Chapter 341 0341 Seven Moves (First Change)
The singularity stood there, as if the whole person disappeared between the heaven and the earth. It was not that the singularity really disappeared, but that the devouring power on the singularity became stronger again, so that the light, consciousness, and spiritual energy all disappeared. And so on, all matter and energy are swallowed up by the singularity at the moment of encountering it.

If it weren't for Singularity controlling the devouring force brought by the huge gravitational force on his body, maybe Singularity would have swallowed the world of Tasensomiro as food bite by bite.

"Congratulations to Singularity, becoming a strong man in the Dao of Heaven..."



Some of the powerhouses who are familiar with Singularity stepped forward to congratulate. As the Tasen civilization that led Singularity into the alliance, Tasenhao also stepped forward to congratulate.

"Congratulations on becoming a strong Tiandao mirror. I wonder if you have any idea of ​​joining our Tassen civilization at Singularity? ...Of course, if you don't want to or have other plans, then forget it——"

Considering that Singularity is a lone ranger with almost no constraints of racial civilization, etc., Tasenhao invited Singularity, but Tasenhao knew the nature of Singularity and did not force him too much.

As Tasenhao thought, this singularity did not choose to join the Tasen civilization, and seemed to have other plans.

But seeing that singularity come to Li Chen, he bowed to Li Chen and said: "Thank you for the tea, if there is a chance, I will return your favor..., you can ask me for anything, as long as it does not violate the principle , I will try my best to achieve it!"

Just tell Li Chen clearly: Invite me to join your subordinates...

Singularity did not directly join Li Chen's subordinates because of considerations. If he just rejected Tasen Civilization and turned around and asked to join Li Chen's subordinates, wouldn't this mean that Tasen Civilization is not as good as Li Chen? This is simply provoking a war.

If you join Li Chen's command in this way, not to mention it is for repaying a favor, normal people will only think that it is revenge for kindness.

But if he owed a promise because of repaying Li Chen's love, and Li Chen asked to join his subordinates, the nature of this would be different.

At least the former gives people the feeling that Tasen civilization is inferior to Li Chen, and the latter feels that Singularity only joined Li Chen's command because of personal relationship, and has no direct relationship with the strength of Tasen civilization.

If it is the former, no matter whether Tasen Civilization is willing to fight Li Chen or not, for the honor of Tasen Civilization, Tasen Civilization will fight Li Chen.

However, Singularity did not guess what Li Chen was thinking. For Singularity, tea is very precious. To Li Chen, the tea leaves of the Enlightenment Tea Tree are simply as much as they want, and they can only be used to quench their thirst.


"It's okay, you are more pleasing to the eye, but it's just a matter of lifting your hands—"

After he finished speaking, Li Chen looked at the group of aliens and continued: "Do you still want to fight? If you don't fight, I'll go back. It's so boring——"

Said and yawned.

One sentence immediately annoyed all the alien races, and everyone turned their eyes back to Li Chen again. This time Li Chen is the protagonist, not the singularity.

Seeing Li Chen's indifferent attitude, Qidian's eyes lit up, which meant that either Li Chen didn't care about everyone at all.Either Li Chen really felt that this battle was too boring.

No matter which result it is, it all reflects Li Chen's self-confidence - a kind of almost blind self-confidence in his own strength, known as the self-confidence of fans...

"I'll fight you!"

"and many more……"

Seeing that the foreign race was ready to attack as soon as it arrived, Li Chen couldn't help but stop.

"What? Seeing that I am too powerful, are you ready to admit defeat?"

Hearing your foreigner's words, Li Chen rolled his eyes: brother, you think too much.

Without replying to the foreigner, Li Chen expressed his own thoughts: "I don't think it's interesting to just call back and forth like this. Why don't we make a splash?"

Hearing what Li Chen said, not only the aliens who fought against Li Chen, but also those who did not fight were very interested, and they all focused their attention on Li Chen.

"What kind of addition?"

"The two sides in the competition each take out a treasure, the winner gets the opponent's treasure, and the loser loses the treasure, how?"

Li Chen said, and at the same time took out the things he wanted to prepare.

A white jade jar of tea leaves, just asking about the fragrance of the tea, even those who are strong in the Heavenly Dao Realm will feel refreshed and their thoughts will be much more flexible.

He couldn't help being very passionate about the tea in Li Chen's hand.

"This is my Dao Enlightenment tea, and it is also effective for those who are strong in the Dao of Heaven. I am the only one in the world who has this treasure. I wonder what treasure you are willing to produce?"

With that said, Li Chen looked at the foreign race in front of him and said.

The alien thought for a while and took out something.

"This is the crown of the emperor, a treasure exclusive to the emperor, mainly to increase the ability, one is to increase the speed of the emperor's cultivation, and the other is to increase the coercion of the emperor, weakening the resistance of all living beings—"

"Okay, it's really a good treasure, how about we ask the many civilizations present to supervise it together? These two treasures will be placed in the Tassen civilization first, I don't know..."

Li Chen said and looked at Ta Senhao of Tasen Civilization and opened his mouth.

"Our Tassen civilization is very happy to keep it for the two of you."

Li Chen threw away the Dao Enlightenment tea in his hand, and appeared directly on Tasenhao's table, and seeing this, the foreigner imitated Li Chen and placed the treasure in his hand with Tasenhao.

"Let's get started..."

"No...we're done already?"

The creature was about to speak, but found that at some point, Li Chen in front of him appeared behind him, the palm of his hand was only a finger away from his head, and a wave of Li Chen wrapped himself directly from Li Chen's palm, and his whole body was wrapped in this wave. Under the power, it is like a doll, which cannot be controlled at all, and it is even impossible to transfer one's original will out of this body.

A cold sweat fell from his forehead.

"I surrender!"

The foreigner hurriedly opened his mouth. After all, no matter how precious the treasure is, it is not as precious as his own life.Besides, that treasure doesn't have much effect on him, after all, he is not the emperor.

Li Chen's power is in the eyes of that foreign race. Although it is not clear how powerful Li Chen is, it is absolutely no problem to be ranked in the top twenty.

Having won, Li Chen looked around and said, "Is there anything else to challenge? If not..."

"I'm number 18, Lusen Lulu challenges you!"

Lu Sen Lulu took out a book-like treasure and said: "This is the book of omniscience, which contains all the mysteries of the universe, but these mysteries are of little use to us cultivators on the fantasy side, but for the science and technology side It is no less than a civilization treasure for China's civilization."

"Very good, this book really interested me." Li Chen said.

"So I decided to deal with you in about seven strokes in delay, how about it? Be happy—"

Hearing Li Chen's words, Lu Sen Lulu couldn't help saying angrily: "Arrogance..."

(End of this chapter)

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