial being!"

Li Chen seemed to be asking, but his tone was extremely certain.

Singularity was not curious about why Li Chen could know his real body. If he couldn't even see his real body, it wouldn't be worthy of Tasen Civilization's nomination for Li Chen.

"Yes, I am a celestial being. After I devoured everything in my world, I gave birth to consciousness. Later, I felt lonely, so I separated a few children from my own body. Later, this Tassen civilization Come to the world where I am and invite me to be a member of the alliance, so I came. Now I have been unable to break through, I don’t know if it’s because I’m on the wrong path, or what, but I feel that you are very strong , I want to fight with you!"

This singularity gives people a very quiet feeling, but it sounds like a chatterbox.

Although the Singularity is the lowest of all fantasy side civilizations, not even the cultivation base of the Dao of Heaven, but the power of the Singularity is beyond the general powerhouse of the early stage of the Dao of Heaven.

As he said, it seems to be bound by this physique, no matter how the singularity breaks through, there is no way to break through to the heavenly realm.

It seems that at the peak of a saint, the pseudo-heaven realm is already the end point.

Li Chen didn't say anything about the singularity's request, but nodded and said, "Wait a while..."

After speaking, he made a pot of tea smoothly, poured two cups, and flew towards the singularity with a wave of his sleeves.

"Please, drink and I'll fight with you—"

It is the beauty of Li Chen preparing to become an adult. This singularity is similar to the prehistoric Xingjun. Compared with Xingjun, this singularity is definitely stronger, and even Xingjun can't do a single move in front of him.

All the stars are restrained by this singularity. If Honghuang Xingjun encounters the singularity, he will probably cry.

In an instant, many things flashed through Li Chen's mind, all of which were unknown to Singularity.

The singularity took the teacup, didn't think about anything, and drank it all in one gulp.

After Li Chen drank the tea in his hand in one gulp, he said to the singularity: "I've drunk the tea too, let's start."

Although it was said to start, Li Chen was not ready to make a move, but was waiting for the singularity to make the first move.

Seeing that Li Chen showed no sign of making a move, Singularity knew to charge directly towards Li Chen.

In this collision, even the powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Realm who are higher than the starting point in the alliance dare not force it.

This is almost a blow with the entire mass of a secondary world, even if this blow doesn't have any energy.

Under the impact of the singularity, the path that this Tassen world has passed through, even the space has bursts of waves.

But when he rushed in front of Li Chen, he saw Li Chen perform a Tai Chi gesture with his hand, and the singularity seemed to be unable to control himself at all, moving with Li Chen's hand.

When Li Chen appeared behind the Singularity in an instant, the Singularity seemed to have realized something, and it seemed to be fixed, and it was fixed directly.

Li Chen clapped his hands, as if he had done something insignificant.


Seeing that Li Chen solved the singularity in such a way, a civilized congressman who thought he was a strong practitioner could not help being very unbelievable, and questioned in disbelief:

"What method did you use? Even I dare not take the savage collision of the singularity. You must have used some disgraceful method. The move you just made was so soft that you can't see any power at all..."

Seeing that he was still croaking, Li Chen couldn't help but interrupt him and said, "Have you said enough? Who are you?"

"I am Tarqu, the leader of the 108th civilization, boy..."

Li Chen didn't want to hear him continue talking, he was on par with Tang Seng. "Do you want to fight or not?"

He also seemed to realize that he was talking too much. Hearing Li Chen's impatient tone, he couldn't help but grinned and said, "Hit, definitely! I'm afraid I'll beat you until you cry... Hahahaha..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"



Many foreigners heard this and couldn't help booing.

"Go ahead..."

Li Chen said with his hands behind his back, a cold light flashed in his eyes, it was like trying to die.

As soon as the strong alien came to the center of the hall, a transparent barrier immediately rose around him.

The palace of this meeting hall seems to be a treasure of science and technology, and the entire meeting hall directly became similar to the layout of the Colosseum after Li Chen started the battle.

Li Chen felt very uncomfortable in it, as if he was just an acrobat, and he didn't want the idea of ​​ranking in the second civilization, so he couldn't help but want to make a quick decision.

As soon as the foreign strongman entered, he directly sacrificed a trumpet-like treasure.

Li Chen found it interesting, maybe he was going to say a few words: Wowotou, Wowotou, two yuan for one yuan, hehe...

But it wasn't like what Li Chen thought, a scream came from the mouth of the strong man of the foreign race, and with the blessing of this trumpet-like treasure, the entire battle field was enveloped by the sound waves.

The shield covering the entire field suddenly rippled like a wind blowing on a calm lake.

Although the shriek was weakened by almost nine layers by the shield, many foreigners still frowned and blocked their ears.

"I really can't figure it out, the sound is so ugly, why do you still learn the way of music, it's simply poisoning our ears——"

A creature whispered.

His face was so ugly that it wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.


In the arena, Li Chen didn't seem to be affected at all, and walked towards the strong alien step by step.

In the astonishment of the strong man of the foreign race, Li Chen directly punched the face of the foreign race.

"Call you howl, I'll call you howl, it's okay if the sound is ugly, but I'm ashamed to howl..."



"I'm at odds with you..."

As he spoke, a more powerful sound wave erupted from his mouth, but——

Before he could say anything, Li Chen made an uppercut from the bottom up.


"I told you to stop howling, if you don't believe me, you really deserve a beating—"

With that said, Li Chen added a few more punches, which directly stumped the strong man of the foreign race.

I have never been so ashamed before, it was ashamed to be thrown at my grandma's house.

When Li Chen was about to continue, the singularity erupted with an earth-shattering aura, as if the entire world of Tasensomiro was shaken by this aura.

(End of this chapter)

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